League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Oct


Originally posted by TheBakke

League has one gatling gun


one minigun


one shotgun (with a cigar)


one machine gun


two handguns


two rifles

Cait and Jhin? Not sure if whatever Jhin has is a rifle, but sure

two rocket launchers

Jinx and?

three pistols

MF & GP? What about Kled? Is that like a sawoff shotgun?

Machine gun is kog'maw.

I forgot Kled. I suck.


Originally posted by EcoleBuissonniere

All I can think about while reading this is how consistently fantastic Riot's lore team has been lately. Senna's personality is impressively layered, and the fact that they seriously spend time thinking about how a kit displays a champion's story is great.

Senna’s out. She’s not in constant torture land anymore. And Lucian gets his wife back. It’s not perfect, but it’s real. I want their love to be real.

10/10, please let Interlocutioner write (even) more stuff.

You'll be excited to hear that he's working on a few more champions!


Originally posted by asbjornlol

I'm confident the unclickable portion of it is gonna be removed within a few patches after she hits live



Originally posted by Tydrack7

Statikk Shiv Energized damage 60-140 >>> 140 All energized attacks chain to lightning targets

This one seems to be pretty busted.

Mark forgot to mention that Statikk Shiv no longer crits.


Originally posted by AfternoonMeshes

I forgive you but Kled probably doesn’t.

I accept my fate as Skaarl food.


Originally posted by 10kk

Both will likely be available until the tokens expire (Nov 25)

Correct both will be available.


Originally posted by Cylansse

Will it be the same for Senna or will it be through another event?

Senna will be available at a later date that is yet to be announced.


Originally posted by CelioHogane

Now Lucian will become "Senna's husband."

This is the universe I want to live in.


Originally posted by thercio27

If being called a machine gun counts does that mean Ryze gets to be a gun?

There was true contention about including Braum's guns.


Originally posted by Ildigrub

Am I crazy or does it look like she has cait aa range..?

She gets infinitely scaling attack range oOoOooHhhhh


Originally posted by SaquonIsAFraud

This is one of the most broken kits I have ever seen. They took akali and made her ranged. They will be balancing her for the next year and beyond. If the numbers aren't trash tier she will be played heavily in mid and top.

This whole champion design team and a balance team need to be fired.

Would be surprised to see her top because she basically roots herself when she autos for the first half of the game.


Originally posted by AfternoonMeshes

“Three pistols”

Kled sends his regards.

(I’m assuming he’s only counting MF pistols + GP pistol)

WOW I forgot Kled. Someone fire me.


Originally posted by narfidy

Time to KSupport

e: Real talk, not sure how much I like gaining crit chance conceptually until we see the numbers. Didn't they get rid of 1% crit chance runes for a reason?

She gets free crit chance but all of her crits deal less damage than other characters' crits. What this does is say "hey, you actually get less value out of building crit items than other characters" which makes her damage less spiky, particularly late game.


Originally posted by jmaierz

Everyone saying “ult global omg broke”. But bro her E is a moving Pyke/Twitch stealth which can probably hide the entire team, until they attack or the stealth ends. That’s what is going to be op.

The enemy can see the wraiths/Senna circle the entire time, the champions are fully revealed at the same range as camo.


Originally posted by Ethanxiaorox

That ward target Q is JUICY

Yeah, that's definitely one of the funnest things you can do on the character IMO.


Originally posted by Mahxxi

My question is how long do allies stay in wraith form when they leave the mist? Does the enemy need to see the mist to see the enemy as a wraith?

Because in my mind I envision Senna using E while RekSai is in the jungle, and then Sai walks all the way to mid lane as a wraith. Like do we need to see them enter the mist to see them as wraiths?

It's a short-moderate duration. It's not like Twitch Q.


Originally posted by AdzziiFIFA

Is her ult a large AoE that can be placed anywhere or is it one long beam that goes from her to the end of the map (like a global lux ult)? I can't really tell.

The latter!


Originally posted by errorme

This might not be your department either, but any chance of a technical blog discussing what all was discovered and what you worked through to be able to re-launch Clash once it successfully goes live? I work in tech and enjoy reading other people's struggles and successes getting things to work (just spent 2 days trying to modify a new program and my manager 'fixed' it by modifying the story).

Idk if they have one planned. We did one technical blog already with information about what went wrong and how we decided to make changes, but maybe something that is more of a high-level wrap up would be cool.


Originally posted by Razatiger

she definitely doesn't seem to scale like a normal ADC. Im sure you build full lethality on her as her auto attack animation looks terribly slow to be consistent burst. Shes pyke 2.0

She deals reduced crit damage and scales pretty poorly with attack speed.


Originally posted by theryguy112

Will wraiths have like a special icon or will you immediately know who the wraiths are from the minimap?

Special Icon