League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 Oct

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by LargeSnorlax

Probably the first top 20 list I've ever seen where not a single NA player even registers on the top 20.

Realistic, or biased?

Honestly probably a little biased. As I mentioned in the video CoreJJ, Doublelift, and Svenskeren would be the players that would make the list if NA was on it. Unfortunately, the last 3 times I've had Doublelift on my top 20, he hasn't performed at Worlds like a top 20 player. I also think from an individual talent perspective, this Worlds is perhaps the most stacked ever. So even if 2019 Doublelift is better than 2018 Doublelift, he may be ranked lower when compared to all other players at Worlds..

Here's to hoping i'm wrong about the NA portion of my list this year, NA smashing Worlds would make this year and 2020 a lot more fun for me lol

Also, sorry for the Vedius graphic. The video has incorrect team tri-codes for his first 10 picks. Working on getting that fixed so that the lists can be more accurately shared.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RemainTheSame

Can you reveal what classes are the next 2 champs after adc? I hope is a new Tank, pls make my day Reav3

The Roadmap will reveal the classes :P gotta wait like everyone else


this meme is a huge L10 spoiler but it won't make sense until after you watch the 10th Anniversary Riot Pls



Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Hey Talumar,

Of course, after I log back in (after reading your reply), the quest shows up as completed. I don't know what happened, but thank you much for the good juju. I can send you my summoner name still if you wish

I'm glad you were able to get your mission completed :) no need to send your summoner name!

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Just finished it recently and sent it to get loc'd. Plan is to have it out on the 16th, next week. Lots of content in this one, going to be talking about Voli, Fiddle and 3 New champions


Originally posted by Ras_OKan

A typical game, where a Kat roams, nobody pays attention and everyone dies :D

Tfw when you ping your bot 20 times to back off and they stay for 2 caster minions and flame you for not saying SS


Originally posted by Talumar

Hello fantastic fellow friends. Some info on what happened, what's happening, and what's gonna happen.

What happened? We made a mistake that prevented you from getting credit. We fixed this issue and you should be able to get credit by watching VODs and live matches now. You may not be able to get credit for rewatching a VOD you watched earlier while missions were not working. Read on to the what's gonna happen section for how we're going to fix this.

What's happenin'? Not much, hbu? How about that [champion] pick in [team] vs [team]?

What's gonna happen? We are working to grant mission credit to those who watched at least 10 minutes of Worlds while logged in, no matter when you watched, so you don't need to puzzle together what you may have already watched or not to get credit. We'll do it for you. This should happen within the next couple days and I'll update this thread once it's complete.


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Update: Earlier this week, we reprocessed those who were unable to complete their mission on the first day of Worlds, where we had Watch Mission issues. If you still have not completed your mission, PM me your summoner name (edit: and region) and we'll take a look.


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

I still haven't received my BE from watch rewards, but my watch time increased. What should I do?

Would you mind PM'ing me your Summoner Name? We'll take a look tomorrow to see what could be going on.

09 Oct


Originally posted by KeyVisual

And the pre-recorded interview? Miscommunication there too?

No miscommunication there. We’re very intentionally using pre-recorded interviews, and it’s a super common tactic for us when we wanna treat something with thoughtfulness and sensitivity. A little more context here: https://twitter.com/rkrigney/status/1182070206438330369?s=21


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Will we ever get a survey on how long we think Riv's beard should be

From Riot, no. From me? Maybe. Probably. Be warned, though. I might skew that data based on my own preferences XD.


Originally posted by raptearer

No worries, and I apologize if it sounds like I am blaming them, I know with how sensitive the issue is that people can get confused and slip on what they say, but I do not mean to blame them. I edited it slightly just to make sure no one takes it that way, casters are doing a great job

Thanks so much for the edit. And thanks also for sharing the statement in the first place. Agreed casters are doing a great job in a very tough situation.


I said this on Twitter but I really wanna reiterate it here: the confusion here is NOT to be blamed on the casters at all.

This is such a sensitive issue and they should have been better prepped by myself and other Riot comms folks. That’s on us.


Originally posted by AtakuHydra

Honestly, I made this post partly as a rant not actually expecting someone from riot to respond. So i appreciate the response. I've never been as frustrated before (essentially wasting 22 minutes for nothing) at a league game or system and that games result put me over the edge.

Please do respond back with what the team says!

Hey u/AtakuHydra, hope you're doing well!

I chatted with some friends on the team that owns Leaver Buster and learned some cool new things about it. Way back in patch 9.6, they released some big changes to the system that should encourage players to reconnect to their games and help the team win. Not every game that you disconnect->reconnect->win will forgive you leaving, but in some cases, winni...

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Originally posted by FTL_Tachyon

Do you know when celebrity picks will be shown like in the years prior?

Also those A picks

We'll be displaying them in about 24 hours from now, after they've made their picks!

My A picks are completely reasonable and indisputable.


Originally posted by AJediKnight

That makes perfect sense then. I didn't realize there were that many sets. Thank you for answering!

My pleasure! Thanks for engaging and wanting to know more :) fistbump


Originally posted by Larriet

I just wanted to say I really enjoy the surveys amd always look forward to them when I get selected! For the most part, I find them thorough enough and well-written, although for certain surveys it's hard when most of my purchases are limited to my small pool of champions (not buying Passes isn't because of low value, etc.) Thanks for your hard work!

Thank you so much :). We really appreciate you taking them! There are a TON of people who just click out of the prompt, and I can't blame them. Not everyone has time to go through a survey. So it means a lot when people do take the time :)


Originally posted by 97012

interesting picks.

tbh it probably has a higher likelihood than most based off last year.

I carefully crafted and thought about my picks last year and spent the entire time between Play-ins and Groups to make my choice. I ended up getting like 24 points. This time, I'm going with the random number generator that is my heart and hoping for the best.


What numbers are you getting?


Originally posted by emoc291

o shit its blizz
