League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Dec


Practice. Listen. Repeat.


I live for these games...seriously. It's one of the primary reasons I love group competitive play so much. Those feelings come so much more frequently when you remove the majority of volatility that comes with 10 random people coming together.

Clash could prove to be the mode that brings this feeling more consistently. I'm excited to see where we can take it in the next couple iterations.

06 Dec


Originally posted by Masalar

That’s very similar to an idea I had. “Definitely not Brad.” It’s just Bard. The only change is the text on the loading splash. Costs like 5 BE.

This is my kind of content. I love this. I pitch this sort of stuff to skins team all the time. One day they'll take me seriously...


Originally posted by LonelyShen

homie about the gt-o pick a chin ass boy the afrohead stank

This comment made me feel old AF. I know these are words, but I know not what they mean


The Susan skin for Nasus. It's just Nasus wearing a wig and he has his character animations remapped to Miss Fortune's so that he has a feminine strut and animations. No other cosmetic change.


Originally posted by KaisaPermanente

Yes that makes sense, however the example i have is the reverse. I started my first alternate account expecting to be lower than my main was at the time which was silver 3. When i finished leveling the account and finished placements, the account ranked at gold 3. I then climbed that account to gold 1 over the course of about 30-50 matches. When i tried to push my main account to gold afterwards, it was hardstuck at silver 2 and 3. I would switch back and forth between the accounts, and found i would win and climb much easier with the gold account than with the silver account.

Since then, ive abandoned two other accounts because a newer account climbed past the old one, while the old one seemed to be hardstuck. One of the things i noticed while climbing different accounts was the difference in LP gained and lost on the account with lots of games was always less, even with a much higher win streak(10-20 win streak vs 5-10).

If the system is built to always put me whe...

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Sure, if you want to send along the summoner names I can probably give you a better answer. There's a lot of components to Ranked so it can be hard to explain with incomplete info!


Originally posted by Dingodogg

Thank you so much for sticking around replying to every comment, Im reading every single one and it's honestly refreshing to hear about this matter from Riot itself.

May I ask you to clear up a thing about mmr? If you're allowed to say it ofc. Can you confirm that LPs gains are exclusively dependant on win/lose at that given mmr (and how big is the difference between your personal mmr and game average mmr between the 10 players) and that win/lose is the only factor taken into consideration for mmr variations?

Basically, is win/lose the only stat that matters to the system? Aka game performance by stats (kda, vision score etc) are totally irrelevant? Im asking this because in s9 many people are still not sure about this and I've seen some people spreading what I think is misinformation, and there's no official source for people to actually verify this.

Thanks in advance, Im no native speaker, I hope it wasnt too confusing to read.

I'm definitely not getting to all of them - I still occasionally have to do work ><

We don't take KDA, Vision Score, etc. into account for MMR, because those statistics are gameable. We don't want to create a situation where your support decides their odds of winning the game are too low, so they instead focus on maxing out Vision score to save as much MMR/LP as possible.

It's this weird problem where those stats are really great for figuring out how good a player is - right up until the player realizes they're being measured on those stats.


Originally posted by Gkkiux

It's just that jumping ranks without promos seems like something that might happen in placements, not regular season. Unless I was placed into gold promos and the game just didn't show it, not sure if that's a thing

Yeah, I think this is a really good point - I'm going to look into how we can change this experience. It does seem silly for us to say, "Hey you're blasting off at the start of the season!" and then jump you a bunch AFTER that's done


Originally posted by hellyeah222

Thanks for the reply.

The thing that has always confused/bothered me is the fact that I can end up in a situation, where I'm playing my promotion series, for example, to get into Gold 1, BUT I am playing versus Plat players. And if I fail to win those games, the LP system determines that I am not good enough to be Gold 1, when in reality I was tested against Plat players. Do you see the disconnect here? My arbitrary solution would be to compose teams from within the same LP division, and if I am in promos to Gold 1, then I should be playing versus Gold 1 opponents.

I get that it's almost impossible to create such a system and that could lead to a multitude of problems which I am not considering right now, but can you imagine how my previously proposed example could be disheartening?

As for the other accounts, that wasn't really a complaint on how the new accounts work, cause I understand the principle. I use the additional accounts to play different roles,...

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Totally get the disconnect here - and something we'd like to improve in the future. It's unfortunately not as easy as guaranteeing you have Gold I opponents, because not all Gold I players have the same skill (including you - from what it sounds like, you may be climbing upward and have a higher MMR than your current Rank).

In general, we match on skill rating, not rank, because skill rating matching creates matches that play more fairly, even if they sometimes LOOK less fair. Let's hypothetically say you are a player with Platinum skill, playing in Gold II. If we match you against Gold Is in your promos, you will have a much greater likelihood of winning, because we honestly think you're better than that - but this also means we've made a game where 5 players are heavily disadvantaged. Instead, we try to make a game we think is fair for you based on skill rating, and then let your LP move more quickly for each win in order to get your rank and skill caught up.


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Originally posted by sowydso

Can't normal game mmr help with gathering info about the player, if it's not already used of course

Certainly can!


