League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Jun


I haven't played her yet, but I assume the increase in winrate to Akali was because she can now oneshot backline at level 9 again? That would explain the large bump

(not on the balance team, just a bad mid player)

16 Jun


You're not a twat for playing videogames! Thankfully there no age limit on having fun.

They're just all boring f*cks for choosing to watch telly instead of exploring new worlds, finding ancient artifacts or dominating silver scrubs like your young self.

Congratulations on gold.

Originally posted by PlebJoe

we tend to avoid mechanics changes on balance tuning on per patch data since theres no time to validate it (1 day) and the patch timing is really tight (with ~5 days of data on the current patch).

yuumi is also a stand out champion in terms of popularity and success, so we would be even more cautious of degrading her (vs less cautious when making changes to a champ whose already bad)

Originally posted by ParadiseEarth

Can’t you just separate the data from urf and ranked?

What’s her true banrate in ranked? (Opposed from Urf + ranked)

No, I'm saying people having to play against her in urf is causing them to also ban her in ranked

Originally posted by Ryo_R

i do suspect a lot of her ban rate is spillover from urf

You guys cannot possibly believe this when she sees pro play in every other game + her attach interaction creating so many janky scenarios.

Her pro presence is a separate and confounding factor, but her recent banrate spike happened before pro play picked up.


Originally posted by LloydDRK

Hello, thanks again for all the trouble you guys went through and give me information. I have done testing on my local setup, here is what I have found.

On my desktop, both options of casting the player itself and casting the google chrome tab to my chromecast resulted in giving rewards and drops. So that works, as long as you obviously leave the desktop running as well!

The problem here is that normally we want to cast it on the couch through our phones. So I have tried going to lolesports.com on google chrome and see an unwatched (grey outlined) VOD on my mobile. Then, even though I made sure that it was set on youtube, the player provided me no option to cast the video to my tv. Setting my mobile on desktop site view, still did not present me with such an option. In my local set up, a work around is to visit the youtube channel where you guys upload, however that presents me with no rewards, even after watching a full game. This is what I have been fmdoing for th...

Read more

Glad to hear its working for you on desktop at least. Unfortunately I don't have better news on the mobile front. Thanks for reporting back with your findings.

15 Jun


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Enjoy the vacation!

Will there be a discussion on URF once the event ends? I'm curious about the banrates, game health, and such.

I'm also REALLY surprised that so few people ban Lee Sin in URF. He's the better version of AP Rakan (even though /u/Cashmiir disagrees with me).

You're wrong in every possible way. Fight me.

( jk, love you )

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/Greaterbelugawhale are you going to break the cat's kneecaps

no i took this patch off.

As much as I like breaking kneecaps, i do suspect a lot of her ban rate is spillover from urf, so i think any nerf will probably be on the light side (iirc her ban rate got this high in other queues only when urf went live cuz ppl were traumatized)


Originally posted by The_Mechromancer

If you're not playing Aphelios Ezreal or Varus ADC feels pretty awful tbh. Either that or maybe I'm still salty from the removal of Draven's passive bleed

I'll be honest Ezreal and Varus feel real cheap (before the Varus nerfs at least) but I'm having fun with a whole host of different ADCs.


Just wanted to say congrats, dude! I'm not as far as long as you (Bronze 1 this season, pretty much peak in Silver 3 every season now) but I hope to get there someday.

Give the rest of us geezers some hope. :p


Hell yeah, congrats my guy.

As a hardstuck silver I/II Riot Games employee, I have to ask... wanna duo and carry my ass?


When Yasuo is picked by me, you dodge (or probably lose LP I'M SORRY)


Originally posted by homer12346

i am by no means working at riot so i don't know how advanced your systems are for detecting stuff like this, but i never got a notification that the botted accounts have been banned after i leave a detailed report for them

I can't confirm or deny anything particular about how we ban bots, but the IFS will only give you a notification if your report was the thing that resulted in a ban. That's usually not going to be the case for botting for... complicated reasons.

That doesn't mean accounts don't get banned.


Originally posted by homer12346

they set up a bot playing on a script that plays decently enough that the account won't get banned in the AI games it plays

the account won't get banned



A large portion of sold accounts are accounts that have been compromised from their original owners and then sold. When you're buying an account, not only are you breaking the ToS (and we can identify if an account has changed hands), you're also likely buying an account off someone whose account was stolen from them.


Originally posted by GNeiva

Cassiopeia already excelled at mid lane. She could stand being nerfed for Top/Bot and not get any compensation for her mid laning. That's my point.

To be fair +0.5% within a week on public data is within the margin of error for "just as powerful." Like we saw with Brand losing almost 1% in support despite being objectively more powerful.

14 Jun


Originally posted by ratazengo

Especially considering Quickshot is 54

he's actually 80


thanks! happy to be back :)


Originally posted by Raslik

The Brand "buff" changed close to nothing for Brand support and the winrate still went down by 0.89%. It shows that there is not enough data to draw conclusions when the expected change is in 0.X percentages. The only safe conclusion here is that Voli's buff was meaningful (or people just got better playing him).

Almost always, win rate changes are "Here was the average win rate on the patch before. Here's the average win rate on the new one." It almost always skips over the win rate growth gained from familiarity over the last two weeks. So yeah, without doing some decent crunch to solve that issue, tracking patch-over-patch winrate growth is pretty useless for tracking buffs/nerfs.