hey data nerd, would you pls share some ball park data about the amount of players over d4+ and d3+ ? i seperated d4 because it is elo hell, prob you know so i believe there should be lots of stuck people there. we kinda see data around like %2ish of the players are diamond+ but what it stands for?
Hey Tekparif - I'm not sure if I fully understood your question (sorry if I misunderstood!), but I think what you're asking is, "how many people are in d4+, d3+, d3+, etc.?" or in other words, what is the distribution of players by rank?
I'm going to cheat a little and use op.gg as they already provide this data in a readily consumable format. Seems like for NA, D4 is about the top 2% of players, and D3 is about the top 1%.
Hope that helps!