League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

23 Nov


Originally posted by Chance-Ambition

Umm... Cait had mortal reminder and BotRK and Aatrox had BC and executioner's.

Grievous wounds doesn't stack, so that healing was with grievous wounds applied. If the target already has GW applied, then LDR does more damage to that target. Not sure why are you trying to act like that healing was without GW...

Yes, grievous wounds is counterplay to healing, but it's not enough. You go grievous wounds pretty much every game nowadays and there is still so much insane healing.

I did say you see it doing work in the 2nd half of the clip, when cait gets involved. I'm happy she's applying Grievous!


Originally posted by qnphard

I literally have no other program opened, not even an anti virus (on w7), everything closed on a clean install on a SSD.

FPS capped at 60 with the lowest settings.Yet, even in laning phase it sometimes stutters to 10-15 for no apparent reason idk.

Did you notice this same issue last patch (9.22) or just the most recent? (9.23) ?


We've been looking for the source of this problem and right now it appears that it's related to programs that use an overlay (not one specific program) - as others have noted it may help to close any programs you have running that use overlay while we continue to try and fix the issue. Sorry I don't have more concrete info to share, this bug is proving hard to track down.


Originally posted by Usgai

I wish I could shake your hand irl. Ornn mains are rare

There are dozens of us!


Originally posted by 5ynergy

Whatever, preseason is a total shitshow. I dont care how fed cho is, literally total fail. Dont even get me started on sandguine blade.

I'm just going to have to disagree with you on that one, but you're welcome to your opinion.


Originally posted by Kingpimpy

you forgot the no liandry and no bork part

Cait actually did have Bork! Good for her.


Originally posted by Dimarziomesafan

You're basically saying it doesn't matter how you do something as long as you win. I understand that feels right, but in general you should want a faker (maximizing mechanics, deep understanding of champions, knowing how much damage you can take or deal out perfectly) over a Doinb.

All that aside though, the worst I've heard LS say about Doinb is that he's mechanically under par.

Faker the guy who basically solo lost games in Worlds semifinals? Nah, gimme Doinb any day of the week.


Ok, let's break this down a little bit, since I looked up this game.

Cho'Gath had 20 kills at this point in the game. He had:

  • Cinderhulk
  • Spirit Visage (great purchase, considering he had 3 oceans (15% of missing health healed every 5s) and a potential Ocean Soul coming up
  • Thornmail
  • Righteous Glory
  • Gargoyle Stoneplate
  • Warmorgs (he didn't have boots at game end) - Elixir of Iron.

This is the perfect build for what Cho's going for this game. He had 24 stacks of ult, too.

Now, in the video we see Xerath plinking away at him, doing essentially nothing. There's no grievous wounds applied, because for some unknown reason, Xerath didn't purchase Morellonomicon for Grievous wounds.

Against this team, which is fairly tanky and features Darius and Renekton, Grievous wounds is essential.

Only 2 champs on Cait's team took Grievous, and you can see it's effect on Cho and Co in the 2nd p...

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Originally posted by JENSENJENSENYENSEN

lots of talent relative to what? certainly not LCS, look at the other teams.

the NA server? sure, but that's not saying much

Hauntzer was a top half top laner last split and they have a bunch of young, hungry players (and Keith) on top of that.

FBI is very talented, Closer is presumably at least individually strong (but I have no idea) and Greyson is experienced and this is his best LCS shot probably ever.


Originally posted by blitzKriegzzz

So they have ...

Hauntzer - Closer - Goldenglue - FBI - Keith ?

Well that seems like a very budget roster.

Presumably cheap and IMO filled with a lot of talent.

Getting RESULTS with this roster might be tricky with so many variables but the talent is there to have a good split them reevaluate.

Personally, I like this but only time will tell.

22 Nov


Originally posted by sw1ftkill

Hey, 2M Syndra otp here.

Syndra's W IS bugged regarding picking up low hp minions with her W. Doesn't matter if you have infernal soul or not. It kills the minion, gives the gold but your ability is completely gone.

Ohhh, right. That's really odd. Thanks for letting me know.


Originally posted by Lyress

You can't attract tower aggro by attacking non-champion unit so how's that relevant?

Hmmm... True! Was just thinking about Tibbers etc. It's probably not that.


Originally posted by FNCKema

Nothing will turn it around. Unless enemy team starts trolling and lets you catch up on levels and you need to have a hard engage champ in you team to force a fight.

Never under estimate the enemy team's ability to throw the game (same goes for SR).


Originally posted by Toshrock

Riot bad. All I'm saying is every champion buys some kind of boots, so obviously that needs to be nerfed.

Cass doesn't. CHECKMATE REDDIT. Balance confirmed.


Originally posted by EliteReaver

You’re everywhere and I like that

Sitting in a bar on vacation sh*t-posting on Reddit. This is really my happy place right now. Happy you appreciate my D-tier commentary <3


Well look at this pillow fight over here. Clearly they each should have bought 6 sanguine blades.


Originally posted by StephentheGinger

I'll take it! Out of curiosity, what is your role?

Global publishing, so I have to be really nice to the game teams and skin teams to get this done :)


Originally posted by StephentheGinger

Is your job title "meme skin idea generator"? It should be.

Not officially, but I'm pretty sure I generate enough eyerolls from the skins team to power our NA servers. So, you're welcome for the low ping.


Originally posted by shuvvel

Hi, I liked jet set radio as well. Sunset Overdrive was a pretty cool callback to the style too if you haven't played that yet.

I didn't get to play it because, if I recall, it was an Xbox exclusive and I didn't have one. I really wanted to try it though.