Ah yes I understand.
Ah yes I understand.
Carry the 3 my friend
Marksmen largely play the same across all champions. You go to lane, farm minions, forget about the mini map, die a bunch, maybe get a kill or two, and build items. The abilities change, but the overall gameplay is familiar.
Ahh, so Riot DOES play the same game as us.
I'm a support main. This is my life.
Why you got a vision score of 1 at 29 minutes ADCs?
Such a good read, I wonder if we can still hear Aphelios his thoughts sometimes.
Yasuo mains can go somewhere now maybe.
I also have my doubts about your statement. Unless they have a mechanic that is detached from them (think Orianna), requires mechanical positioning (Vayne), requires a lot of inputs (Lee Sin), buffs/objects to track (Yasuo/Irelia), and also and most importantly knowledge of every skill in the game and their cues and often just body language in order to counteract them (spellshield/riposte).
I'll bet you do 2 of them, with such a bold statement; 3. Never 5 and almost never the last one.
Does it seem hard enough for you?
Anyway, I love this conversation because it shows that the game is far from solved.
I mean, it's not hard to keep a game unsolved if you change it every other week.
That's sort of true! Hey, it's worked for 10 years.
I think this argument is bunk when you look at the playrates of other champions who receive a lot of skins (according to champion.gg)
Lux- 2.18%
Ahri- 3.11%
Akali- 4.08%
Qiyana- 3.88% (Hasn't received a lot of skins yet but obviously will considering how she already has a post release skin)
All these champs get loads of skin attention but don't have playrates that are significantly higher than Ornn. Just imagine how unpopular they'd be if they never got any skins...like Ornn.
Lux is one of the most played champions in the game.
Plat+ Ranked isn't everything.
While it's already implied, it's still nice to hear that you (collectively) are watching the data. Thanks for that!
Just curious, if dragons were hypothetically ruled to be too impactful, how would that be measured in data? Since winning teams get more objectives, it's not enough to have a direct correlation between drakes and wins... or even proximity to dragons... or even that close games are decided upon dragons... maybe that dragons disproportionately win games where you lose other objectives, as I've experienced?
How do you separate symptoms and causes? Probably a combination of things, but I can't quite put my finger on what would satisfy me if I put myself in your shoes (I don't envy the hard task y'all have either).
Since we have so much data available, we can calculate "increase in likelihood of win" between 2 teams that are essentially the same, but 1 has a single dragon and another no dragons etc. So, we want to keep the increases within a reasonable boundary.
last night my team took Baron because the enemy team were so focused on Dragon
Is it a trade off...
How long does a baron buff last
How long does dragon soul last
Unless the answer to those is the same then the trade off doesn't matter? Sure you get baron and gold, sure you might get some gold from towers but what does it matter if the advantage the other team gets is several times bigger?
How long is a game of League? Saying something lasts forever sure sounds great, but if your team is missing a pair of inhibs, that forever isn't going to feel like long!
Anyway, I love this conversation because it shows that the game is far from solved.
Btw, if we do notice any problematic trends in the data, we will certainly act.
football has been the same for the past 100 years. same pitch same ball same numbers of players on the field . LEAGUE will never be a credible esport with all these changes
Describe a more credible esport than League?
The dragon changes look fun, though I would go harder with the terrain alterations. Also, I would LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE if the map change would be announced for pro players before each match. It would be so cool to have different little metas around the maps. On the flipside, not announcing it would be lame.
Anyway, this patch being okay or even great has nothing to do with alcoves and they serve absolutely no purpose other than making you question why are they even there - if you even remember them being there, because I still play games where I leave my lane without realizing it was even there, which is just... sad.
Don't feel sad! That's totally fine. We're ok for 10 games to go by with no alcove event if the 11th you make a sick outplay (or get outplayed!) in one.
It's funny because there's like 50 comments here saying "they only exist for X and nothing else" but yet every comment has a different X. Seems like people are finding lots of uses for them.
I'm actually happy reading this thread for that same reason.
Iโve had a couple clutch escapes and kills using the Botlane cove. It has its uses but itโs rare
You have summarised the exact intention of the alcove.
Read moreGonna give my two cents, since, well, look at my flair.
It's known that players who main these low-pickrate champions are what you could call "true" enthusiasts; it doesn't matter if the champion is garbage or not, they keep playing because they genuinely like the champion.
In fact, that's why, at least prior to his mini-rework, Aurelion Sol had one of the highest winrates in midlane, despite his pickrate being one of the lowest. The only people who played him were people who played him frequently, because they genuinely liked the champion. Aurelion was stuck with his release skin for quite a while, until Riot relented and gave him Mecha, which is incredibly underwhelming; I don't know for certain the "buyrate" for the skin, but if it's low, it's completely understandable. But I can assure you, if he got a good skin, it would sell.
Compare with Kai'sa, for example, who has one the highest pickrates and winrates of all adcs ever since her rel...
Low pick rate justifying a high winrate "because the mains" is just straight incorrect. Fun fact for you: On any given patch, the average Yasuo or Riven player you see in game will have more games on their champion than the average ASol. Turns out Riven and Yasuo are played a lot AND mained a lot.
Pretty sure Taliyah had an amazing play rate before it was nerfed into oblivion.
I mean obviously you're right otherwise riot would have released a skin for them by now. With that said, I do have a few counter points.
pick rate can change, all it takes is a sizeable buff to any of these Champs and they could easily shoot up to 8-10% pick rate. Even if a champ is not popular now that doesn't mean it will never be popular.
When people buy champion, they expect it to be supported. I feel like it's a bad look to release a champ and then never release another skin for that champ.
Not really. Champions like Taliyah are SO UNPOPULAR that people won't even play them when they're the best champs in the game.
Yeah this was f**ked for me too. Any news on them knowing it was wrong? Tanked lp during preseason and its showing my best rank as my current rank/lp
We're looking into it, thanks for the report!