Whens the next Champion roadmap now that Voli is out?
Sometime next week
Whens the next Champion roadmap now that Voli is out?
Sometime next week
/u/RiotScruffy are you able to share what’s the early thinking Voli now that he’s on live
So far he is within the bands we predicted for his Day 1 WR. We will continue to monitor over the weekend to see if his WR grows as expected as well. If it doesn't then we would start to discuss possible buffs
The guardian changes scare me because even the situations where its wasted on minion autos, theres ones where your ally is taking small bits of danage from ignite or the like, wll guardian proc if it knows theyll die, or will it not register these small ticks as worthy of procing guardian
Guardian does proc if someone would take lethal damage
There is three, actually.
My brother, who is also a Rioter, is a Skarner main. So I guess that's four.
Check PBE tomorrow u wont
Edit: just taste of blood btw
Read moreThe difference between League and TF2 is the investment to gain Healing, in TF2 a Medic is a big addition to the team comp, depending on the Meta/Comp, a Medic can be either useless or absolutely necessary. They're one more thing a team comp needs to plan around.
Compare that to League where nearly every champ can get healing if they invest in it or find it in the JG thru Red Buff/Healing Plants. And it's balanced in the fact that while champions can get healing they can't usually just heal themselves with a spell or just regen over time, most strong heals come from some type of lifesteal, forcing champs to go into combat with weak targets to heal.
This is a classic case of reading Morello's warning, but not fully understanding what he's warning about. Morello is worried about the classic Healer who doesn't need anything, besides maybe a recharging resource like Mana, to regen Health, whether that's to themselves or other players. Basically Morello is warning about ...
Agreed - this is a good interpretation. Mana / overall resource attrition is a good method in LoL for this stuff too, but the item shop has always made that a real nightmare to make "real."
I am honestly more impressed by how a former Draven one-trick managed to play 323 games as Ivern.
Ivern is the Draven of jungle.
Exactly, people don’t realize that Huni has zero incentive to play well. If he didn’t win with Faker (literally LOL’s GOAT) he’s sure as hell not winning worlds with Damonte... so collect the pay check and enjoy trolling NA
Bruh no one expects NA to win worlds
jesus christ. Does huni blackmail the whole LCS somehow?
Being in SKT helped him on this one cause Bang prob wants Huni on EG
Damn I didn't realize you could get Astronaut Gnar for 10 gemstones
🤣 woops good catch, thanks!
Hey All!
Hextech Nocturne is stunningly haunting the Rift! He'll be coming with:
New models and textures!
New VFX!
New SFX!
New recall animation!
Hextech Nocturne is set to be 10 gemstones and is available on PBE! Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have down below!
External link →It's always nice to know Riot Employees are browsing over topics like this, it's a good feeling to know you're listening!... Now how about a Ultra-Violet Lux skin? lot of purples!
Appreciate the suggestion, but yeah we do love reading comments and discussion here. ;)
mhm mhm this sounds good, really good actually
how about a lux skin?
Did someone say Lux skin?
Do you have any idea what happens to people who got kicked out of their promos with a leaver-flag due to this unforeseen lag? Will their promos be restored?
I don't know at this time, sorry.
Well, ranked queues are down, only blind pick and normal draft is availaible.
Yeah, ranked queues are usually turned off in preparation for server maintenance after a certain time. That's 'cus otherwise your game would cease to exist once maintenance started
Eune is down at 28.05.2020 02:00 BST
Euw is down at 28.05.2020 03:30 BST
That's in 2 hours from now for EUW and 1 hour for EUNE. The servers aren't down for maintanence yet, that's just the error message you got due to the outage. Sorry for the confusion :(
Astronaut poppy, it's time
EDIT: Also can't wait to see more kaisa R suicide dives
This question is half serious / half joking but..... are you sure Yasuo's play hours are that high?
Because that guy has a consistent high ban rate, so how do you play a champ a lot if it's banned? :V
simple, make other champions to be banned :V
yasuo probably single handedly gets more play hours
So if you had to guess a number of combined years...