League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

01 Sep


This has happened to me as well. I had to relog to see the LP update (that usually works?)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by FaeeLOL

Sure, but that still keeps the facecheck situation the same? You would still want to start with it and time it correctly to combo off of that afterwards to get faster ult. That goes for every single situation where an enemy is coming towards you without seeing you, such as just running into a bush when somebody is chasing you and turning the fight with the faster combo afterwards. I have no doubt that it increases power unless it acts as an autoattack and subsequently makes you need to wait to be able to autoattack after using it. That would then actually make it just for style since autoattacking would both deal more damage and have no risk with it.

I mean it roots you for 3 seconds, and cost 1 gold to use. If you can manage to use that as a opening all the time, then you deserve that opening style point

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by The_Yeti_Rider

Ah, well he is right, i couldnt remember for sure


Originally posted by Reav3

One thing that’s unique to Samira but not shown here is here taunt. Her taunt is actually a skill shot that cost one gold to use. She roots herself and flicks a coin that does 1 damage to anything it hits. It also counts as a unique source of damage for her style passive

not only does it actually GIVE one gold to your enemy when you land it, but it also AUTO AIMS onto dead bodies


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bz6

Right but is that going to set the bar for future marksman?

No, its just her unique thing

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by sanketower

CertainlyT never left the company, did he?

He actually didn't he's just not on Champions Team anymore, but his spirit remains

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by The_Yeti_Rider

How does her ult work with sylas? Does he need to get an S or can he just use it?

I'm pretty sure he also steals the style passive and has to build style meter

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by FaeeLOL

I'm not sure I like that, since that basically means that you would want to start every fight with the taunt if you just can. So basically whenever enemy doesn't have vision of you and is walking towards you, you get 1 free rank of style rating with it. And that 1 rank brings a faster ult, and can be extremely powerful swing in getting damage out fast.

It straight up DOES add power in that situation... Obviously not if the enemy can see her and react to it, then its dogshit. But in facecheck situations, if it can be smoothly used as a combo starter then there is no doubt at all that it indeed does add power. Goes against your idea of not adding power.

It's range is shorter then vision and it roots her for the animation duration, so in many cases it can get you killed

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bz6

Not necessarily never, but is not completely punished due to her sword.

Right but that’s her whole unique identity.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by xHeals

Is this a joke? As if this champ wasn't already overloaded as f**k.

Lol well it’s kind of a bad move to do most of the time, it doesn’t add power. It’s more to style on people if u can actually manage to do it

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bz6

Hello boss, hope you had a good week off :D

What are your thoughts on the fact that Samira's kit nullifies the kiting skill of a marksman?

U mean that Samira doesn’t have to kite?

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

What was the unique thing you wanted to do with Samira for marksman players

Make a ADC that has to go in and out of Melee range

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

One thing that’s unique to Samira but not shown here is here taunt. Her taunt is actually a skill shot that cost one gold to use. She roots herself and flicks a coin that does 1 damage to anything it hits. It also counts as a unique source of damage for her style passive

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Do you also know who drew her splashes, since they both look great

OwlyCat did the base and Jennifer Wuestling did the skin

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Do you think Samira is going to be a popular champ, since it looks that way given her appearance and flashy gameplay



Originally posted by ImLinkzyy

Thorin would be throwing out tweets left and right. Him and monte would prolly do a podcast the same day LMAO

Arent those 2 getting a salary from C9


Originally posted by [deleted]


Came here to say that K1ng is terrifying and I await his eventual LCS debut.

His Academy Spring split was so ridiculous and given his resume from OCE he clearly has the chops to do massive damage in NA.


Originally posted by xxSpinnxx

I'll never forget the super galaxy rumble theme from the login screen, that was so hype

Fun fact: that piece was Riot composer Sebastien’s first time branching out of orchestral music and dabbling with contemporary sounds and instruments for Riot. He then went on to produce stuff like Legends Never Die, Rise, Warriors and KDA.

Super Galaxy Rumble be praised.

31 Aug


Originally posted by Sam3693

Phreak as someone who’s played League since I was 11 in S1 I love you like the cool dad that would have let me play video games all day that I never had. You are the best <3.

Thanks, I appreciate you :)


Originally posted by AllorimNA

I see this comment a lot, and while I'm flattered so many people like seeing me on the desk/casting, playing the game is the #1 thing I want to be doing. I really do enjoy being on the desk, because when I can talk about things I like (one of them being League), I can just talk and talk and talk (maybe a bit too much), so I would definitely consider it in the future. But for now, you can catch me on the rift

You better actually play Wukong though. Dude's meta for the first time in practically ever and you have zero plays all year. smh my head