League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Oct

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Soxviper

So you define gameplay hooks by the opponent's experience? Rather than how the player themselves play (or input) the champion?

We define them by both, but it is much harder to create a unique output, which is why we generally build kits around that. The designers on Champions team generally don't find it difficult to come up with exciting and unique inputs. Its required for a champion to have one, but it's not essential to green lighting a champion


Originally posted by SirJonjo

What's my all time Win ration on Gnar?Which champion do I lose mostly too in lane and in games in general?

Which skins have I used the most? List a few if possible

Also I have over 1000 games in ARAM what would my mmr/rank be for that?

Statistically whats my best champ and whats my worst champion?

EUW, SirJonjo

Your win rate on Gnar is roughly 50% on all queues, 53% on Summoners Rift (Ranked + Normals)

-Dim Sum Cart Lady

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Azramy

ooh, glad to hear about it, maybe it is the champ that will make me play as ADC. Hope to see it soon

The Champ she is working on is not a ADC, I will talk about that Champ in the Roadmap tomorrow though

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Can you please share nicher champ breadth and depths like Nunu, Swain, Urgot?


Thanks for sticking with us for as long as you have and thanks so much more for your kind words of appreciation.

We’re nothing without our fans. Thank you LincolnandChurchill.


Originally posted by ToxicLuv

When was my very first game on Morgana?

(NA) NotTox


- Tuaaaa

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Magnusbijacz

/u/Reav3 and /u/RiotScruffy , any possibility for some Sylas love? Also don't you think that Jungle sylas (and balancing him around it) would be much healthier than midlaner? What happened to the changes to his AS from before 9.19? are they scrapped or just moved to other patch after Worlds?

Yeah it looks like Sylas was overnerfed, we will msot likely look into some small buffs to him at some point soon

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by helicopterspies

I get what you're saying about the play rate numbers, but what the squiggly heck am I looking at with this chart?

I posted a comment in the top of this chat that explains how to read the chart. Each point on the graph is a patch, the thicker the bar the more recent the patch. X axis is total games the Champion gets played in a patch and Y axis is the amount of times the same Champion gets played by the same player

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Players in Surveys and Playrate jump. Curious to see who are the highest up there (and also for my favourite champ, Urgot)

I think Poppy was the highest we have ever done in survey scores. Akali and Irelia were extremely high as well, as they were really resonate and loved at launch, most of the concerns came later once we had to nerf them a lot.

As far as playrate jumps Mordekaiser and Aatrox were the 2 highest jumps, but both of them had a lot of room to grow. Irelia and Akali are the 2 most popular VGUS we have ever done, both of which have had very high playates, despite the nerfs, since there launch. There jumps weren't as high because neither started from as low as a playrate as many other VGUs.

As a bonus here is the Urgot playrate jump, which was also very big


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Azramy

oh i see, sorry for the misunderstanding, now i must say thanks to both for the amazing job :)

Ill let them know! The next Champ coming out that LoneWingy did Concept art for is one of my personal favorites yet!

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Soxviper

I don't understand. Stealing copies of summoner spells sounds unique enough on its own, no?

Sure, but it doesn't effect they way other players in the game play that much, it's mostly isolated to Zoe (which is what we call a unique input) Gameplay hooks are usually unique outputs, which mean they cause the other players in the game to play differently. For example, Yuumi's Q is very unique is that it follows your mouse, this feels very unique for Yuumi since no other Champion can do this, but playing with or against it doesn't feel to different then most skill shots. Yuumis Attach mechanic on the other hand makes the players in game playing with and against Yuumi think about the game different and play different, which makes it a unique output. Unique outputs are good because that is what causes gameplay variation from game to game, and keeps LoL from becoming boring, since u have to think about the game differently depending on which Champs are in the game. We generally want every Champion to have a unique input and output it gives game variety (due to the output) but als...

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    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Soxviper

But didn't Stashu change it in the end?

I mean Stashu made small changes, the kinds of changes every Champion goes through when we they go into production, but most of the kit stayed intact, and the high level concept, which is very ambitious still remains

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Soxviper

Was there a specific reason he got kicked off the team?

He didnt get kicked off the team. He was part of the core team that did early exploration into TFT, and then when it was greenlit for production he stayed with that team and worked on the item system and carousal. I still feel that was 100% the right decision as TFT has had a much larger impact the a individual Champion in LoL, even if he makes some of the best ones. He did so well at that, that LoL leadership felt it was better for him to go to RnD to explore new things for now

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Oxen_aka_nexO

I love the Akali rework even though it might turned out to be broken af. I love the design and it conveys the ninja theme very well.

Same, I'm hoping we can get her into a good spot one day (hell maybe she is there now) It took a long time to get Yasuo and Thresh into good balance spots but both were worth it in the end, since they are also really fun and resonate Champs


Originally posted by Domasis

What led to the discovery of the Shurima Shuffle, was it intentionally made to exist or was it an accident? Were you guys considering ever fixing it if it wasnt?

How'd you code the tech for Azir and his soldiers?

Why did Children of The Grave bug out so much? Did you guys ever consider rescripting it before the gameplay team decided to VGU him?

What's the funniest bug you've seen?

What led to the discovery of the Shurima Shuffle, was it intentionally made to exist or was it an accident? Were you guys considering ever fixing it if it wasnt?

I'm not sure exactly, but I know that these sorts of subtle timing interactions happen all the time.

How'd you code the tech for Azir and his soldiers?

There's a script event call PreLaunchAttack that lets you do reactions to when an auto-attack is about to be fired. When that happens, Azir gets to check whether there are any soldiers nearby, and if so, switches to casting a spell that tells them to cast a spell, instead of doing his auto-attack. Some other examples that use that system include Graves, Rakan (to have different auto attacks at different ranges), and Kalista.

Why did Children of The Grave bug out so much? Did you guys ever consider rescripting it before the gameplay team decided to VGU him?


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    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Azramy

As an eve and Qiyana main i give her my thanks those splashes are my favs

She didnt do the splashes, she did the concept art for the Champs. RiotOwleyKat did Eves splash (She also did Akali, Yuumi, Zoe & Irelias splash, to name a few) Atey did Qiyanas splash

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Holythreat

The point of playing a champion is to win with them... if people are putting a lot of effort playing them but can't be rewarded with wins it just doesn't make sense playing them. (cries in gutted Jayce)

'Styling on enemies', 'having more tools in the kit' and etc. don't mean shit if even dedicated mains struggle to win games with them!

Sure, but some of the Champions I mentioned do have positive winrates once mastered

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Which VGUs are currently the highest rated of all time?

By who? Players in Surveys? Our internal KPIs? Playrate jump?

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bz6

I am obviously not exposed to the inner workings of Riot and their resource shuffling but do we rule out a return or?

I don't think anything is ever ruled out, I would always welcome him back to Champions team if it made sense in the future

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PM_ME_YOUR_JOKES

I know many irelia mains also were equally disappointed with the state of Irelia after the rework.

If you admit those types of reworks were mistakes, will there ever be any attempt to make champions with similar feels to the old ones that were killed in the remake process?

It's a shame that they couldn't just have added new aatrox and new irelia as new champions to the game without having to delete the old ones.

I don't think Irelia falls into that catergory. I think we preserved a lot of her precious gameplay pattern with her VGU. She is different, as all VGUs have some degree of change, but I think amount Irelia changed is typical for all VGUs, and even on that spectrum less them Champions like Morde/Sion. Aatrox is example where it felt like a 100% different Champ rather then a modified/updated version of the Champ