League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

22 Nov


Originally posted by clarkx100

You're the hero we need

I need my A-moomoo skin where he's dressed like a little cow

Dang it. I pitched this, but it was Amumu wearing a muumuu, getting rained on during his Hawaiian vacation for Pool Party.


Originally posted by drgrain

YEah it is real fun to sit there and watch as enemies take your inhib at 6 mins and then jsut troll you because their teamcomp allows them and then one person wont surrender a lost game.

I dunno, it just really doesn't bother me. I look at it as a puzzle and try to think of what could possibly turn it around. Most of the time it can't be done, but for those times when it can, I find it worth it.


Originally posted by Eruptflail

Declining a surrender vote in ARAM or normals is just trapping people in more of an unfun scenario. Surrender always in non-ranked games. If people aren't having fun, go next.

No one surrenders when they're having fun. People surrender when the game has stopped being fun.

That's why I'm trying to specify that I don't surrender when it is a single person having a bad game. I also continue to have fun the whole way through, since part of what I enjoy is getting better at the game in hard moments


Thanks for the post! Tbh though, not seen any rage as such yet. Legitimate frustration, certainly. Some of that frustration will go away on its own as players adapt and become used to the change, some won't. We'll certainly tackle the stuff we worst cases of frustration before season 10 starts proper.


Hmmm... Can't even think why this would occur, since the infernal soul requires that you deal damage before it explodes. I can only imagine that Syndra's W deals 1 damage (but cannot kill the unit) when she picks something up to ensure she's put in combat for tower aggro purposes?

I'lll have to get this bug into our database! Thank you.

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Originally posted by [deleted]




Originally posted by IcePokeTwoSoon


Edit: in my hype I forgot what year it was. 2020

If you only knew...you're preaching to the choir. I pitch meme skins like my life depends on it.

I will do my best!



Personally, I get frustrated when people try and surrender in ARAM if they don't have an OP team comp (or if they have a hyper carry and are having an off game and not hyper carrying). I will ALWAYS decline a surrender vote in ARAM. It's playing against the odds that makes you get better at the game.


Originally posted by ru7ger

OK Boomer Rammus skin coming through

I need this. We all need this. The world needs this. BRB, gonna go bother skins team.



Originally posted by GrandytheDandy

Are you serious? You think the best TEAM = the best REGION? That's delusion. Best REGION is the region that dominates the others. 1 CHINESE team dominated EVERYONE. That's it. Last year only 1 Chinese team made it to semis, yes they won but that's because the BEST team was Chinese, if China was the best region we would expect finals shutout or Every Chinese team to dominate and top the group. Newsflash they only topped 1 group. The group with FPX in it

In the past 2 years, 3 of the 4 international events were won by 3 different LPL teams.

Enough said.


Originally posted by CoUsT

Why calculate if the next attack would make enemies below 20% instead of applying damage to enemies THEN checking if they are below 20%?

Aaaand that's the fix we just patched in. :)

21 Nov


Originally posted by Xaiphus

Can somebody explain why the execute triggers on Yi here? I cant figure out how I died there.


Edit: I found the issue. Execute triggering or not is determined by PRE MITIGATION DAMAGE instead of actual damage.


I asked around about this, and you are correct. This bug was found recently and just got micropatched. Thanks to everyone who reported this in any case!

Edit: Looks like a fellow Rioter already mentioned this in the top thread.


Originally posted by EuHypaH

Yeah... I wont why this shit keeps happening every season... Pointless or straight up broken and/or bugged shit gets rolled out. Sure continuous innovation is what keeps the game rolling, but I have to feel they lose many players that nope out during this time and annoy plenty more... I suppose they don’t see what’s wrong with it though, because they somehow manage to keep the invested base invested and the player base growing naturally otherwise and somehow manage to fix most glaring issues eventually? (But nearly always way too slow)

As a filthy casual I feel it’s great I can just not play during shitshow times like this.

Imagine a game as complex as League, with 145+ champions that all interact with each-other in fresh and unique ways. If we catch 1000 issues before a patch is put out and just a few slip through (this bug being one of them), then I'm still super impressed with the quality of our design, engineering and quality assurance team.

I know this issue has caused player pain (and some LOL-worthy clips), but only finding a handful of issues in a patch as ambitious as this pre-season is frankly incredible. I will forever respect my team and colleagues for what they were able to achieve with 9.23.

That said, again, I'm sorry for any player pain caused by this bug. It sucks to see, but we'll have a fix out later today.


This is absolutely a bug. I apologise for any player pain caused by this bug, but we have a fix in testing as we speak and it shall be deployed to players later today.


Originally posted by Mr_Krabs_Left_Nut

I kinda wondering if the way they determine if the execute should trigger or not is by taking the current health, and seeing if the damage the next attack would deal would dip them below 20%. Maybe they forgot to make it calculate resistances or something. But yeah, it's definitely bugged.

That's correct. The bug is that we check if the damage dealt will leave the champion's health below 20% to decide if we execute, but this should happen AFTER resistances (which it currently doesn't). A hot-fix should be deployed later today.


Originally posted by White_Gale

It's a bug. 20% of Garen's HP = 648. Let's see in slow motion


Correct. This is an unfortunate bug, which shall be hot-fixed later today.


Originally posted by Tadiken

Just gonna put this out there, I’m convinced that the elder dragon burn itself can trigger the execute. I have never seen someone have to hit their target directly to trigger it, it always seems to just trigger automatically from even a single attack that dips someone below 20%.

This is correct.


Originally posted by GloryGladius

EXECUTE - Damaging an enemy at less than 20% health causes them to die in an Elder Immolation after 0.5 seconds (no cooldown).

1400 damage would absolutely NOT be 20% of garen's health. This was a bug im pretty sure

This is absolutely a bug. I apologise for any player pain caused by this bug, but we have a fix in testing as we speak and it shall be deployed to players later today.

EDIT: The micropatch has now gone live. Armor now has value once again!


Originally posted by IHateNull

Why didn’t it come out on patch release?

we almost never release new skins with the patch release. It's usually on the Thursday after a patch.