League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

18 Dec


Originally posted by HHH-is-Dumb

I mean you said “you wish I was joking” lmao, literally implying it’s an interesting and new idea never brought up.

I'm British. My humour doesn't travel well across the internet.

However! I do think it's a great idea and I have made a note to bring it up in future.


Originally posted by HHH-is-Dumb

Did you guys seriously never think of this before?

Sometimes I like to interact with the Reddit community in a positive way. Imagine that!

17 Dec


Originally posted by kaitin

Hi! What is the new release date for the Dawnbringer Riven Chroma and Icon? I have a feeling it's going to be postponed past the 17th.

Should be in the next couple of days.


Are you asking Riot to make Mordekaiser more-de-cozier? 😏


Originally posted by OPandNERFpls

Hope you can find a way to fix this fast. Thank you

Fixed now via micropatch!

Originally posted by IcePokeTwoSoon

Sorry to be in the train of bothersome individuals, but any idea if and when the ekko nerfs will occur? As a main his current high pick and ban rate is frustrating to work around, but i know he feels a little overpowered currently; is reverting the pre-worlds cd reductions on the table?

hes within reasonable bounds atm, so unlikely. we try not to nerf champs just because they are popular if we think they are popular because they are fun (vs popular because they are just OP).

Originally posted by Lewanor

Any way you can share how some of the ad assassins were doing that lead up to the dirk buff Cap?

laning ad assassins are down across the board -.5 to -1%.


Originally posted by Ehac

is it not possible to still get good data, if you look at games that were even after the drake was taken and thus have an estimate of gameimpact? With the amount of games that happen you should still get enough data

Kiiind of! We are lucky that we have loads of data coming in (worked on some video games where you have to form plans from 100's of games, not 100,000's), but separating causality from correlation is really tricky.

If a team has a 70% WR after taking 3 dragons, is that the power of dragons, or were they able to freely take 3 dragons because they were really strong and in a position to just take them?

Originally posted by xGreedy95

Why is aphelios getting hotfix nerfed already? From winrates he doesnt look overpowered yet

hes at the max predicted reasonable winrate on this day based on our release estimates, and his ban rate is extremely high. We expect him to continue to climb in winrate and banrate, so he'd be literally unplayable (banned) soon unless we act.

Originally posted by HYBRIDHAWK6

I know I'm spinning into another topic but does Riot have any good metrics on Jayce?

Lolaytics shows he is sat on a 46% winrate with a whopping 50% winrate as a otp.

I honestly thought preseason would buff him but it seems to have done the opposite?

Is any work planned for him?

Also if you want a laugh look at the Jayce mains sub reddit!

yeah we are looking at buffing him


Originally posted by AlwaysRigged

Of course, didn't think of that. I just reckoned there'd be some kind of a "must test" list.

Oh well, thank you for fixing it now at least.

You're welcome! I shall now become 94% less salty and thank you for softening my cold heart. 😊

I do wish I'd have personally seen this bug coming...


Originally posted by AlwaysRigged

Not really, considering a bug like this has happened before (Death's Dance and Aery, Infernal and Aery) like other people in this thread has already said. That should warrant a test when implementing a DoT longer than 2 sec...

"Warrant a test" I'm sure our QA team tested 150+ interactions, but this one slipped through. Unfortunate, but not unexpected.

Players often seriously underestimate how vast and complex league is to test, sometimes.

Anyway, it'll get fixed asap.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Because it hasn't even been out for 1 whole month yet? And I've just seen this video here 5 minutes ago to learn about the bug?

Kinda stupid thing to say tbh.


Originally posted by Polw3

that's three different times this has happened now. Death's Dance, Infernal Soul, and now Elder buff. Jesus, you'd think they'd learn by now.

There's a LOT of interactions in the game, and fortunately you guys play millions of games per day and find them! I'll make sure the team records and fixes this bug asap.


EDIT: now fixed with a micropatch!


Originally posted by ActionAdam

This is a hot take, and I'm a little biased as I'm not really a Froggen fan, but I'd rather have Damonte than Froggen.

So you prefer a #9 in most stats than #1 in most stats?

Originally posted by Emotional_platypus

Hi thanks for being so interactive with community. I was wondering what thoughts are on irelia right now. Most of ireliamains seems to think she’s still much stronger in the mid lane than top lane. Is moving her to top primarily still a goal?

believe we still generally want her to be a top laner (even though she has pretty much always been better mid). don't think we'll push hard on it since any work on her is heavily restricted by her traditionally high presence in pro and high elo

Originally posted by pureply101

Just wanted to say hi and hope your day went well.

hi thanks. it's been busy because upcoming holidays. speaking of which, happy holidays if you celebrate them!

Originally posted by Raffyk99

U.gg has him at 50. He had a normal win-rate before the conqueror change. Why does he and only him of the juggernauts deserve to eat a conqueror nerf, while Mordekaiser has a 55+% win rate, for example? Makes no sense to me.

morde is 53% winrate (scaling down to 50% winrate at high elo)

Originally posted by Ryuumoku

Seeing Wukong is in an eternal work in progress (on the rework), cant the balance team do something about it ??

we can nerf him pretty hard, thats about it. since hes got wip work, we don't want to do major mechanics changes on top of that, and hes 54-55% winrate in midlane (with an equivalent playrate there to top lane) which prevents us from buffing him anywhere else