League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

08 Oct


Originally posted by Racketmachine

Did you play for his team?

yeah i played for HU before coming to Riot


Originally posted by T1didnothingwrong

Wait, are you the same blizz that went to Wayne?

i am :)


Originally posted by Kayma

There could be a new worlds song this year in that private video. I can't tell you everything, but trust me, I know someone on the "inside".

The song title is "Ricochet".

inb4 just a video about Sivir


Really cool to see a mention to collegiate esports! Xpecial has been doing a great job as coach there, it was a pleasure to learn from him :)

07 Oct


Originally posted by WoxieNerdNu

And I main jungle lol

Bonus Scuttlecrab tip: for about 2s after you DO apply hard CC to the Scuttlecrab, she takes INCREASED damage too. So, if you were Vi, you should Q through the Crab and then quickly fire off both your E punches as rapidly as possible to clear it quickly.


Originally posted by WoxieNerdNu

Protective shell?

Yes, Scuttlecrabs take significantly reduced damage from all sources until it's been affected by hard CC (root or stun). After that, it can be defeated very quickly.


Originally posted by Fvzs

Hey, barging in here to ask if this weekend counts as regional testing or global beta? As from the /dev from may global beta would be the last step before launch (if it all works)

This is a regional test


Originally posted by suPChgr

If this is over before 4 PM CET, Will we have to wait till 6PM for the next BO5?

Nope! We will go straight into the next series.


Originally posted by Lean000123

Is there a chance that in future clash versions, you guys change the shedule of the start of games? My team always play 1 clash game and then we leave :(

Schedules are always in review. I would expect some variance when it comes out.


Originally posted by Kazan

Can I make a couple of suggestions?

A) setup a way for players to register to look for clash teams by geographic locale. I think it would be fantastic if we could have city, neighboorhood, etc based teams

B) A dedicated Ranked 5s queue (not flex) for practicing with your team between tournaments

C) Team roster > 5, so substitutions can be made on the fly. Obviously everyone has to be invited before tournament starts, limited number of subs, etc but subbing without replacing players entirely would be nice.

Sure! Always down to hear suggestions. We have been looking at better ways in client to find teams and create rivals. Don't know if it will be in for launch but it's on the radar.

A dedicated practice queue is also in talks. If Clash remains popular, this is likely.

As far as substitutes, I don't know if we will bring them back. We don't want players changing between games within a tournament, and since we aren't doing 3 day tournaments anymore, subs is not really needed. We'll keep watching to see what people are saying, but right now it's unlikely subs will be back.


Originally posted by CMcAwesome

Is it all champions are unlocked? I thought it was "if a champion is owned by at least one player it's unlocked", which would make teams of 5 smurfs less likely.

Nope. All champions unlocked for everyone.


Originally posted by CoUsT

Can we get some additional info like this somewhere? Best way would be directly in client, before clash or during it.

It would be also nice to get additional info like what happens when you disconnect during champ select, can you restart client etc. My client today kept using 10-25% CPU by itself on 8 core Ryzen and I couldn't do anything. Everything was delayed and we ended up with having to play Diana support and Janna jg. We won but we should definitelly have some info what to do in cases like this. Or if we even can do something, like restart client etc.

Here is the FAQ which I believe is linked in the client



congrats man! i'll cya in soloq soon :)


Originally posted by Xerikai

Just wanted to say that my friends and I had a blast playing the last tournament in our region(OCE) and can't wait for it to return. Thanks for all the hard work, clash is really a different experience that you can't normally enjoy with the more casual friends.

That's awesome. We had a blast playing in NA and it's great to see players finally having a good experience