Seems like your worst win rate is against Cho'Gath.
Seems like your worst win rate is against Cho'Gath.
Is this different from gameplay hooks?
A lot of time they are the same, but not always
From what I've read, it seems that the personality of the current aspect is formed from equal parts host and the aspect itself. In the short story about the previous aspect leading a darkin to kill other darkins, Myisha seems to be more heartless and unkind than Zoe seems. Is that because Miyasha had a different personality, or is that a part of Zoe as well that we don't really get to see?
The aspect lets Zoe have control a lot of the time because it finds her entertaining when she is in control
literally any news on the fiddlesticks rework please
Tomorrow in the Champions Roadmap
What is a "high level concept"? I've seen Rioters throw the word around a few times.
Like the high level concept of Sylas is "Stealing Ultimate's" or for Yuumi it's "Permanent attachment"
Hi, JAR3D from NA here, how long have I been playing this wonderful game?
And if you can’t awnser that then tell me what are the odds of me going gold to masters before the season ends :((
Since September of 2015! :) And the odds of reaching masters? DEPENDS HOW MUCH YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, SUMMONER
-Dim Sum Cart Lady
Oh shit thats hype building for the next couple champs q: ima be sad if you end up not releasing it now
Be sure to check out the Champ Roadmap tomorrow :P
Zoe's appearance and theming seems based off Neil Gaiman's Sandman's Delirium, is that correct?
It wasn't. Zoe's theme was inpsired by the anime magical girl archetype. We saw how popular the Star Guardian skinline was with players, which made us realize how resonate the magical girl archetype was with our players. We didn't really have that archetype in the game as a Champion yet, so it was something we wanted to explore and we felt it worked really well with Zoe's opportunity space
I play both these champions more than any other and while Akali finally seems like she might be fine (still fun to play even if she's harder to win with than most), Irelia feels really bad right now.
I can't think of another champion who I can have a three kill lead on, double the cs of my lane opponent, and still get easily solo killed in lane by my opponent.
Sad to hear she's not in line for a bit of a change given how low her pro play presence and solo queue winrate is. (She's still playable but she doesn't feel like she has the x factor Akali has that makes you feel like you can win if you get ahead.)
If her pro play presence remains very low we will likely have room for some small buffs. We will keep an eye on it
Was this in norms? Draft or blinds?
All queues, just depends on where someone feels like queueing up. I can see Normals, Ranked, ARAM and TFT at nearby desks right now for example.
Do you think Yuumi is good character design? Especially paired with tanks in the botlane like Garen?
Not sure if Garen/Yuumi is healthy for the game long term but in general I think Champions that create unique and interesting strategies are good for the game. Wish we had more, tbh.
Which champion does the design team think has the highest skill cap? You've designed them after all q:
It hasn't been released yet ;)
/u/Reav3 Hi Reav3! Is there any chance you can tell me if Lee Sin OR Riven are getting an Ezreal-type VGU sometime in the future to improve their model's idle/attack/posture animations?
Currently we don't have either in the works. I would love to do a Lee Sin VU someday, though I wouldn't touch his gameplay
Any fiddlesticks and/or volibear rework updates?
I will have a update on them in the Champion Roadmap tomorrow
Do you have any plans to improve on the gameplay of some of the more niche champions who fail at breadth and depth of play or don't hit thematic goals in their kit? Champions like Aurelion Sol or Kindred for example are oftentimes considered "wasted potential" even if everything but their gameplay is good, if not great for some.
In short, how willing/likely is Riot to do purely gameplay overhauls to some of these picks that the community believes aren't living up to their potential?
You mean like bigger changes then the recent Ivern/Asol changes we did?
Hey there! I've been playing league for 5 or so years since I was still in high school with my buddies. When I first started I think I barely managed to get silver or gold but within a year I was plat and I have been hardstuck here ever since. I was wondering if there was a way to either tell me
How many times I have failed diamond promos
If i win more by myself or with my 2 duo que partners Choskey and Clockworktyrant
Who has been my historically my best champ of the last decade (or as far back as your data goes)
Thanks so much for being part of Riot and doing this event! Edit: I'm retarded and never posted my info lmao Yoshiryuken NA
Hey Windsman! Which region are you playing from?
/u/Reav3 What champions would you consider for an Ezreal size update other than Kennen, Jax, Blitzcrank and Jarvan IV?
Malphite probably
was nice playing with you altho that Aram game didn't go as planned xD appreciate you playing with us normies, we were all quite happy in the call lol, here take a reddit award for being so nice <3
GG! Thank you for the gold on reddit since I'll never be gold in League QQ
): It's a shame, he's one of the most brilliant minds at your studio. Does he have any proteges, or people he's made a big influence on? I really liked DZK's designs, even though he ended up being fired.
I think he has had a strong effect on most all the designers he has worked with on Champions Team