You've played just shy over 200 games of Rengar across all game modes. (The data only dates back to 2015 unfortunately)
- Prench Pry
You've played just shy over 200 games of Rengar across all game modes. (The data only dates back to 2015 unfortunately)
- Prench Pry
What do you think this champion’s favorite food is?
How is Fiora viewed internally? In a healthy position, or are there some Rioters that want to make significant changes?
I only ask because, and I am not exaggerating, playing Fiora has genuinely changed my life and the way I see myself. I had very low self-confidence and would basically just play so that my team didn't hate my guts, always second guessed myself, etcetera. Playing Fiora and having the amount of agency and skill expression she has has, over the years, allowed me to break that shell and become a different person.
Also, thank you to everybody who reworked her. You guys are the best.
We think she is in a great spot, glad she had such a profound effect on your life
What's my historic winrate with Fizz and total games played with him? Also what was the first champion I played?
NA, Pleuto
Hi friend! You’re a master of the seas - you have a total of 650 wins and 420 losses on Fizz. Your win rate on said fishy is 60.74% :)
- Faif
What are my win rates per skin on tristana?
NA, Blitzen
You have a great win rate with (almost) all of your Trist skins!
Buccaneer Tristana (60.9%)
Firefighter Tristana (59.1%)
Dragon Trainer Tristana (55.4%)
Little Demon Tristana (53.3%)
Riot Girl Tristana (51.4%)
Bewitching Tristana (50.0%)
Earnest Elf Tristana (46.7%)
- Riot STakasugi
Hey buddy, glad to see you're still around :)
Dear team, thanks for having AMA here. Me and my gf play very often together and I would like to know, if we synergies well when playing together in game too :-) Thanks for your time and you guys rocks 😊
EUW - When it is done, Bluebirdtokyo
Hey! So, overall in 2019 (all game modes excluding TFT) we have:
Bluebirdtokyo without When it is done: 52.5% win rate
When it is done without Bluebirdtokyo: 50.9% win rate
Both together: 50.3% win rate
BUT! It looks like you two enjoy some ARAM. When you two play ARAM together you have a 54.5% win rate this year, which is just nuts!
Happy League10!
Dumb question, but how do you read those graphs? I mean, why is every champion a line (and a pretty messy one) instead of a point?
The line represents there historical playrate. Each point is a patch. The thicker the line the more recent the patch
I am not sure if my question will get answered, but it doesn't hurt to attempt.
When designing Kayle's new VGU, what was the decisive decision in removing her helmet past her 2nd stage of Ascension? Her face hidden away behind a helmet was iconic and I have seen the concept art of really nice ornamental helmet designs that would have been cool for her to have. If not a helmet because you wanted her face to be seen, than why not have her obtain a Halo after she lost the helmet, to heighten her angelic persona? Her new design is great, but I am curious to know and understand the removal of the helmet and or not replacing it with a halo through her ascension stages.
It was largely because when we brought Kayle mains in we found that many players actually thought of unmasked Kayle as Kayle. Also a majority of her skins have her unmasked, including her most played skin Aether Wing. There was a division among Kayle players on whether they associated Kayle with the masked or unmasked version of her, so we felt representing both was the best way to get both versions of Kayle in the game
Do you have any metrics on how much more minor changes increase playrate? From small vgus like ezreal or morgana, to simply updates for voice overs, splash arts, or gameplay alone?
For example the recent Ashe voice over, though obviously she also got a legendary skin that will skew results there.
Also are you doing updates to voice overs etc when they happen or is that a different team?
I love the recent Ashe one and I'd really like to see more as a big lore fan, but I understand they aren't big movers overall. But for example it'll be kind of weird if Lucian doesn't get one, you know what I mean?
VO updates and VU's have never increased playrate. The only times we see increased playrate is when we update a champions gameplay. Morgana had a pretty big playrate jump with her VU, but that is because the minor udpates we did made her more viable in the mid lane, where we saw the playrate growth come from
Video or article?
Blog. like a majority of them have been
Our champion looks like a trash can
But not a trash cannot.
Urgot went through some drastic changes with his VGU as well. Why do you think there wasn’t a huge backlash on that occasion like it did with the Aatrox rework?
Hmm, well Urgot's playrate was almost non-existent. Urgot was also a much older and outdated Champion than Aatrox.
our champion looks like a ferret that uses its tail as a brush
So cute
How many times have I killed Garen and how many times has that sword bro chad butthead killed me? I h8 Garen.
What's my total kills and deaths for all the terrible arams I've ever played?
Thx guys, you the best.
NA Alolaregion
Congratulations! You have 5502 lifetime kills in ARAM games! BUT... you've died 7006 times... .... .... ....
-Dim Sum Cart Lady
What counts as a non-traditional marksman? In my mind, there hasn't been a single traditional marksman since Jinx, everyone since her has been 525 range or less and focused on spell damage and mobility
U will find out soon
I actually have no idea how you guys thought the sauron/arthas f**king death knight character would be niche tbh
Most juggernauts tend to be niche outside of Garen/Darius. Also Morde was historically pretty Niche
Our champion wants to be the number 1 hero more than anything.
Our champion thinks that teemo is evil and bob ross is good.
I can get behind this.