League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 Mar


Originally posted by TheRezyn

Does "Series 1" Eternals mean that there soon will be a series 2?

I'd gladly justify the 6000RP price tag as long as it's genuinely relevant for long.

But since they're secured for every new champion released into the future, I hope they're unique for long.

Could you help a brother out? :-)

Series 2 is unlikely to be released for at least several months. Our initial belief is they would release at the beginning of every season, but we may run a few experiments between now and then in response to player feedback.

05 Mar


Loot took a moment to update. Should be fixed now!


Originally posted by Krishnoff

u/The_Cactopus say something coward

I’ll assume good faith on your part and share this thread I wrote about why I think company reps shouldn’t necessarily go in and try to calm things down in threads like this one: https://twitter.com/rkrigney/status/1229605913931079681?s=21

Basically, comms folks are there to facilitate useful information transfer between players and devs, not to serve as a punching bag. The goal isn’t to keep the community calm, because that’s a fool’s errand.

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Originally posted by Phloods

I'm not 100% on this but i've asked my friend /u/ThuggInUggs who worked very closely on eternals and the chances are VERY slim anyone is even close

I dont know with any data that you are actually the first. I think it's a reasonable assumption based on the timeline you completed them in


Originally posted by stunna006

Is the grind really long tho? Honest question i havent checked

We've tuned it to average out around 50 games per milestone but there are a lot of factors contributing to high variance for individuals.


Originally posted by TheReconditeRedditor

I had no idea about this. It definitely changes my opinion on whether or not to pick one up. It's possible that other people don't know about this either? I'm not sure it was advertised to be part of the package and it's a really compelling selling point. If it was, I just missed it then.

It's in the Eternals Explained intro video on the overview tab inside the client but I'm not unsure how many people saw the video.


Originally posted by DarkwingGT

Are personal bests per game or lifetime?

And to that point, what is the goal here? To show off great moments in gameplay or to simply act as a records book? If it's the former, this definitely will not achieve that goal, if it's the latter, then ok, I see it.

The issue I have with the latter is that you basically will never see the Eternal again after a small section of games. You'll just have a really great game at some point, hit a high mark on the Eternal and then will probably go months if not years before you see it again. "Wow that's awesome, I had a stand out game and blocked 5k damage with a single Braum shield" But if you look at it was because they had a level 18 MF with 4 Infernals who for some reason built 6 IEs and you realize that it will be years before the stars align again to even give you the opportunity to try again.

The former would feel more fun in that even if you had that amazing best shield block ever in a game two weeks ago, if ...

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It's your best per single game - so if you proc a Jinx personal bests for one of Jinx's milestones you will have that within your collection page until you have another game where you surpass that milestone within a single game and set a new personal best.


Originally posted by Nymaera_

I’d definitely do that :) I was mainly caught on their first album - All New Materials is probably my all time favourite riff thinking about it - so I’m not the most knowledgable on Periphery’s other stuff unless it’s their bigger hits like Marigold or Scarlet, however Periphery IV has really brought me back into the fold. Misha showing his guitar tone is still up there with the greats all throughout.

I also think Periphery slowly started writing songs that actually fit their vocals? As far as I’m aware, their first album was written with another singer and that affected the writing process obviously. This last album’s got some cracking vocals.

damn that sounds awesome. i gotta check that out.


Originally posted by StarburstGalexy

How likely is it for you to explore some orchestral metal? I think that would be pretty neat.

i think chances are veeery high.


Originally posted by Nymaera_

Hmm not sure I follow you with that line of thought actually, considering their first album and how delving into more syncopated rhythms and heavy vocals was standard for them, that being said I haven’t listened to the Juggernaut albums too much. Plus this album is probably their most melodic album yet! It’s Only Smiles has some wonderful little vocal lines throughout for instance.

ohh maybe i missed the last one. to me the riffs just became a lot more technical over time, especially after Periphery II. Drum parts became alot more progressive -- which is cool, but they less and less wrote songs that you can nod your head to -- if that makes sense. everything starting with juggernaut wasn't my thing anymore. maybe i gotta check out the latest one!


Originally posted by L_Rayquaza

Have you thought of Symphonic Death Metal with deep growls and energetic chorus like Soilwork, Scar Symmetry, or Sonic Syndicate?

yeah, soilwork has always been a cool combo of hard riffs and melodic elements that I enjoyed. it's a good reference.


Originally posted by omegaxuss

I'd like to hear some progressive rock/metal.

( can you please bring John Petrucci aboard?)

also, don't you dare make Pentakill Akali..

I don't know if he'd wanna make music with a bunch of vidya game nerds ;P


Originally posted by MooseMaster3000

"of sorts"

Which is an extremely vague way of not-quite-confirming it.

Alright here it is: There will definitely be another Pentakill album that features original music. At least a handful, up to 10 or so. No idea, will see. Not sure yet when. We're definitely all eager to get back into it, but would think that it would take another few months to start at least. We'll see. Sorry I don't have more at this point.


good lawd what have i done


Originally posted by Ultramarine6

Hey, that's me!

I wasn't into metal but the first album was great. I managed to branch from there to Blind Guardian and Angra and the stuff's really growing on me.

That’s awesome to hear!!! :) this is the kind of stuff that gets me really pumped and makes me wanna do more


Originally posted by Ozaiko

The rush to the top crystal was so satisfting with Rammus :'(

Also so many memories playing hide and seek on Dominion. League lacks of map and custom game so hard...

Well, hopefully one of the games we are launching soon will help fill that missing feeling.

I'm still holding out for us to make a Sonic Adventure game clone....but with Rammus.


Originally posted by MyDeicide

I really see Urgot as a vocalist in the style of Til Lindeman myself. Breathy and deep.

Same. type o negative comes to mind


Originally posted by MyDeicide

I mean I'm a huge fan of Avantasia so you nailed it from the get go for me. With Kayle in the band it could be nice to take on some Nightwish like elements (Floor Jansen is a god damned goddess and I love the folky elements.)

I feel like Grrovy Zilean could totally add a Rush like Vibe as a guest on a track?

Gothic Aphelios could let you take a Cradle of Filth like route.

Darius might be a good shout as a Hardcore vocalist?

In terms of other bands, I think we totally need a Ska band with Bard, Zoe, Zac, Nunu, Shaco and Rakan.

I'd also love to see an Industrial Band (or Tanz Metal) with Urgot (Vocals), Alistair (Drums) , Heimerdinger (Keys), Jax (Guitar) and Jace, (Bass)

Visual Kei is also an easy one (Gackt as Jhin anyone?), Jhin, Aphelios, Diana, Irelia and Karma?

Man, I’ve been listening to Gackt, MUCC, dir en grey, girugamesh etc for so many years, having a pentakill song with a Japanese singer could be veeeeeery interesting.

Damn I feel like I gotta start writing a playlist down after getting all these recommendations...

  1. Folk metal (maybe hurdy gurdy or harp or so and an awesome vocalist)
  2. Symphonic metal
  3. Djent (push it a bit further perhaps. Headnodder riffs)
  4. Jrock meets metal
  5. Prog metal
  6. I already forgot a few other great recommendations but it’s starting to feel very interesting