I will be buying this skin though I hardly play bard. The skin is that good the whole line is really good but I agree best skin in forever.
Really appreciate the support. (And I’m sure Bard mains appreciate it too) :)
I will be buying this skin though I hardly play bard. The skin is that good the whole line is really good but I agree best skin in forever.
Really appreciate the support. (And I’m sure Bard mains appreciate it too) :)
Really glad that people are digging this Bard skin. Our hope when we hit on a champ that hasn’t gotten a skin in a while is that we hit it out of the park, so really a feel good moment when we see reactions like these and confirmation that the attention to detail is noticed and appreciated.
We really care about getting it right, we may not get it right all the time, but damnit we really do try.
You can really tell when Rioters take their time in designing a skin. Every detail is perfect. This is probably their best skin release for the first half of 2020, bar Coven Morgana. The skin looks like it belongs in the legendary-tier!
Really glad folks are digging it. We’re really proud of the work the team put into this set of Astronaut skins and hope that folks show up for them so we can continue to do more in the future. :)
I love the contrast in opinions on this subreddit.
"Wow another Lux skin, Riot money-grubbing capitalist"Riot's like, ok, Bard, Gnar and Poppy skins.
"LMAO who plays them"
Thanks for posting. The team and I will take a look now!
Hey folks - there were a number of errors in that PS article. The quick reason for that is: an early version of the article without final edits and additions is what ultimately went out instead of the final one. Sorry for the confusion
To clarify:
The free missions still have a mission that grants 60 tokens and an orb. The total tokens available from free missions is still 300
Is that a hidden sex joke that I'm missing? u/RiotPhlox
I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of any joke of that nature :)
Alright, so it could have been some edge case (I try to question him about this specific match, but he is sleeping atm, it's a middle of night here! :P), anyway there are a lot of friends on eune and euw complaining about ranked experience this season, but can't put a finger exactly on what's wrong besides huge skill difference of the players (they even compare normal games with gold/plat players around to be harder than ranked high mmr games with diamond~ players mostly and apparently I kinda think so too, I mean I have more often tougher games on normals haha).
Also just one more quick question - is flex and soloq algorithms different? Besides taking maybe extra factor of different size of a premade team?
Flex ratings differ from solo queue ratings - they're informed by some of the same stuff, but not the same. The algorithms are almost exactly the same, but the base info is different. It's something we're looking into changing in the future!
Will this impact the ARAM queue as well?
The change we made would not impact ARAM, I believe.
How does it look like on EUNE? I was wondering, since I felt like the matchmaking felt as awful unbalanced as in EUW, in essence friend of mine just recently played with a team where there was like gold team vs gold players + bronze~ with 20% wr and some diamond (I know it's not example from higher mmr, but it also happens in there and I feel like something is awfully wrong on low/mid-mmr). Anyway, I have strong feeling there is the same issue going on with EUNE, as in EUW did.
Definitely not seeing the same stuff on EUNE, and this would only be affecting the very top of the ladder.
Do people say Regi doesn't treat his players well? I've only ever seen good things about his relationship with players and how he tries to help them.
Coaches on the other hand...
Google Regi and Dyrus rage, look what Regi did in that video
Please go thought the client pop-ups AND REMOVE THEM, i lost a promo because "lost connection to services" while i had chat and everything in champ select lobby, and client gave me no other option than "exit", which is a dodge, which is a lost promo. Happened second time today in after game lobby, i had chat, friendlist, everything. Its clearly not working, broken, and you guys ruining our promos with this.
There is no point of this popup, or atleast give us other options than "exit".... REMOVE EVERY SINGLE POPUP THAT HAS ONLY ONE OPTION WHICH IS CLOSING THE CLIENT DOWN.... I dont understand who ever made this... what kind of programmer put things like this into the client??????????????
sorry about the frustration this is causing, please contact player support about this
Ah okay thank you! Is MMR closeness the indicator of match quality? Are there post match analysis of the quality dependent on the result? I only casually understand league and matchmaking processes.
So defining the "quality" of a match is something we approach from a lot of different angles, but for the purposes of "is the matchmaking system working correctly," we generally care about how close teammates are to one another, and how close teams are to one another by MMR.
