League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Feb


Super clean and interesting video - gg Shakarez!


Originally posted by Nananahx

1:28 He does the emote!

LOL yes i do


Originally posted by FohlenToHirsch

You’re underestimating how much streamers earn. I’m pretty sure he made enough money back when he was popular to live comfortable until he dies if he invests it. I don’t know how many viewers he still pulls but if it’s above 2k he’s still earning good.

7-10k + youtube


Originally posted by DefinitelyPositive

Dude, that's f**king hilarious though? The comments make this seem so cringy but I love how he's owing up to his promise to pay him, lol

I mean he makes that much in a day or 2


Originally posted by nonpk

the whole multi stream thing puts me off so much i just dont watch anymore.

Any particular reason or just not your thing? We're always looking to improve so all feedback is welcome!


Originally posted by enloona

Is there anywhere we can see the 100TA vs EGA game in full because I checked the LoL Esports Vods channel and they don't have it there either and rush showed it for like 5 minutes... :(

We had some issues with this game on the back-end and are re-exporting the VOD and will upload it in the morning. Apologies for the delay!


Originally posted by HeftyHammertime

Obviously the second! God I still drown in nostalgia, hearing that smugs name... btw. Are you married yet?

Yes! I got married in 2017 :D

28 Feb


Originally posted by detroitmatt

are you looking at the thing where person A will go e.g. mid/adc and person B will go top/fill and person A gets assigned support and B gets mid?

Yes, were currently testing this. Just waiting for our first round of changes to soak a bit before rolling this out next.


Originally posted by pyrofiend4

I'll believe the second half of 2020 section when I see it. Remove promo series between divisions and tell me my MMR.

Right now I'm cautiously optimistic.

We'll take "cautiously optimistic". I think the strongest strategy here is to be upfront with the problems we're trying to solve, and very deliberate about how we solve them. Making meaningful changes continuously and communicating with you all every step of the way will help us land in a hopefully better place in the long term.

Some of these things are definitely difficult to solve in totality, but that doesn't mean we can't make measurable improvements in the short term.


Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

Does it take into account that a duo bot is stronger than say a support and top who duo. Because playing solo bot into a duo bot it's the worst feeling ever

Unfortunately, not yet. We're exploring ways to be able to bring in position related info here, but we have to keep a close eye on the trade-offs between additional matchmaking limitations and the overall quality and queue times in matchmaking.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

I'm personally excited for duo balance, feels atrocious playing with a team of solos against a duo bot or top and jungle duo

We've been seeing good test data on duo balance and are excited to roll it out to everyone. We're being cautious on rolling out too much too fast to avoid crushing matchmaking times and sacrificing match quality.

Tentatively, though, the results look good so far.


I don't get it. It's literally just the same music video next to each other.


Originally posted by cubonelvl69

I think the goal is auto fill top vs auto fill top, etc. I know they mentioned having equal number of autofilled players on each team, so my guess is this means they'll try to match position of autofilled on each.

This is pretty much where we're looking. We're being cautious with how fast we tune the autofill knobs, because there are some pretty clear trade-offs in match quality and matchmaking queue times if we go too big too fast.


Just for interest sake, which ending joke do you think you would like more?

The original script: Trevor hey guys can I play? Medic the game started 30mins ago? Trevor plz plz plz Medic okay, um... You can be Origen.


Trevor hey guys can I play? Medic the game started 30mins ago? Trevor plz plz plz Medic okay, um... You can be Origen. Trevor Yes Deficio

Just interested to see how many people caught the OG joke in the version we released as the broadcast team is a little split on which end joke was better.


Originally posted by Ignisami

Just a thing: CDR is only ‘not damage’ when looking at a single rotation of skills. When looking at a specific timeframe CDR directly translates to damage (as long as it’s long enough to fit +1 skill uses).

Sure, but this is a thread all about high lethality and people being one-shot. Unless you consider four Karthus Q's getting "one-shot" then it doesn't apply to this discussion.

Cooldowns have absolutely gotten lower over the course of League's lifetime. What I'm debating is the burst damage.


