League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

25 Feb

Originally posted by Halfscan

Turret plates take -20% damage from Ranged Champions

Cries in measly mage autos

this is actually not the most accurate representation. it would be better to say turrets take 20% more damage from melee champs

turret plates gained damage resist vs anything that's not a melee champion, but turrets lost armor and mr so that damage is roughly equivalent

More clarification

Turret plates gained 18% damage resist vs anything that's not a melee champion

Pre 14 minutes, outer turrets have 40 + 40 per lost plate Armor and MR >>> 15 + 35 per lost plate Armor and MR

Post 14 minutes, they have 40 armor and mr like before

Which literally means VS Live, melee are dealing ~ 120% increased damage, and ranged are dealing ~2% reduced damage

Originally posted by TheOneArmedWolf

"We look at 4 different tiers of play when approaching champion balance:

Majority (most players fit here) The sample size here is massive and the main things we look at are win-rate, play rate, and ban rate.

High skilled (roughly plat+ MMR) Same as Majority but slightly stricter on criteria

Elite (really high, like Grandmaster+) Winrate starts to fall apart up here due to sample size, so mainly look at perception and ban rate

Pro play Look heavily at the overall systems and presence% of picks"

"If a champion is “OP” in ANY of the 4 tiers, they should be nerfed"

Apareantly, this didn't apply to Riven back then, so she wasn't nerfed for a while (even tho there were nerfs for champions that weren't "op" in all 4 tiers either).

So how come Rammus fits into "If a champion is “OP” in ANY of the 4 tiers, they should be nerfed" now? Rammus is stomping low elo, but on a low playrate. He also does great in Diamond and Masters, but at th...

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Playrate is generally not used to compare champs unless it changes dramatically - Rammus in general will never be anywhere near Riven in terms of popularity assuming equivalent power since relatively fewer people (understatement of the year) want to play as an armadillo in need of a vgu VS an edgy warrior with amazing skins - so judging them against each other via playrate would be wildly ignorant of non-balance impacting factors.


Except in elite / pro, where we assume that players are optimizing heavier for power rather than personal enjoyment (or perhaps rather they personally enjoy winning more than other factors), since the top of the ladder is self selecting for players that do what it takes to win.

So from our perspective, Darius is a reasonable champi...

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Originally posted by Daoed

Jumping in here to ask whether the AP bruiser itemization rework you teased around a year ago has been completely scrapped, and if so, why?

not currently being worked on.

I can't speak as to why we decided we needed to work on it in the first place; my personal opinion is that we have a plethora of AP bruiser items (almost all AP items are hybrid offensive defensive stat lines), and instead should be looking at champ kits

Originally posted by MoonParkSong

Buffing Bork and Hydra

Not nerfing Yi.


at least we aren't also buffing him this patch

Originally posted by IamPronoun

Shame this comment got looked over lmaoooo

i appreciate it

Originally posted by SSDuelist

So what you’re saying is that top lane Sona/Soraka will now run a reverse boosting strat where their jungler just runs top and dies over and over again so the passive still works.



We see Amumu and Rammus above 54% with Garen at 53%

Based on our system of thresholds (meant to keep things consistent and remove bias) this leads to nerfing the first two and not Garen this patch.

Current plan is just a partial revert of 10.4 buffs on Amumu and Rammus, so I don't think they will be in a bad spot after 10.5.


Originally posted by Javonetor

you thought your opponents were that bad, don’t you?

I guess I assumed my Aftershock + E passive made me all but invulnerable! 🤣


Originally posted by Javonetor

you are right, but amumu’s ult is like the worse example to contra argument, cause you can’t autoattack, move or dash from it

morgana’s q or karma’s w are better to give the point

Pretty sure you can auto attack.

Edit: wait, what?! And I played about 100 amumu games last season, too.

Originally posted by skirtskirt

nonono 200 years of experience could never make a mistake

yeah u right I think we should actually buff rammus here. How about another 5% attack speed and attack speed ratio

Originally posted by TheOneArmedWolf

Remember when Riven had 56% winrate on a 15% playrate last year but wasn't nerfed for months because she was low winrate on Vietnam or something?

How come then that Rammus is getting nerfed because he's 54.1% winrate on a 3% playrate, ergo, mostly mains????

The info is already out there but I suspect you aren't actually willing to look for, so I'll correct you here.

  • She was never that high - except maybe in M+, where sample size is like 300 games per patch and totally unreliable (ie: on 9.05 it randomly went up 6.7% from 48.1% to 54.8%). For most players, she was ranged from a 47-53% winrate.

  • Vietnam has a roughly equivalent or larger ranked population as NA so I don't know what to tell you.

  • AND she was specifically too strong in NA (if we include other regions like EU, KR, CN, or, yes, Vietnam she was fine)

heres a relevant post from the time for further enlightenment: ...

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Originally posted by C3ntra

“Fixed a bug where Mordekaiser didn’t have any special interactions with Kindred.”

Seriously, its the death realm. Mordekaiser and Wolf should be homies by now.

I actually have Kindred trigger their ban line ("You overstep!") when they are pulled into the death realm by Mordekaiser, but I really wish we could have got something more :(


Originally posted by Rojo176

Do you have plans for people who are unintentionally smurfing because they have only completed placements? I don't have the time or energy to climb ranked nowadays but I enjoy playing with my friends. I finished my flex placements so I could get a rank and be eligible for clash, but that rank is very clearly not as good as the rank I finished in last season.

We're still matching you based on MMR rather than your visible rank - so for people operating normally with a limited number of games, you'll usually be rated fairly.

Originally posted by Ryuumoku

Do you still plan to release it next patch ? Its not in scruffy list.

maybe its already released :U

Originally posted by crazyike

Poor Rammus gets to 52% and must immediately face the guillotine once more.

hes 54.1% over ~90% of the player base (gold and below) :> Buffing him along with cinderhulk was probably a mistako

Originally posted by royallights

How does Sett hit not any thresholds with 52% winrate 15% pickrate 50% banrate and being pick and ban in proplay? And how exactly did Singed hit the threshold? That one Bwipo games must have been too much right?

His pro presence is not high enough to trigger (>=95% one patch since he was last nerfed 10.3). 52% winrate is within reasonable bounds, but at the high end for a champ thats significantly banned.

But sett is over that (53.8% jungle Avg Elo) and is getting nerfs for 10.5.

Originally posted by Holythreat

You have been consistent in restricting a single defensive stat in offensive items from a design standpoint.

Armor - Zhonya, GA

MR - Maw, Banshee, Wit's

Why are you not following this rule in DD's case since you are giving it both mr and armor?

The item will be meta defining given how busted it is... please respect your own design philosophy!

sorry wut

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Out of curiosity when a champ does hit the pro threshold do you guys plan on nerfing them the following patch since pro play starts after you guys plan the next cycle's balance changes

not sure I understand the question

The latest Pro Play data is used to inform balance, but disregarded if we've made changes to champs since whatever patch that pro play data is on (ie: Aphelios OP in pro right now, but they are playing on 10.3 and we nerfed him in 10.4, so we won't nerf him in 10.5 because of pro)

This is complicated a little further by the fact we generally don't like nerfing/buffing the same champ in back to back patches since we like giving champs time to settle

Originally posted by TrololoIo

Is it cause of people starting building it as second item after tri force for 40% cdr that u think its fine as it is? Is the team looking in another 20 cdr option since even champs like jax and irelia who do split are doing it?

Cleaver to me is more of a landmark item that we should tune around rather than tune

Originally posted by Spumpnu

I hope you revert the 9.19 Ornn Buff that is a big part of why he is so strong rn.
