1v1 me for casting dibs yo!
You're going down
1v1 me for casting dibs yo!
You're going down
Lmao this is real talk.
Why are they changing so much? I can't be the only one who thinks the game is great the way it is.
The game is "the way it is" thanks to all the previous changes we've made. It's the beauty of having a constantly updating and changing game: we try to keep it feeling fresh forever.
They do that every season, they're doing it again this year too. That's not really a massive change.
Season 9 was the smallest pre-season ever, they changed Turret plating and.. what else? We've had regular patches bigger than that years pre-season.
Season 8 was big with Runes Reforged, but this one is by the biggest Pre-Season ever.
We had changed to bounties and some reworked Runes too.
can i recieve all rewards while only playing on weekends over the month?
You’re not restricted to particular days and you can definitely catch up on the weekends.
Thank you so much for sharing your story, despite how hard this was to write. I'm glad that you stuck through all the difficult times to get to where you are now. That kind of resilience is incredibly admirable. I am so grateful to help contribute to stories like yours, and I know other Rioters feel the same way. Stories like yours keep us coming to work everyday, especially when times are hard. Thank you again. <3
PS: I'm always so happy to find another gay lore nerd out in the wild! The Journal of Justice was so ridiculous and amazing. Where else can you get Blitzcrank’s Fleshling Compatibility Services?
Thanks for being awesome Rioter !
oh shit i always answered “ur mum” n shit LUL
As one who has to read those sometimes... tis' ok. Makes me laugh
I saw that all over your twitter as well, were you involved?
Or just get early access because you know someone at riot?
I'm a very enthusiastic player who's been contributing my talents as best I can to the LoR team.
Excited to continue working with them on whatever comes next!
The post says you have to play a game but on the Riot Pls vid the manz said all you had to do was login 🧐
Error on the video. You’ll have to actually play a game to claim your rewards each day. You have up to 30 days after the start though to collect all the rewards.
A reminder he was SIX when he killed Stilson.
Dude that scene is so good, but when the adults talk about it in the next chapter you realize how brutal it really is.
I had a similar experience growing up. Wasn’t popular at school, bullied quite a bit, found friends and later confidence through games.
I can’t express enough how touching it is to see someone else go through a similar journey, and in a sense, feel like I’ve in some small way contributed positively to someone else’s life.
Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your story. Thank you for being a League fan. We are nothing without your support. :)
Bruh as someone who has like 3k hours in Football Manager rest in peace my life
Sometimes my team can't tell if I'm playing football manager or working on spreadsheets
What new thing are you most hyped about?
Another support how great. As an adc player i'd have loved to see a new adc because we only have 19 champ and 10 of those are so bad you can't even play them. Sad times.
Make sure to read the Champion roadmap tomorrow ;)
aaaaaa it's finally happening. She is going to be soooo fun.
By buying Lux Ahri Ezreal skins
Don’t forget Ahri now
Possibly stupid question: do we know if this will be connected to our pc league accounts?
Yes, it will be.
nickwu's really solid at the game, his raw aim is unreal
I will give props to the man (and excal and volcano) for helping us with the clips because our tools aren't there yet. They basically had to do each take raw without a UI and a sharpie dot on the monitor for a crosshair, and some of those flicks are cleeeean.
A sharpie dot? You savages
Low-priority question:
Is that why I seemingly at random go from 130 to 200 ping on different days on the PBE, from EU? Or should I look elsewhere to troubleshoot?
Not my area of expertise but I understand the internet packet journey from Europe to our Chicago servers is like a couple of lonely hobbits trying to make it to Mordor with Gollum trying to ruin your day.