Read moreexample, most mid laners ran CDR/level runes and so the Runes Reforged base stat changes actually made mages tankier against one another. To claim otherwise means you didn't actually look at pro rune pages and just regurgitated what other people said.
This here is the problem. You're talking about pro choices. Most people couldn't afford that many runes and just ran two generic pages which for example for botlane had flat armor yellows, MR/lvl or flat MR+Mr/lvl blues, AD bronze ones and quints based on preference for ad/as/armor/ms/pen when they were buying. I definitely do not have ~80 MR at level 18 on ADC like I did back then.
Another thing is you're talking about bases. All runes have some ratios. My question is: Does APC with electrocute do same damage at 20 minutes he did back then with TLD? I'm fairly sure the answer is NO, even if ratios remain the same.
Anyway, I was intrested so I googled. EC has 20 more base, 10%more b...
On a per-slot basis, the average 2020 rune is stronger than the average 2016 mastery. However, there are less total rune slots than there were mastery tiers in the old system. Also, a lot of the generic damage masteries are gone. 2% flat spell damage is a now-missing mastery. In general, this power got rolled into things like Keystone runes. So while you're right that Electrocute damage is higher than TLD damage, the total damage contribution from the rune page is typically not.