League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

26 Aug

Originally posted by SpiderAsa

Thoughts on Tahm jungle after rework?

Not a priority to support. Happy to have it. Haven't done much tuning yet due to how much of a shuffle pre-season is gonna be anyways, so we'll see afterwards if theres space

25 Aug

Originally posted by CMcAwesome

Some formatting FYIs:
you need two spaces at the end of the line to get a line break
"live twitch R
First person..."

you need to backslash your asterisks since markdown uses asterisks to italicize + for the ^ exponents, if you wrap the 0 in brackets then the closing bracket afterwards won't be supertexted

i.e. to get this output:

(100 *.80) = 100%

You type this:

(100 \*.8^(0)) = 100%

ur a legend

Originally posted by Arrozcomleite

I'm dumb can someone explain to me what this means pretty please?

live twitch R

First person hit takes (100 *.80 ) = 100% dmg, second person takes (100 *.81 ) = 80% dmg, 3rd person takes (100 *.82 ) = 64% dmg, and so on, down to a minimum of 40% dmg


First person hit takes (100 - 10 * 0) = 100% dmg, second person takes (100 - 10 * 1) = 90% dmg, 3rd person takes (100 - 10 * 2) = 80% dmg, and so on, down to a minimum of 60% dmg

Originally posted by turtle921

Alright boys. It's time to pull out the AP Twitch.

im ready.

Originally posted by TwistedPoro

Shen Shield: 70-121 >>> 60-111

Forget the nerfs, why is it 121 and 111 instead of just 120 and 110 lmao

keep talking and it'll be 111.1

Originally posted by Ryuumoku

wait a minute, where are the Tahm Kench changes they talked x months ago ??

waiting for after worlds, like we said when we talked about them

Originally posted by ShapinCS

The twitch ult buff is huge

correction on twitch, the live mechanic is -20% of the previous hit (so 100%, 80%, 64% etc). In light of that, the buff has been changed to -10% total (so 100%, 90%, 80% etc)

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The team is aware of broader issues impacting several of our games and services (e.g. our chat service spans across multiple products), they are looking into it!


All Riot games seem to be down right now :(


Originally posted by Prototype421

I like the new Tooltip system but i think there should be something to differentiate between Bonus and Total scaling because most stats have both and it would be good to see why the total value is how it is because between 100% bonus and 100% total is a huge diffrence

We're actually going to create new icons for those types of scalings, got your back ;)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DemonNamedReddit

Same, I wanted something more interesting. Spirit petals are meant to be something special and 1 line was very underwhelming.

There is more then 1 line for champions you gave a petal to in the epilogue which just went live today

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Link2011

Do you know for how long? Only can Play this Weekend and whould love to read it

The epilogue will be up for the rest of this patch


FWIW: Here are the colors used in the new tooltips/stat panel.

Some of the goals were:

  • Unify colors that already have a source or metaphor (Green should be health blue should be mana...duh)
  • Reduce collisions in common spaces - AP/Healing shouldn't conflict with each other because they often show up near each other in tooltips
  • Better highlight important information through use of higher contrast
  • Keep things that we felt were already working similar/the same

Originally posted by bz6

Man no offence but why do game developers love to think their player base is dumb? We are not scared to see a lot of numbers in an ADVANCED tooltip, that’s the whole point of it. I get it you guys are trying to improve the system for the new players and if a simple display of information is lacking, God knows how dumbed down the pre-season item overhaul is going to be 😕

Its not a matter of smart or dumb (honestly people playing this game can handle a lot more complexity than most others). Its a matter of intuitiveness. As a designer I want people to find the information they're looking for quickly. I could write out all the information in one long string of numbers, but then you'd have to spend a bunch of time scanning the longer formulas to find the ones you want. My assertion is that a player who is advanced enough to always show the extended tooltip would be advanced enough to see that shift-hovering their tooltip was the fastest way to get that particular information.


Originally posted by ImNotYeti

That doesn't answer the question though. Why when you turn on extended tooltip do you lose information? You can see damage with it off but not with it on. It makes playing with it always on (like I and many others do) very difficult to quickly determine things like Karthus R damage for example, instead you have to do the math yourself. Why does every employee outside of Reinboom that's replying here and on twitter completely ignore the question and answer something else instead?

Sorry I didn't get the answer in the first one. Its a matter, like you said, of being able to find that information quickly. The formula we have to write to include the total and the ratios and the amount from each stat becomes very cumbersome in many spells with multiple scalars. It becomes very hard to scan for the information you actually want when some of these formulas can take a whole line. Advanced only tooltip users will have the option of quickly finding that damage by using shift to swap their tooltip back to the simple one temporarily given that they know the information they're looking for. I agree in this case it isn't the ideal way to get that particular information, but it is fast and it helps us show more information.


Originally posted by RiotQuickshot

It's impossible to say how grateful I am for everyone who has watched cheered supported and critiqued the show. Without all of you, over the years we wouldn't be here today.

I wanna give one shout-out to everyone who didn't get a lot of mentions in the video. We have a growing team of leaders and departments that don't get airtime who are as valuable and as integral to how and where we are today. Everyone does their part and the motto is often "you have my bow".

On a very personal level, I've had a heavy hand in building this talent team, and every year talent have grown and pushed the LEC even further. It's not been perfect and I'm not without fault, but together we've been able to build something that truly feels special.

Thanks for the job boss.


It's impossible to say how grateful I am for everyone who has watched cheered supported and critiqued the show. Without all of you, over the years we wouldn't be here today.

I wanna give one shout-out to everyone who didn't get a lot of mentions in the video. We have a growing team of leaders and departments that don't get airtime who are as valuable and as integral to how and where we are today. Everyone does their part and the motto is often "you have my bow".

On a very personal level, I've had a heavy hand in building this talent team, and every year talent have grown and pushed the LEC even further. It's not been perfect and I'm not without fault, but together we've been able to build something that truly feels special.


I weaponized cringe and infected them all!

Jokes aside, it's been great to grow with the team. The decisions we've made and the freedom we've been given has been great. Here's hoping it continues!


Proud to be part of such a wonderful broadcast team. Even if it means I have to acknowledge that Vedius is actually a really good rapper now. XD