League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

09 Oct


Originally posted by te_un

Some people might not know why honk Kong isnโ€™t China. A team is called Hong Kong but isnโ€™t a team from the lpl people will google Hong Kong an get news about the demonstrations

Well in China information like that would probably be banned on the internet


Battle CAsT Yuumi



Originally posted by ThuggInUggs

Another reason other than honesty check can be to avoid miscategorizing people with smurfs / multiple accounts. If someone gets a survey on their smurf that is registered with a different email, it could be misleading as to their actual behavior as a player in league.

Say they have never purchased a skin on their smurf but have a ton of skins on their main, their behavioral profile is very different from someone who truly has never bought a skin :)

@thugginuggs in for the nami support


Originally posted by not_panda

Is the "I don't understand how multiple currencies work" sentence intentional? Because I do understand how it works but I still hate it and it puts me off a bit usually. So I really wouldn't know if I should pick it in the last question or not.

This is intentional, yes! If we find that this isn't an issue at all for players (and it's just wasted space on the survey), that question may very well get replaced with something like "Riot has too many alternate currencies." I won't know until I see the data!

That said, a massive overhaul of all our alternate currencies makes me want to cry lol...RIP.


Originally posted by Bibidiboo

Why would you continue to revise a survey after release? That invalidates the earlier results, because a change in wording or anything will mean the results could have been different for earlier surveyors and should not be used..

For this survey in particular, we're doing an "alpha" release from now until December in just a couple of regions. The finalized version of the survey will be ready to go at the start of 2020. Yes, we won't be able to track things longitudinally for these first three months. However, we'll be able to get some preliminary information (like, "What is seriously on fire right now for our players?) to help make more immediate decisions.

That way, once the survey is fully ready and good to go, we'll be confident that we're asking the right questions in the right way.


Originally posted by AJediKnight

Hey there!

I am a little curious about the decision to use Max Diffs instead of a rank ordering question when you only have 4 items per set. Rank ordering is normally fine until you have seven or more items, and would offer more detail. Was it just a matter of your initial question being more focused on extreme preferences? Maybe you already had a vague estimation of preferences (which seems likely), and designed the survey moreso for clarification?

Hey there! Asking players to rank-order a set of 4 questions 12 times (or even like 6) is a HUGE cognitive ask! It probably would take them half an hour to have filled out the survey. We try to keep our surveys shorter, when possible, to respect player time. Also, Max Diffs work either by selecting the "most" option, or the "most" and "least" option. Sawtooth software doesn't currently offer a "rank the full set" option, although that would theoretically reduce the amount of screens we have to show. We use the "most" and "least" because it gives us the most data possible.

As for the vague estimation of preferences, we know that we (as Rioters) have a super different experience of the game than players. This is especially true of PIE, the team who works on things like Skins, Loot, Event Passes, and other in-game products. We want to make sure we don't bias the results by assuming our understanding is representative of player experience.

Thanks for the question :)

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Originally posted by cursdonemoretime

"Filtering out troll responses"- i guess people who are unhappy with current state of the game are trolls now

Hey there! Troll responses are responses that are invalid, and do not reflect real-world behavior. For example, if a player says, "Yes, I've purchased an Event pass," but they HAVEN'T actually purchased an Event Pass, it indicates that they aren't answering the survey honestly. That would be a "troll" response.

If a player says, "Yes I've purchased an Event Pass, and I f*cking hate them. They're terrible. Riot you suck." when they HAVE actually purchased an Event Pass, that is NOT a "troll" response, and would therefore be treated as a valid player opinion.

I hope this clears things up :)


Originally posted by Asosas

Phreak is a bad example, he knows a shitton about the game but he doesnt have other caster qualities and thats why people are sometimes annoyed. But he has improved a lot in the past year.

And yes Atlus has deep game knowledge, at least in these play-ins hes nailing it in this aspect. I was pleasantly surprised tbh.

He actually has done quite a lot of colour! He used to flex a lot more before the ecosystem was looser and shifted to demanding more specialization and he probably could've done either but IIRC preferred play by play.

