League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Oct


Originally posted by Neinty

Our champion wants animal companions more than anything in the world.

Gotta catch em all


Originally posted by Crazykyul

Grindr Princess in euw! I would like to know my win rate as janna vs lux or Morgana in the other team! :) thanks a lot


Versus Lux: 43% (counter matchup?)

Versus Morgana: 68% (woohoo!)

Also, it seems like you absolutely destroy Lucians, 90% winrate!


Originally posted by speedy_cd

Our champion wants to sleep more than anything in the world.



Originally posted by Ergheis

Ergheis, NA

I would like to know how many times I've beaten a Darius when I was leaning against them, or just my winrate against Darius in general.

I must have this settled

Hey friend! Your general winrate against Darius is 47%!

- Faif


Originally posted by [deleted]


We already made Kled.


Originally posted by lawnchpad

Our champion wants to eat bananas more than anything in the world.

Which brand?


Originally posted by OliMTSun

Our champion wants to make a giant cake for everyone!

Make a sweet old granny who likes to bake delicious cakes. And write "Happy birthday League of legend" on it.

So wholesome


Originally posted by plompgard

Our champion wants to first-buy Ohmwrecker more than anything in the world.



Originally posted by Ultrapower

Which champion does the design team think has the highest skill cap? You've designed them after all q:



Originally posted by Oniichanplsstop

A funny one would be:

What is Hashinshin's all time winrate vs Riven? IGN: (Hashinshin) and (Godzilla Top)

Alternative stats would be : What 5~ champs does Hashinshin do the best against? How about the 5 worst?

49.3% winrate against Riven - not bad after all!

Best against: Olaf, Nocturne, Gnar, Aatrox, Yuumi (best to 5th best)

Worst against: Annie, Sona, Skarner, Zoe, Talon (worst to 5th worst)


Originally posted by SnorlaxTheFlash

Is this just for today, or the whole week?

I'm busy all day today. ;-;

Just today sorry, we gotta get back to work tomorrow too.


Originally posted by lhihly

NA - Zed ôr Bed

What champ have i lost to the most? Won against the most? And what champ i have the highest winrate on across all gametypes?

This query was EZ.  You have the most wins with EZreal and most losses with Lux.  Keep spamming Ryze as your winrate is the highest across all gametypes.  

-Prench Pry


Originally posted by [deleted]


EU Rioters will be doing the same thing on EUW and EUN.


Originally posted by pikachu11111

But I am on Turkish serversss :'( I wonder if turkish rioters gonna do stuff like this too

They will be!


Originally posted by ZhicoLoL

I hope you are joining in as well

I'm splitting my time between some games/RP gifting and helping out with fixing bugs players have been requesting today :)


Originally posted by RiotSouthKorea

One question for the general audience to take a guess: What is the champion who uses the "/mute all" function the most in-game?


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by darkhero7777

Will the next few reworks be the champions from the voting thing we had earlier?

The next 2 VGUs will be Fiddle and Voli, the 2 that won the player choice vote

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by jjay554

You have to think about zoe's W at all times during a teamfight though. It makes everyone be extremely careful with how they use sums; least they gave zoe tools to destroy the whole team.

Sure but she isnt the only burst mage with a strong CC (Morgana/Syndra)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by wanttoplayh0ckey

thoughts on CertainlyT?

One of the best designers I have been lucky enough to work with in my entire career in game development.


Originally posted by molenzwiebel

Here's a few questions not related to a specific summoner:

  • What digits are the most common at the end of summoner names? See https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/7sewjx/heatmap_of_numbers_found_at_the_end_of_reddit/ for an example of what I mean. How about their winrates? Is there a year that is far better than others?
  • Talking about age, how about account age. Is the winrate better for older accounts?
  • How does the remake rate vary by champion? Is there a champion that causes far more remakes than normal?
  • What summoner icon is used most out of the default ones? What about the non-default ones? What is the least popular icon?
  • What champion has the most total mastery points across all players? Is it in the trillions yet? How about the champ with the highest average points?
  • How many player...
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Be honest, do you stomp at trivia nights?