Originally posted by getoastet

Stupid sounding suggestion, can't you take the (average mmr of all ranked players and add his normal mmr)/2? This would be a more personal placement which would make the first placements not so harsh for under average players and good players would have to climb less

Not stupid at all! Normal MMR doesn't necessarily run on the same range as Ranked MMR, though, so the math gets a bit wonkier. But the general idea of using Normal MMR to inform (but not dictate) starting ranked MMR is good!


Originally posted by Suavarino

I am in my 1st year of Ranked, And did placements at the beginning of the year and went 3-7 and was placed Iron 3 78LP

My friend https://br.op.gg/summoner/userName=kamatasyhi started a few months later, went 0-10 and was placed Bronze 1

Can you explain how this can happen?

Some of our placement logic has changed over the year, and we do use information from previous seasons to inform some of our placements, and the opponents you played in those games may change how your skill rating (and thus eventually your Rank) changed over that time. There's basically a lot of factors here that could make your experiences different.


Originally posted by Stormbreaker1107

And as I’ve said I’m going to follow every single bit of advice I’ve gotten here. The only reason I haven’t put anything out is I don’t live in a country where technology is cheap and I’m saving up for all of the tech to make it good and high quality as I aspire to be as good as you all who have led the way.

I mean I hear this a lot too, but if you have a PC to play League, the required internet connection to also play League and a headset you use to talk to your friends with while playing, chances are you could've recorded something already!

I saw this more to illustrate that people often overthink what they need and what's involved with casting, without ever taking those next steps because they're so stuck in the planning phase.

But I'm glad the advice you've gotten here has helped you and I'm glad to hear you're investing in your future in casting, can't wait to hear you.


Originally posted by 25chestnuts

Have you experimented with systems similar to what Hearthstone does? (where everyone starts at the bottom of the ladder, and rank up as times goes on?) Even if the queues are perturbed longer in this scenario, I am pretty sure that it feels less shitty to go from Iron IV to Bronze IV than from Gold IV to Bronze IV and more players will be likely to approach the ranked queue. Having more high skill players joining the queue (your words) may only be showing that effect.

Furthermore, given that MMR is already hidden, the overall deflation in the system should be transparent to the matchmaking. You only care to keep the relative distribution of rankings accurately.

I love Hearthstone personally, so I'm pretty familiar with their ranked system! It works very well for a 1v1 game, because you can resolve differences between skill and rank really easily when you only have two players facing off.

Let's say a given player is Rank 2 skill, but currently Rank 6. In Hearthstone, they'll play other Rank 6 players, and on average, be better - so they move up! Their opponents, as average Rank 6 players, will probably lose when they hit the Above average player, but that won't be the norm and they will even out over time.

In League, we have to worry about teammates. This means that if you are Plat Skill but currently in Bronze, and we match you into games of Bronze Skill, you probably win more. But so do 4 of your teammates, and 5 of your opponents lose a game they had no chance at winning. The amount of disruption each of these games creates is 9x what Hearthstone experiences, and means that the system destabilizes much faster as players...

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Originally posted by TheRagingTuna

practice. i use to be really into casting and got pretty damn good at it (i could go full cpt flowers mode in a big teamfight) but have fallen out of love with the game for the most part since i have been playing for almost 9 years. personally i would start by casting over lcs games with the actual casters in the background, helps with the flow and pacing of the game and your casting and what you are focusing on.

there are also two types of casting, color casting and play by play casting. color casters are the more statistic/macro/micro casters that pay attention to the smaller details while play by play is team fighting and skirmishes and what not. if you are in a multi caster game, one focus on one of the sides while the other does the other side. ie flowers is a play by play while jatt/kobe is a color. flowers got found by casting collegiate games

if you get really good and show that you are really committed, one of the lcs casters may help you and "coach" you if...

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I'd love to see a clip of your Flowers mode if you have it.


Originally posted by RE_msf

Have a good set up and then cast like China games or academy games that they don’t cast then once you build a name you can cast like college games. Being an actual riot caster is probably knowing the right people. Azael wasn’t a caster. Markz and crumbz are probably next when someone leaves.

Azael was very much a caster before he came to Riot, although he didn't start at Riot as a caster if that's what you mean.
Mark doesn't really want to cast AFAIK, he much prefers his analyst, content and production roles he has outside of Riot.

Crumbz likes doing a bit of everything it seems and he's been great fun to have alongside me for Academy games.


I say the same thing to everyone: practice, practice, practice.

If you want to be a caster, but have zero footage of you casting anything, you've missed a step. A lot of people have the desire to commentate, few continue to follow up on that desire with action.

Getting noticed is difficult and I can say from personal experience that I got extremely lucky to be where I am now, but it's impossible to get noticed if you have nothing for people to take note of.


Originally posted by BratwurstZ

Or Metal Gear Rising. The Sword-play was amazing in that game.

Be still my heart.


Originally posted by Elarial

OK i have to ask was Kobe drunk while shooting this? His voice was weird/different. IF HE IS please do it again Kobe

Not drunk, but definitely jetlagged. He landed and came straight to the studio to shoot dive and then this. He hadn't even eaten. Gotta love his commitment.