League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 Jun


Hey Jack, this is awesome to see! I love seeing fellow data nerds on here. The analysis that you did was thorough and you were thoughtful of potential biases.

A question I have for my own curiosity: for Gold and Diamond players respectively, what was the size distribution like for each of those "Time before Requeueing" Bars? In other words, what is the % breakdown of how many games are in the "Immediate," "Short break," and "Long break" bars for Gold players and Diamond players?

Again, thanks for providing such an interesting read!


Originally posted by fnaticfanboy121

Will volibear be avaiiable in the first week of the LEC?

He's enabled yeah!

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Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Do you think Mundo will remain as a juggernaut?

We don't plan on changing his identity as a tank/juggernaut hybrid.

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Was there any reason why Mundo was chosen over other potential candidates as the non poll VGU, since most of the champs you noted are showing their age as much as Mundo

Largely because we just finished 2 junglers with Fiddlesticks and Volibear and wanted to do a VGU on a different class (Top lane) to add better role diversity to our VGU line up. I mentioned it in the VGU Poll as well that we wouldn't necessarily VGU the champs in the order of most votes.


Originally posted by DreamingDjinn

I've been playing Mundo for about 7 seasons now, and have well over 1000 games on him. I may not play a ton of ranked, but my normal MMR places me against diamond players regularly.


I'm very concerned with this blog post, and the future of Mundo. I'm afraid of what they are going to do to him, and it sounds as if they have a core misunderstanding about Mundo and his playstyle. I wish there were someone for me to get in contact with, unfortunately I'm not a hyper popular streamer so my opinion likely doesn't matter.


RIP big guy. We'll always have the memories at least. ;(

We are reading the feedback here so you could elaborate on the 'core misunderstanding' if you want.


Originally posted by EsperSparrow

Riot once again proving they only bother hiring the absolute bottom of the barrel artists who can only trace anime designs. Riot is a shitshow not a creative bone in that whole team only people who spend all day watching anime and copying it like a child

Not all day.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Very nice blog indeed, but the question is still unanswered; will his title stay Madman of Zaun? I dunno what I need to bribe you for it. :P

Possibly, we don't usually finalize the title until much later in the process, It will really depend on if the title still makes sense with his updated direction or not

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/Reav3 will Mundo still be able to go where he pleases

Of course! No one tells Mundo where he should go but Mundo


Want to note, Wukong's clone can knock up targets, but only targets who haven't been knocked up by Wukong already. So if you're standing on his clone and he ults, you can get knocked up, but you won't get double knocked up basically. I misunderstood the ability! My apologies!


Originally posted by znat

Oops, just some temp/placeholder art, nothing to see here.

so no Sailor Mundo :(

Sailor Mundo

That's genius


Originally posted by NewStart4

Oops, just some temp/placeholder art, nothing to see here.


See you all again tomorrow


Originally posted by Enjutsu

So 1000 range restriction still exists for 7,5 MS speed boost, but do active items count as me whacking them? Twin shadows specifically? since it doesn't deal damage, but it does slow and the range can be pretty big.

It should, like 99% sure of twin shadows


Originally posted by Enjutsu

Was range restriction completely removed or was it made really big?

As in, i'm in the base and a fight is going on mid-lane so i get a boost to get there faster? There's a fight in bot, but a toplaner gets a speed boost to dodge skillshots to the bot side?

Range is only removed if you whack em with something


Hey there! We'll have an article going up in the next couple weeks about this. Tl;dr - they're coming in the next month or so.

09 Jun

Originally posted by Quacker_Yak

I don’t get the joke is it a reference or something?

A traditional Shuriman greeting is "Water and shade to you". But Rumble, with his walking mech, says "Walker and shade" ;)


Originally posted by Poincare_Confection

This is the single best LoL analytical video I've ever seen. I see a lot of people downtalk Azael as a caster, but anyone who doubts his knowledge of video games must not know his history. He's the real deal and he understands the game very well.

Well chosen example of excellent laning by a pro that highlights how series of small outplays builds up to big lane advantages. Great commentary and good editing. A perfect video as far as I'm concerned.

Thanks so much! Really appreciate the kind words <3