League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

31 Aug


so good!! looking forward for final result :)


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Kit-wise aside I've really come to appreciate Champion concepts designed by Kindlejack. They're always a little more interesting and unique compared to other concept artists. She's still hot sure but she's at least hot in a unique way.

ty :)

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for bringing this up! One of our plugins had an outage recently, and it looks like the logging for that is a bit too much. We are working with the team to limit the size of the log files, we do not want log files this large!

30 Aug


Well... guess I'm a Samira main now


Originally posted by themiddlestHaHa

How often do you get told that your hair is amazing?

Not enough. Why is it nice? 😳


Originally posted by JaMenUpptaget

Did they plan on only having two casters for this series? Or did they have to go down to the 2 caster desk since they did not have time to mend the damaged caused by Ender yesterday? :D

It was for sure part of the plan, we originally planned to have 3 duo casts and 3 tri-casts, but once Caedrel popped off on AD we had the opportunity to add Ender to the Drakos Frosk duo and therefore have 2 duos adn 4 tri-casts!


Who else tried to full screen and skipped to the end

29 Aug

    /u/unso on Reddit - Thread - Direct

😂👌 love you guys, you noticed it


Originally posted by FalsyB

Someone call an ambulance, but not for me

Someone call an ambulance, but not for me!

- Selfmade


Originally posted by AnAmazingPoopSniffer

Yeah it feels like even the casters are buying into the dumb reddit opinion that having no kills or assists as an ad means you are somehow doing something wrong or playing badly.

ADCs have almost no agency - when they get kills or assists its because their team set them up.

I made one call about him welcome to rift to highlight his first death which was for sure for the drama, but I feel confident Vedius and Ender did a good job of explaining that FNC as a team needed to work to get him involved, not that he was at fault.


Originally posted by 00Koch00

Hey! Thanks for the love, but a bit of correction: we name Little Legends as a group, w lots of folks pitching names. Hence, “contributing” in my tweet. Choncc in particular I remember was strongly championed by Riot LoveStrut (and the group all loved that name!)


Originally posted by Callowaay

you actually delivered those lines perfectly, f**king 10/10

omg thank you!


Originally posted by Davkata

So who is the main culprit/prequel memer from the cast?

"Don't f**kin touch me!" did give a bit of a HISHE vibe.

I'm the memer :)


Originally posted by mystireon

this feels weird, I love the skin but also it doesn't look anything like a championship skin.

Over the years we’ve seen some amount of fatigue for our traditional championship skins. This year we wanted to try a new approach that leans a bit more into the creative direction of Worlds itself for 2020.


Originally posted by Elidot

Probably commemorating her general impact on proplay over the years like how Zed got championship even though he wasnt meta at all that year.

This is exactly right. We wanted to try a different approach this year and looked back at previous years of the sport to influence our pick for this year’s championship skin.


Originally posted by JevonP

I’m so excited for some actual info about these games

Me too! wait...

28 Aug


think Disney will pick me up for their next movie?