League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 May


Originally posted by CSDragon

Why is it worded as doubled then? Can you change the wording to "New effect: You now also get a smaller speed boost towards enemies an ally has cc'd"

Dunno, probably design craft. I think your brain gets more excited about something doubling under a condition then gaining half of a baseline under some condition ¯_(ツ)_/¯. Total guess though, I am QA!

15 May


Originally posted by Catman_PBE

This thread is only for the Astronaut Gnar skin itself. Please post in the Astronaut Chroma Feedback thread instead.

Thanks Catman!


Originally posted by AtlaTheChampion

Will it only be here for a month again or for the whole year? I'd pay money to keep this trans flag trail all year long because I love it so much

I believe it's just for the month and not the full year.

Same D: I wanna fly my bi-pride bb.


Originally posted by Oopsifartedsorry

So it’s a nerf then?

Basically the trade is the current enhanced MS towards CC'd allies for the new enhanced MS towards enemies that your allies CC. MS towards enemies you impair is unchanged. Probably worse for someone like Kench support, but on average I suspect it'll be a little more useful.


Originally posted by SomeMockodile

30% increased movement speed towards opponents who are crowd controlled by Approach Velocity? Massive buff for Tahm Kench, Braum, Nasus, Cho'gath, as well as potentially new volibear. I can't help feeling like this rune will be very op on champs who use it well.

Current tuning is that it's equivalent to live approach velocity if you CC someone yourself. The new part is that you get half of the value if you are heading towards an enemy that another ally CC'd.


Originally posted by S7EFEN

i dont get how you are supposed to trade into guardian in lane now?

like, poking to proc it is the counterplay. the ms it provides is more than enough to run down your enemy in a 2v2.

It doesn't provide MS anymore.


Originally posted by bz6


I am glad we are seeing mechanical changes in the middle of the season. I understand the resistance to introduce a lot of change after your failed experiment of a new patch cadence in Season 8.

Game is getting stale in my opinion.

Yea, the 10.12 work we hope to freshen up the game a bit.

We still think that major disruptive mid seasons are too much, but it doesn't mean we want no systems changes.


Originally posted by HuyewJanos

Completely understand, I work in Graphic Design and it's incredibly hard to spot your errors when you're scrutinising it for hours!

Course it sucks to see but at the end of the day it happens and I can bet a good few people didn't manage to catch it.

We're all human.

it's weird how when you stare at something so long you can accidentally ship it with LOREM IPSUM and not see it until the next day


Originally posted by HuyewJanos

You just opened a can of worms for the video editor lol

Writer here. We try to catch all of these (or prevent them) but honestly there's a LOT of content going to a lot of places, so sometimes we just miss.

I'd say this is on us (the writers) primarily for not catching it, but I think everyone feels equally bummed across all teams when something like this happens.


Originally posted by my_name_rules

how long will this stay? i wanna keep the transgender trail forever!

I believe through Pride month (June), but I can double check!


Originally posted by jjay554

Ty for the cool stuff, I think it genuinely means more than people give credit. We all out here gay af in 2020.

I only worked on some of the comms around it (posts coming out ON May 17). The team deserves all the credit in the world for the hard work they did.


Originally posted by FabioSxO

Can someone show all of them? The colors etc

I don't have an image or gif of all of them. I think someone posted one in the comments somewhere. But I have this, though.


Originally posted by falconexo7

hey mr rioter does the special homeguard thing still apply if i have the icon from last year equipped?

Yes! The original Rainbow Fluft has the same rainbow homeguard trail!


Originally posted by queenvaleryhs

Yep, a different one for each icon even, I think.

This is correct! There's a unique homeguard trail per icon!


Couple of reasons:

  • 1PM PST is when all of our content team is ready to go, and we have people standing by ready to fix issues if they arise.
  • It's off-peak for a lot of our different regions, which reduces the odds of different League services behaving badly when we activate content.

14 May


Originally posted by TheBossVeigar

Lovely skin, a definite buy for me. I'm here to drop a little bit of feedback though.

  • This may be a bug, but it seems Gnar is lacking the filter on his voice that other Astronaut skins (including ones in this new set) have. His attack quotes don't have it though, from what I've seen.
  • The recall for Mega Gnar could maybe use something after he eats the UFO. He spends a decent bit of time floating there, and something small, like a burp at the end of the recall, could add a bit more to it and make it livelier. I know animations are harder to change this far into development, so I understand if this can't be fixed.
  • The skin could use a bit more color. Some orange on his suit could make the skin a lot nicer and colorful.

These are minor things, but I think they could improve the skin. Big thank you to the team for this skin.

I think it's bugged, Astronaut Gnar definitely has a voice filter. I'll doublecheck on PBE though.

So we used most of the anim resources we had in the smaller gnar's recall. Mega Gnar's recall is used far less than Mini/Regular is why. I'll suggest a small burp though.

As for the color, we just added orange to his suit due to popular vote! You'll see this change tomorrow :) Cheers.


Originally posted by PacuFTW

That's totally understandable! I personally love the skin , and I can't wait for it to release. This is my only flaw with the skin, everything else looks good about the skin IMO. Thank you for your answer!

No problem!! Thanks for the feedback and sorry to disappoint, glad you're super excited about the skin!


Originally posted by PacuFTW

Why didn't Bard get a new walking animation?

His normal walk is already bouncy enough and we did not feel like it warranted a new walking animation.


Hey Friends!


Astronaut Bard is here! He'll be coming with:

New models and textures!

New VFX!

New SFX!

New recall animation!

Astronaut Bard is set to be 1350 RP and is available on PBE! Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have down below!

External link →

Hey All!


Astronaut Gnar is landing on the Rift! He'll be coming with:

New models and textures!

New VFX!

New SFX!

New recall animation!

Astronaut Gnar is set to be 1350 RP and is available on PBE! Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have down below!

External link →