League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Jun


Originally posted by RogueGG

Why do you pick Misfits to win :(

me dum dum


Originally posted by RogueGG

Hi ender



Shopkeeper must be a hell of a salesman to convince Lurox not to build blood razor and bork vs that many hp stackers


Originally posted by lgnitionRemix

Wave management is something that's very overlooked by the majority of players & something that will improve your gameplay loads by understanding! I would love more analysis on minion wave, minion count etc.

It's something LS does very good imo along with draft analysis which the LEC somewhat lacks.

You got it!

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Originally posted by sonebrm

Mr. Reav3, Sir, pardon the offtopic question but is the Edgy champion that is getting released soon only for middle lane? Or can it be also played top?

While we are primarily testing and balancing it around mid I think it will also be pretty viable top


Originally posted by lgnitionRemix

Now I've always enjoyed your casting. The Ender x Phreak cast was the most hilarious cast I've ever heard! However in terms of LEC color casting I think a more micro oriented caster is a gap I'd love to see filled.

You're the highest ranked caster in the scene! Probably the one who has the best understanding of micro.

I try to go very detailed on jungle pathing in the early game, but a goal of mine this split is to bring that level of insight to other lanes.

Also, the phreak cast was one of my favorites ever. Hope we get to work together soon


Originally posted by HeroicBastard

I mean I can only guess what he means but for me at least you sometimes do not feel natural. A little over the top.

But I got to agree. Today was great. Your knowledge is allways welcome. Use it more. Be less of an "entertainer" and more of an "expert" imo.

But thats just my feelings and I surely am not an expert in how to make enjoyable casts.

I appreciate the feedback :)


Originally posted by dfdfed

I do believe there should be a Y before those Os

Side note: have you been stalking EU jungler soloq accounts? The rise of phase rush Graves has really got me thinking about experimenting with his keystones. The fact that you can do a full clear, leashless, in under 2 minutes to end with full HP makes me question the prevalence of FF, especially with Death's Dance buffs, which I think should be a rush item now. Just wondering if you've tried/seen any "less standard" runes in EUW high elo.

elctrocute/dark harvest on lethality Graves isn't bad for trying to 1shot but phase rush usually means more overall damage/utility

12 Jun


Originally posted by huehuehuehue999

To be honest, the cast has been really good this game.

Massive improvement in Ender's cast from spring's regular season. It was very informative and entertaining.

Glad you enjoyed it :)


Originally posted by dfdfed

The new paint kings have dethroned the old paint kings

Drywall, make some noise for






Originally posted by LloydDRK

You are my new hero, thank you! Does it however count my viewing rewards through this method? Because I wont be signed in on my chromecast!

Good news and bad news. We have done some light testing on this and it seems to work. The bad news is that its not an officially supported feature atm, so its possible you may end up having issues. Here's what I'd recommend to give it a test and see if it's working with your setup.

1) Find a VOD you haven't watched (gray underline on VODs page) that has rewards enabled (ie - LEC/LCS).
2) Go to Game Start
3) Try casting the player itself to your chrome cast.
4) Leave it running for at least 10 minutes.
5) Go back to the VODs listing page and see if the gray underline for that VOD has turned gold. If it has, then you should be receiving rewards and drops.
6) Then just repeat this test with a different unwatched VOD and try casting the browser tab instead of the player itself.

If you're able to try this and don't mind, let me know how it goes for you. Thanks!


Originally posted by Mocki7

My favourite caster :)



Originally posted by LPLSuperCarry

I don't like him because he tries to be extra too much, but today he was really good. He naturally has a lot of energy, so when he actually talks about the game, it's a pleasure to hear.

I'm glad you enjoyed the cast today, I know Trevor and I had a blast. I'm curious, could you elaborate on what you mean by being extra too much? This split Im trying to double down on the more on-topic casts that I had with Trevor in playoffs.


Originally posted by puberty1

it was great, both did their part amazingly. the percentage game was really fun and kinda exciting as a FNC fan, it felt like you weren't the only one thinking "...wait, they can win this"

Honestly, I rolled my eyes at Trevor when he suggested it. But I ended up really enjoying it. Glad I played along and the game backed it up


What an absolute banger of a game. Had so much fun with Ender and so lucky to get such an exciting game to end the day. Very happy with the content and maybe was a little too excited but thought the game called for that level of energy.


Originally posted by MaidsandThighs

pls revisit this skin, it barely has any new vfx/sfx compared to the other skins. Its so underwhelming. Its not a 1350rp skin atm

Semi-hijacking top comment with this update:

Update: I know ya'll have been waiting for this comment so here it is (tl/dr: we agree):

Starting with the bad news: unfortunately I must say we will not be removing her horn due to silhouette read and some players like the tieback-into her lore... however hope you all are happy with the following.

We've heard all your opinions and here is what we will be changing or adding to Syndra:

Adding sand across multiple VFX starting with Q Adding some transparency to the end of the towel-cloth Adding a slight rotation to the beachball when it is idle on the ground from Q/W. SFX addition of a subtle ball sound/slap on the Q. We hope these updates will differentiate Pool Party Syndra from Atlantean Syndra (very valid comparison) and make her awesome for ya'll. Thanks a lot for the feedback!


Originally posted by Ram090

Can you tell them to update Heal and Exhaust's icons while they are at it?

Lmao why not.


Originally posted by OldBenX

Ender, Kayle doesn't get AoE attacks until level 11... his first game of the split and he's already going full WeirdChamp.

I'm trolling


Originally posted by champs24

Thank you, it makes me sick to see this. These people have no idea the damage they cause with names like this. The reason I say ip ban is because this person knew they would be banned and didnt care. They just make another account

Unfortunately, IP bans don't really work because your IP changes pretty often. They're not a good tool for stopping one specific person from doing something.