For post-match analyses dependent on the result, we also do that - getting matches with close MMR differences only works if the rating is correlating properly with actual skill/wins. Loosely speaking, for any given match, we can assume that the team with the higher MMR is predicted to win - and the difference gives us a level of confidence in our predictions. We're aiming to keep matches as close to 50/50 as possible, so when a match is close, the prediction is less confident because both teams could very easily win. We then check that prediction against the actual results to make sure the system is predicting correctly, and especially so in cases where it has strong confidence.
by the metrics we actually use to make games
What are those?
We have a matchmaking rating (MMR) that we use as a current estimation of your skill. When we make a game, we try to find players with similar MMR, but also account for factors like how long they've been waiting, if they're in a premade, etc.
When will this fix go live?
It actually did before I finished writing that post - the change itself is pretty simple.
Read moreHey! So, my source of the "long term" modes from the Ask Riot: Events and Game Modes is the following:
That means it takes the same amount of work to bring a mode back for customs as it does to bring it back for queues, which takes us back to our previous discussions around why we’ve chosen to invest our time into developing new modes, rather than keeping older modes on rotation.
Within that link (the /Dev: State of Modes), my key takeaway (as it is bolded in the summary) is:
So to that end, the Modes Team is focusing all of our attention on improving the existing long-term game modes and discovering new, potentially long-term modes that you can play for years.
So, I admit I may be reaching a bit too far, but, hopefully that h...
All of this is to say, I want to keep playing League, but I don't always want to play Summoner's Rift, TFT, or even ARAMs very much any more, nor do I want to wait 18 months to be able to play Nexus Blitz for a week or two.
I totally get this, and I think that League as an organization does too (as evidenced by Cactopus and Meddler's respective posts). The main question is 'what's the best way to scratch that itch', and that's something we're still figuring out as we go along, with all of your help ^^
Thanks for taking the time to lay this all out for me. I can't wait for y'all to have Nexus Blitz back either, so it's about time for me to get back to the ol' grindstone :D
Ah, that's disappointing. I have to say, from an outsiders perspective - I'm sure you'd agree - L4T3NCY's analysis really does seems to make a lot of logical sense. Showdown is indeed just ARAM with a win condition attached. If what you're saying is accurate - that something that seems like it should be so simple to implement is indeed so hard to do - the tech debt is worse than I realised... I vote kill it with fire ;)
If you're interested and able to discuss what emerged from that evaluation, and why it'd be so difficult, I'd be really curious to know. I'm sure it exists, but I'm really struggling to think of a technical reason why that'd be the case (mid level full stack dev)
Edit: The more I think about this, the more confused and curious I get. ARAM works, check. Customs supports multiple game modes, check. What stops y'all from literally copy-pasting ARAM, adjusting it slightly, and adding it as a custom mode? Really am interested in a response, if possible!
From a game-design / ingame perspective you're quite right; very little would need changing or updating.
The main catch is the step between clicking "Play" and getting a game loadscreen -- it's a seriously complex web of technologies and processes, some old and some new, some in need of upgrade, some currently being replaced, etc. I can't go into a ton of detail here (not least of which because I'm not an expert in this space), but suffice it to say that it's much deeper than it looks.
oof that was tilting and I wasn't even in the game. GGWP.
Read moreHey u/RiotPopc0rner!
Thanks for taking the time to swing by. I understand that custom games and game modes aren't a "set if and forget it" type of thing (especially in a game with such frequent updates), and that overhead doesn't come free.
In that first dev blog you posted, as in other dev blogs, and elsewhere by other Riot employees, the message has been that the "Modes Team" is focusing on finding long-term alternate game modes (that Nexus Blitz tried to be). However, what is to stop these new modes from encountering that same cost/benefit trap that has killed every other custom game mode or rotating game mode? Where bugs (or dev time) eclipsed the money directly earned?
Built in monetization (like TFT)? Simpler designs that are more similar to SR, allowing for fewer bugs and thus overhead?
The reason I ask is that Riot specifically says they want long-term alternate modes, but well ... as with clie...
Hm. I don't see anything about 'long term' modes in that article -- maybe I'm missing something or looking at the wrong one?
In general, the Modes team (past and present) has been / is focused on shipping temporary modes to make events in League more special. Nexus Blitz was an experiment by another team (not the Modes team) to build a long-term alternative mode for League that was ultimately unsuccessful. The reason the Modes team is talking about Nexus Blitz now is that we want to pick up where that team left off, because we believe Nexus Blitz could have a place as a temporary mode.