Originally posted by tpst

But would you agree the game feels faster specifically time-to-kill?

I just used leona as an example, I don't personally have an issue with the state of bot lane. Ive been playing since s1, and I'm just not sure whether this feeling is based in truth, a result of systemic changes or whether people have simply optimised the game to a point where skill is higher and people are able to execute better, etc.

I'll be honest, I don't really know. It may be the case. And anecdotally damage items seems more efficient than before. But I've played in a version of the game where Hexdrinker didn't exist and level 1 champions had like 400 HP. So even if it's true, you're really just asking "when has the damage been lower?" and not "Is this the highest damage we've ever had?"


Originally posted by Coolstorylucas

Damage is relative, every piece of damage over a threshold is useless. You may have lost more "damage" but that "damage" doesn't matter if you still hit the threshold needed to kill.

ADCs got GUTTED in resistances so looking at Leona's damage at when she was first presented is dishonest because you have to look at her damage relative to what she is killing.

Saying ADC resistances got gutted when all they did was lose 3 armor and gained more health+health-per-level is worse than dishonest.


Originally posted by Totaltotemic

Meanwhile, Ezreal can still take +Armor +MR in his stat shards if he needs. Any AD Carry who cares can have substantially more baseline durability than three years ago.

What about the specific runes taken? Well sure, Aftershock and Cheap Shot exist, which do about 35 total damage in the early game. But it's not like you can't take Bone Plating or Nullifying Orb to negate the entirety of that bonus damage.

Do you think the perception that runes are more offensive now comes from people just not making these choices?

I know most ADCs in general these days run some kind of Precision keystone and then take Triumph (doesn't do anything if you're losing a fight) or Overheal (useless until you get some lifesteal), Legend: Bloodline (also useless until later), and then Coup de Gras (also pretty useless if you're losing a fight) so it's often like they just don't have a primary rune tree if someone goes aggressive on them. Then most people...

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I think it's a perception issue, yes.

For example, by the end of the old runes/mastery system, most high-level AD Carries ran Resolve (or whatever it was called) as their secondary tree. It's very easy to run Nullifying Orb in Sorcery. We also know that plenty of fighters take Resolve secondary for things like Bone Plating or Second Wind.

I think AD Carries are trained really heavily into sacrificing everything for offense, which is weird, since they're usually happy to dip into Ninja Tabi, Bloodthirster, or Phantom Dancer without a second thought. But they don't typically make this choice in runes.

It's not a ton of data, but Bone Plating has a 55% win rate as a secondary rune on Vayne. By contrast, her most-picked Rune in that slot, Biscuit Delivery, has 53%. Biscuits has about 20x the pick rate of Bone Plating, but there's still over 2,000 games to suggest that Bone Plating's power level is not just random chance. In an attempt to verify that, I looked at...

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Originally posted by Dracoknight256

example, most mid laners ran CDR/level runes and so the Runes Reforged base stat changes actually made mages tankier against one another. To claim otherwise means you didn't actually look at pro rune pages and just regurgitated what other people said.

This here is the problem. You're talking about pro choices. Most people couldn't afford that many runes and just ran two generic pages which for example for botlane had flat armor yellows, MR/lvl or flat MR+Mr/lvl blues, AD bronze ones and quints based on preference for ad/as/armor/ms/pen when they were buying. I definitely do not have ~80 MR at level 18 on ADC like I did back then.

Another thing is you're talking about bases. All runes have some ratios. My question is: Does APC with electrocute do same damage at 20 minutes he did back then with TLD? I'm fairly sure the answer is NO, even if ratios remain the same.

Anyway, I was intrested so I googled. EC has 20 more base, 10%more b...

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On a per-slot basis, the average 2020 rune is stronger than the average 2016 mastery. However, there are less total rune slots than there were mastery tiers in the old system. Also, a lot of the generic damage masteries are gone. 2% flat spell damage is a now-missing mastery. In general, this power got rolled into things like Keystone runes. So while you're right that Electrocute damage is higher than TLD damage, the total damage contribution from the rune page is typically not.