Here's a very (OLD) example:



LCS teams donโ€™t keep the trophy - LCS does make replicas though (we caught up on past trophies in early 2017). So when you see pictures like the one of Andy with the trophies, those are all replicas.


Congrats to you and happy to hear about your wife's recovery.

OP.GG is impressive, that win streak into Diamond is really sweet. Looks like you could go even higher if you put in the games with those WRs.


Originally posted by toy_town

Why even ask the first question? Riot already have the date of every single transaction for every player, you could just ask somebody to get you that data for each and every player.

Another reason other than honesty check can be to avoid miscategorizing people with smurfs / multiple accounts. If someone gets a survey on their smurf that is registered with a different email, it could be misleading as to their actual behavior as a player in league.

Say they have never purchased a skin on their smurf but have a ton of skins on their main, their behavioral profile is very different from someone who truly has never bought a skin :)


Originally posted by JinxCanCarry

It's to make sure the person is actually reading the questions/answering honestly.

If they are answering wrong to objective questions you already know the answer to, then the result of the rest of the survey is probably not accurate either.

Think about this in real life. If you asked somebody what their name is and they lie to you even if you have it written in front of you, wouldnyou trust what they say afterward?



Originally posted by akigo57

I'm familiar with MaxDiff and it works really well for preferential options. The example the Sawtooth gives is ice cream flavors I believe?

Interestingly enough the same process is often used for other online tools to help you narrow down your "favorites" for various things. The Pokemon Picker is a good example.

However that's most effective in my experience when comparing preferences on like things that tend to be on equal ground objectively. I'm not entirely sure that translates well to this particular survey.

> There's more to the repeated questions than just filtering out troll responses

I am aware of this. My original post doesn't object to repeating specific options at all.

Thanks for replying! I didn't think you were objecting, but I think I misinterpreted your comment: "By repeating questions and options you can better ensure consistent responses to gain more accurate results. This combats people who just click through a survey without reading it." as being limited to just addressing click-through ("troll") responses, not being essential to the design of the survey. My apologies there for misunderstanding.

As for your point on objectivity, I'd love to see any academic papers you can point me to so that I can better understand your point. While objectively equal and subjectively different items would be IDEAL for a super clean Max Diff, I've never read anything to suggest that its methodology is inappropriate for something like this.

I don't want to dive too deeply into Reddit debates, so I'll probably sign off here. I appreciate your input -- this survey is iterative, so we're continuing to improve it (design-wise and pla...

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08 Oct


Originally posted by T1didnothingwrong

You know Brendon, Thai, Apple, and Walle? They told me about you LOL

ye, Brendon good friend of mine


Originally posted by 25chestnuts

You could really use some rewording for that last section too. Either reword each option as a problem, or reword the question as "Tick all options you find to be true".

Thanks for that! We're continuing to revise this survey as results come in, so it's still very much in the editable phase. Knowing that this is confusing or feels bad is super valuable. Thanks again :)


Hi there!

I'm Riot aeneia. I designed, wrote, and launched this survey.

I can't address everything you've brought up here, but I did want to mea culpa something, and hopefully provide a little education:

  • That first question, about how recently you purchased in-game content. That was my bad. I forgot to include the option for "It's been more than a year." I done f*cked up there, and I'm sorry to make anyone feel like their historical purchases weren't important :(.
  • As for the rest of the survey, I'd encourage you to look up Choice Based Modeling and Max Diffs. They're pretty brilliant methodologies that help us to prioritize different concerns. (And, yes, we know that something being knocked to the bottom of the list doesn't make it a non-issue. It just means it's less of an issue than the other things above it.)
  • There's more to the repeated questions than just filtering out troll responses ;). Like I said, do some research on Max Diff...
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Originally posted by ZenNoah

How did you get a position at Riot?

i applied! lol

im on the playtest team. my experience in esports helps a ton


This was a series.

Commiserations to UOL :( I always root for the Orianna player