Originally posted by Poluact
How is going the work on optimizing the game engine to using multiple cpu cores (if you're still working on it)? I've seen couple of years ago a post on boards noting that there was some work done on multi-core renderer but it wasn't released because it was kinda prone to freezes and lock-ups.
Also, regarding to previous question: there recently was a post on engineering blog about moving League on engine-heavy side. How will it impact multi-threaded performance and do you consider it when you move parts of the game from scripts to engine?
We do run a few third party libraries on other threads and do small amounts of work there already. The most work done on different threads is the particle simulation - that's pretty good, but we can still do a bit better there. As for porting game logic to more threads, that's quite tricky but definitely something we're thinking about for the future. As for multithreading the renderer, as we're still Dx9, that's not really an option.
The other thing we need to consider is min and mid spec support. There is no point making the game require 16 threads as we'd make the game run too slow on the lower spec machines. As 8 core machines become more popular, we'll be able to utilise them more, but for now we need to build for our player base.