League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

09 Dec


Originally posted by a1orian

We lost our first game yesterday and went to the loser bracket. Our opponent ff'ed their game instantly (probably someone left their team). So we had to wait almost 1.5h for our next game.

I think it would be great to give us the opportunity to spectate games while waiting.

It's on our wishlist - the way spectator works right now, we can't force you to leave spectator once your next match is ready, so it would be very easy for someone to be spectating a match and accidentally miss their next game. But now that Clash is looking more stable (knock on wood), we can start getting into a lot of those kinds of improvements


Originally posted by bbjimin

Its so weird that a bronze-gold team can get carried by a nearly diamond jungler in tier 4.

This was our matchup last night. He had equal/higher elo solo laners and he was almost 2 full tiers ahead of me (though I have like G1 MMR since MMR effects it, so just 1 full tier...)

If there is a player in P2+ they should automatically be a Tier 3 team regardless of what the rest of the team is imo. This game was straight up not balanced. Its SO easy to just put your really bad players on shit like Malphite or Veigar and they just get to survive for no real reason (and they still get to be useful)

(Day 1 was much more fun and balanced though. No random P2 players...)

We have tried that in the past, and found that it ended up having the opposite effect, where those teams with a single high ranking player were hugely overmatched and basically unable to play.

That said, we're going to keep tuning our matchmaking, and we may not be weighing a single high ranked player heavily enough yet. We're definitely going to keep tuning a lot of Clash matchmaking for a while, since it's a pretty different dynamic from our more established matchmaking methods!


Originally posted by SmokeCocks

BREAK BETWEEN MATCHES - This is a tough one. When you come out of a long, intense game, I totally get that feeling of needing a break. But typically, your opponents have been waiting for a while for your game to end, and are kind of having the opposite experience. I think we can try out a longer scouting period for rounds 2 and 3 potentially, but we risk giving teams that have fast games too much downtime, since we block you from playing other games while you're in Clash.

This, I had a 18min clash game and we all waited for 16min for other games to end, then a 5 min scout phase along side it.

Question, if the team I'm about to face off against is out of their game ( I can see they won their last game) why are we still waiting for teams who we're not paired with?

We wait for a full round to complete so that we don't generate more waiting later on. Let's say you're crushing it, win your first game in 15 minutes. So do your opponents, so you play the next game like 25 minutes after the bracket started, and you win again in 15 minutes. You would be done with all but finals in ~40 minutes.

MEANWHILE, on the other side of the bracket, folks are taking a more typical 35 minutes to complete a game. It'll take then ~80 minutes to reach the final - meaning you'd be all hyped for your final match, then wait 40 minutes for an opponent.

We think it's a better experience to have multiple smaller waits than a single gigantic one. Especially because we may experiment with longer brackets in the future, where this would be even worse.


I mostly play Caitlyn myself, she got me out of bronze and into gold over the past 2 seasons. Her long range, especially once RFC kicks in, feels like it simplifies the positioning "problem space" and really let's me focus on what I'm doing in a teamfight. With shorter range ADCs like vayne, I just don't feel like my brain has a fast enough refresh rate to stay alive.

Here's a question for my fellow low ELO tryhards: when you guys see that your gold 4 midlane OTP has like 1+ million mastery on their champ, do you feel better or worse about your chances to win?


We'll be taking this down this afternoon. In the meantime we changed it so it shouldn't pop up anymore. Hope that fixed it for you. :)


Originally posted by Submissive_Dude

Uninstall, set your workplace on fire, and then jump off a cliff.

Found the Garen


Originally posted by BrightWizard88

Are you the devil?

Between the hours of 7:30 PM and 1:30 AM pst, yes... just a 'lil.


When someone asks 'what do you main?' There is a fleeting moment where you can see just a shimmer of true disgust on their face when you answer. They pretend it's alright, and you both carry on with your lives but from that point on they know, and every interaction henceforth is painted with unease and caution.

Just saying those 4 syllables conveys the implication that no matter what I do in my day to day life, when I get home and hop on League, I exist to be a complete bastard. Not even in the pursuit of a win, or even a good score. No, this is a much higher calling. I exist to make your day just a little worse. Not through mean spirited taunts in /all, nor even complex outplays, but instead just by existing.

No matter if I volunteer for charity, no matter if I am nice to kids, no matter if hold the door for elderly folks, I Main Teemo.


Lazy? We just built 4 different elemental themed map variants and your first thought was that we were too lazy to do a snowy version of each of them at the same time?

Sometimes, Reddit...


Originally posted by Lame_Night

It's hardly tank meta. It's just dragon meta right now. Whoever gets 4 dragons first wins game.

Or... Whoever's winning the game takes 4 dragons first.


Originally posted by Nikspeeder

so my friend invited me into a game yesterday(clash obviously) they are like bronze silver silver gold, i am diamond 3. we managed to get into tier 4 which i thought was not fair but i went with the flow. first game i hard stomped, enemies had to plat 4's as their highest members. Second game the level 30, never played ranked fiora hard stomped us. i mean really hard. Clean combos nice cc'chaining with w, almost no failed q. Now i am 100% certain it was a smurf. She played like someone from my ranked games. Maybe even better ( d2- low master) how can i adress this to a support. I submitted a ticket in post lobby but did not know what checkbox to fill. So i would like to adress his case on the support page as well. Any tips what i should do?

You can link your match history and submit a support ticket that you suspect smurfing in Clash. This is our first global beta with the new system so we are looking for all the data so we can better identify Smurfs.


Originally posted by stop_reading__this

so if an acc is permabanned and, by definition, they are unable to play on it, they must play on that account if it is rated higher than their new, unbanned account?

Then they we need to get an unbanned account to a higher rating than their banned account.

I'm assuming you're in NA because you're having loot issues at this time of night. Due to the high volume of players, we had to disable the loot tab in NA. When it's back up. please check the loot tab again to see if it's still there. If it's not, please file a player support ticket and hopefully they can help you out.

edit: missed a couple of works.

Originally posted by LoLFuturama

Same here, got an error and my orb vanished, didint say it received anything.

We had to disable the Loot tab due to high player volume. Once it's back, please check your loot tab again. If you don't see anything, file a player support ticket, and they should hopefully be able to help you out.


Originally posted by T3by

What if a high elo player gets his main acc banned and has to play on a new account?

Our rules say the player needs to be playing on their highest rated account. Banned or otherwise.


There is Clash next weekend. It probably won't be every weekend when it is fully released.


It's not Flex and Solo together. It's the highest of either Flex or Solo and then previous Clash history is taken into account.