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League of Legends Dev Tracker

27 Aug


Originally posted by Sandalman3000

I can't get into the first album, production and vocals irk me, but I love everything else. Long car drives I totally reserve for Metropolis PT 2, Octavarium, or Six Degrees. I currently have an E-kit, soundboard combo combined with custom songs on Rock Band 3 for playing drums their sons too. (Pentakill on Rock Band hopefully some day). And I agree about Myung, he complements the group well, and you can't be second grade to play with that group. I also high key love Fatal Tragedy.

I also feel The Astonishing has grown on me. The more I appreciate it on a full album scale helps me appreciate the individual songs, even 4/5 finished a map for Beat Saber for Three Days.

I write music in a purely hobby sense and I definitely take inspiration from Dream Theater, especially with time signature experimentation. Definitely makes me happy to discuss them with anyone.

yeah, I remember hearing erotomania for the very first time as a teenager and my brain going "what the... you can't do this!! .... can you? ... cos i like this... what the hell is going on" -- was a defining moment for sure :)

i do miss portnoy....


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you working on both Arcane and Pentakill simultaneously, since that seems like a lot of work for two drastically different creative mediums

yes, and yes. :P we have a very played in team on pentakill at this point, so it feels very healthy in terms of workload.


Originally posted by Sandalman3000

How do you feel about Dream Theater/John Petrucci?

love their older stuff. petrucci obviously is a god ;P u a fan?

edit: i do think john myung should get a lot more credit than he does. tough when you're part of such a stacked supergroup, but i really love john's playing.


Originally posted by AncientGrapefruit

Unrelated, but you bodied that Amumu track from a few years back!



Originally posted by Floppuh

Please just do more of what was on Grasp. That album is really unique for me just for the wonky grooves, the oddly placed guitar and drum fills, its all strange on the first listening but Ive never heard such guitarwork again.

And its hard to recommend to people cause...well, its pentakill. I want pentakill to be a thing you can enjoy without league involved, and if you guys start trying to copy random subgenres to fit the theme of skins its gonna seem even more like a joke band. Hell, I hope there are no skins just for this reason alone.

I absolutely adore Grasp and would love nothing but more of that. Dead mans plate, Bloodthrister, Infinity Edge, these are songs that can stand on their own as metal releases, without the gimmicks of other tracks (like the 5 hour choruses in Mortal, the weird crowd addressing in Cull, the entirety of Hexcore and Hexcore mk2), and they make me want more.

That's just the take of a guy who loves the 2nd album and gets laughed...

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Fret not! You shall be pleased


Originally posted by zondabaka

I feel like metal has suffered from not reinventing itself for far too many years

Could you elaborate a bit on this? To me it always felt the opposite, that metal branched into too many different directions to be a meaningful umbrella term at all.

Obviously I'm just another opinion, but:

I think the trend of the recent years has changed the focus of the current metal generation. When I look at and listen to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc., there are so many absolutely mind-blowing guitarists and other instrumentalists posting so many technically astonishing things, and yet there tends to be so little music in it. Little focus on melody, and mostly syncopated, noodly stuff or open string chugs. Nearly all of today's most influential guitarist aren't known for their music, but their online personalities. Don't get me wrong, I actually quite enjoy that aspect of today's generation since you can access good information a lot easier, but I think we need both. Feels like modern metal is made more for musicians, and less for the listener beyond, who doesn't care as much about how sick your hybrid picking or tapping is, they just want an awesome song that is musical.

Again -- just my two cents.


Originally posted by OneMinuteDeen

I can't answer for Kayn, but I think Sett would really fit a power metal / Sabbaton theme :)

Interesting! Sabaton makes me think more of the “knight on a horse”, Sett strikes me as more modern than that.


Originally posted by Kergara

This is true and sad that people just can't let others have their genre of music. Just a humble question why don't you just produce 1 - 2 songs in a collab, Kpop with metal like Babymetal does with Jpop and metal, of the bands and show the people: "Hey dudes they can make music together so stop the gatekeeping in music, please." This could maybe help stop spreading the hate between the fans. Which is stupid to begin with anyway. (When more pentakill though?) much Luv

I think that kind of stuff can get gimmicky pretty fast. I do like the idea though. Hope that someday the time and opportunity will present itself.


Originally posted by Sresla

Please no, no Pentakill Kayn. There was a concept floating around a few months ago that, while very well done, had him in KISS-esque or Marilyn Manson make-up. While I realize that KISS sort of borders between rock and heavy metal, it just wasn't a look that worked for me.

Were I to associate a type of music with Kayn, I could realistically picture him liking Depeche Mode. I couldn't tell you why; it's just what immediately springs to mind. Maybe one of their more iconic songs like Strangelove, which - while not entirely lyrically on-point - could sort of stretch itself to encompass his and Rhaast's relationship. "I'm not trying to say I'll have it all my way, I'm always willing to learn when you've got something to teach" or "I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable" ... along those lines. He's taken up the Darkin weapon and does tap into Rhaast's power but he probably (because there's no accounting for my boy's ego) knows at some point Rhaast will get ...

