League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 Oct


Originally posted by C0n3r

It already looks like it has an infinitely more friendly economy (read: has a f2p path) than Artifact, and knowing Riot it will probably be much less complex. That gives a much better chance than Artifact had.

If the team hits the goals it set out (and I believe it absolutely has) personally I think there's no chance that happens.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Damn releasing a card game in 2019, risky move :P


Originally posted by BrunoSaurio



Originally posted by heifai

on a computer and reconfigure the controls so he will actually play with mouse and keyboard against mobileplayers lma

For the love of God, please make it support controllers.

The console version will use the controller :)


Originally posted by LordDankerton69

My poops just got a lot longer.

i really hope the utilization of our restrooms at work doesnt go up significantly...


I live to destroy your productivity.


Originally posted by [deleted]


shhhh that's our 20 year celebration announcement


Originally posted by Optronx

Looks pretty good.

no u


Originally posted by Poluact

How is going the work on optimizing the game engine to using multiple cpu cores (if you're still working on it)? I've seen couple of years ago a post on boards noting that there was some work done on multi-core renderer but it wasn't released because it was kinda prone to freezes and lock-ups.

Also, regarding to previous question: there recently was a post on engineering blog about moving League on engine-heavy side. How will it impact multi-threaded performance and do you consider it when you move parts of the game from scripts to engine?

We do run a few third party libraries on other threads and do small amounts of work there already. The most work done on different threads is the particle simulation - that's pretty good, but we can still do a bit better there. As for porting game logic to more threads, that's quite tricky but definitely something we're thinking about for the future. As for multithreading the renderer, as we're still Dx9, that's not really an option.

The other thing we need to consider is min and mid spec support. There is no point making the game require 16 threads as we'd make the game run too slow on the lower spec machines. As 8 core machines become more popular, we'll be able to utilise them more, but for now we need to build for our player base.


Originally posted by calvinee

Yep hahahaha.

Imagine the Rioters reading at those threads looking at us complain about the lack of content for 10 year anniversary.

Then they f**king drop the biggest drop in the history of drops.

Lmao this is real talk.


Originally posted by xxanark

Thank you, so much <3 I love everything you guys do for us! It really is an amazing game :)

And now I can say what I wanted to say a few hours ago, Signup for the Wild Rift beta access. You can play without having a pc. :D


Originally posted by Forgotten_Poro

Ok... so please, for the love of god Boourns, give the owners of X champions on PC a discount to that respective champion, it's all I ask.

I mostly work on the in-game HUD and controls so I don't have much visibility on our plans for this, but nothing has been finalized yet.


Originally posted by anialater45

Okay but like, whats the counterplay? What can you do beside just hope they screw up? Or are you just screwed because they have an instant kill ability.

Well firstly, they need to get you to a low health state to execute you. If you're a 10/0 Garen then that's still going to be challenging. Secondly, they can't execute you if they're CC'd or dead, so picks are valuable.

Finally, you can always hourglass and hope your team has your back before the enemy can reapply the burn?

Ultimately, you probably shouldn't be fighting them right now and instead be focusing on minimising your structure losses as much as you can whilst waiting out the buff.


Originally posted by anialater45

Seems like it will be very aggravating to play against. Executes in general are, so this seems to just make it worse.

As with the game as it exists on the current patch, you shouldn't be fighting someone with elder buff unless it's a pick or unfair fight in your favour. The new buff should solidify this as correct thinking!


Originally posted by Forgotten_Poro

Sooooo... can we link our accounts to get the champions and skins we have?

From the website FAQ:

"So basically, we rebuilt the game from scratch (like… the whole thing). Refreshed models, animations, game systems and more—but keeping true to the core League of Legends gameplay you already know. We didn’t want to just port League on PC 1:1—we want to make sure Wild Rift feels like it was designed for new platforms, and use that opportunity to make a bunch of improvements to the game. While you won’t get your unlocks from League PC, you’ll get some cool rewards for the time you’ve spent in the PC version. More to come on that in 2020!"


Originally posted by DisastrousZone

I was saying Boo-urns!

It makes my day when people get the reference :)



edit: not enough exclamation points


Originally posted by Qaaee

Kinda lost on the dragon's soul thing. Do you get the elemental soul based off of the 4th dragon killed, or the most common drake?

Once the dominant dragon is identified (it's the 3rd elemental dragon), the map will transform to that element. I'm addition, the Dragon Soul you're playing for shares that same element.

Hope that helps!