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You know, I’m quite happy you bring up Depeche Mode. I feel like that blend of dark and moody electronic music, combined with metal, hasn’t happened much yet. Suppose stuff like type o negative kinda goes in that direction, but I do believe that this is a space really worth exploring. Metal Isn’t always about banging loud sh*t. Depeche Mode is pretty metal in its own right. Really fun to think about where something like that would go.


Originally posted by EmeraldParrots

Hmmm..... I’m not really a big metal fan or a music genre lore expert, but after watching Karasmai’s stream (he listens to a lot of loud stuff like that while playing Kayn) I’ve found a few songs I like by My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy. As far as the whole metal theme goes I can’t really contribute much since it’s not my kind of music and I don’t know much about it buuuuuuuut...

I do enjoy thinking of Kayn skin ideas since that’s literally my dream job lol, to work at Rito and make the hottest Kayn skins ever. If you want I can dm you some of my Kayn art and stuff on Twitter or something if you wanna see. Sorry I’m not much of a help, just curious when our boy is gonna get a new skin/if it’ll be a music themed one (because you guys + the art team make super good music videos and all that stuff and it would be super cool if Kayn got to be in a music video)

Haha :P that’s all good, I feel like metal has suffered from not reinventing itself for far too many years, so I don’t mind getting a take from someone who isn’t married to preconceived ideas around its genres.

I’m probably not the best person to look at skin art ideas and have a useful opinion, but it’s damn cool to read about how passionate you are about kayn. Good reminder for why we’re doing what we’re doing :)


Originally posted by l_Pyro_l

I'm sure you've been asked this many times, but how's the next Pentakill album coming? Hopefully y'all haven't been too affected by the pandemic.

I still listen to music from the last two all the time and I'm really excited to hear what's next.

Really well imho. It’s definitely different with the pandemic cos you can’t just stick your head in someone’s room and have a quick listen and jam on something, or have singers hop in a recording booth quickly to record some demos. feel like you have to compose a lot more “in your head”, imagine where things will go, because you can’t record the parts until much later. Probably counts for all of the composers at Riot.


Originally posted by EmeraldParrots

Alright bruh. Are we getting Pentakill Kayn? Would love to see my edgy boy be even edgier. (If that’s even possible)

can’t really speak to what we will and will not do for PK — sry, i know it sucks to just get a non-answer. but let me turn this around and ask: what metal sub genre - or even song or band reference - comes to mind when you think of Kayn? Always curious to hear what sort of music peeps associate with certain champs.


Originally posted by LetThemSeeYou

Cho'Gath, someone pisses me off? NOM

Also great for people insecure about their height, eat a cat or something and grow 20cm


Originally posted by zlawd

this is just a bad take. How are you going to put down and entire genre and gender? metal is much note niche than pop/rap. thats just the way this generation is. Sure simps help, but at the end of the day a pop song draws in more people, accept that.

Funniest part about this whole exchange is that Sebastien (the guy behind all the KDA music at Riot) and I (one of the Pentakill guys) are exchanging Pentakill and KDA feedback on a daily basis to help each other out with specific things we’re trying to fix. Stuff doesn’t have to be so black and white, my genre-hugging friends.

26 Aug

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Originally posted by DinoTrowski



just wait ;)

Originally posted by asfdesgfef

excuse me but do you know why they buffed the ap ratio ? the only reason i can think is making rageblade feel better on him. was that it?

i buffed it for memes

Originally posted by FireDevil11

Can we get some QOL on twitch R where if they are max range and no one else is being hit they can't dodge basic attacks just by walking in a straight line ?

Other designers disagree, but I'm firmly of the opinion that Twitch R being able to miss enemies is important to the ability.

It both helps to mechanically separates his ult from normal attacks, and (more importantly) thematically fits. The ability is not called "Aim precisely and Shoot", it's called "Spray and Pray". When we tried renaming it once to Rat-atat-tat, players overwhelmingly preferred Spray and Pray - so the thematic is definitely important. Beyond that, Twitch himself has quotes like "Aim, then shoot. AIM, then shoot" and "Stand still! My eyes are on the side of my head!" - he's clearly not some super accurate sniper.

Considering as well that each ability has a limited power budget, I think spending that in other aspects of the ability (Damage, Duration, Range, etc) matches the champion much better than spending it to make it always hit.

Originally posted by piiees

So if it's going to -10% total per stack, whats the floor of the damage going to be?

Is it still 70% (as listed with the 5% drop off, probs seems a bit high so wouldn't think it's that) or 40% like live (just scales down a different way and thus takes more penetrations to reach it) or will it be stopped at something like 60% (lowest value it can reach is on the 5th enemy hit, like how current version hits the floor on the 5th enemy) or some other value entirely?

Seems like a huge buff for twitch for his sort of ideal moments when the enemy team lines up for him, so excited to see how it plays out.


Originally posted by SpiderAsa

Thoughts on Tahm jungle after rework?

Not a priority to support. Happy to have it. Haven't done much tuning yet due to how much of a shuffle pre-season is gonna be anyways, so we'll see afterwards if theres space