League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 Oct


Originally posted by xredrumx5150

Heeeeey it's thugginuggs, Ive watched a few of your streams even played with you a few times a year or so back. (Lil Miglet) was my name I believe. Hope you're doing well bro.

Yo yo what's up my dude! Yup yup doing great just on that worlds hype <3


Originally posted by Grinys

Lol casters are straight up better than most sports casters aswell tbh

So much this. One thing that has always stood out to me is that our on air talent is seriosuly top notch and on par or better than traditional sports. When I get my family and non gamers to watch league, they almost always comment about it.

13 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]

Riot has been at it for quite some time.

Can i introduce you to Leona Bot, the BM Goddess?


holy f*ck LOL


Originally posted by modsarebiglygay

but.. it's copyrighted by riot

ah f*ck me


Originally posted by Caenen_

Vayne's W stacks and expunge trigger on-hit though, unlike Yi, Neeko, Jax and Xin's "every X hits" effects. It's just that for Jax, Yi and Neeko, their stack counters cannot 'overcap', unlike Xin (empowered hit cannot be expended by Phantom Hit, but it overcaps so it still gets the pattern right).

Edit: Oh, you meant 'this is how it works with Vayne, too' as of the particular pattern (no longer every 2nd attack with nerfed Rageblade, now 4 every 9 attacks). Sorry for the misunderstanding. Am I right though that you're fixing it individually per-champion by allowing their stack counters to overcap? Or are you changing the resulting effects to on-hit?

I'm not the one making the specific changes, but I believe the solve is closer to the latter thing you said.


Originally posted by Pavlo100

Faker Pro view in intese teamfights?

More like Summoner's rift preview!

Share clip!

12 Oct


Originally posted by Xipotec

Well if that's the intention, you still didn't fix that. It's aa-ult three times, then he still needs a intermitent double auto to proc the aa-ult again.

That is how his passive works with the nerfed rageblade, same as Vayne.


Originally posted by Raithfyre

Lilv the Based God

Unsung hero of this game tbh. He showed guts and managed to survive some nutty fights. That early 1v1 win was so crucial too


Originally posted by Dwarce

If Bwipo played even remotely well they could have won it, but he didn't hit a single barrel past 20 min.

Well i would say it was the whole team really to blame, all getting pushed in and SKT laners free to go into FNC jungle and ward, making Broxah useless whole early game

11 Oct


Originally posted by Huzzl3

That is ... wow

Makes me wonder how they didn't realize for the previous 3 years (since patch 6.9) that Jax ult passive applied every other hit with rageblade, if it was never intended to work that way. I'm actually kind of sad about that. Spear getting changed soon, conqueror getting changed, Jax already has trouble 1v1ing late game Shen or Poppy, and then rageblade passive won't even do anything to his ult.

/u/Riotkingcobra I guess it's not up to you to decide this, but if Yi's passive gets reworded so he can use rageblade, would it be possible the same gets done for Jax? Rageblade may not be an item Jax builds every single game, but in some games it's really valuable and for the last 3 years it has worked with his ult passive.

Seeing how he's pretty much the original hybrid, 1v1 focused auto attacker and how he'll likely take some hits in pre season (spear / conqueror), would it be possible to reconsider rageblade ...

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That is exactly what we are doing. :) We are going to be restoring the functionality to how players expect it to work so Jax will also proc his ultimate passive every other hit.


Originally posted by Jinxzy

I'm lacking a word for terrified and interested at the same time...

Any Germans around? Surely you lads got something.

Update: my boss is German and he recommended the word "gespannt", which is mostly a curious/excited feeling but could have a bit of tense or anxiousness mixed in. So there's a serious answer for ya! 😜


Do we get a refund if they don't win in 30 minutes or less?


Spread the good news of mute


Originally posted by takato99

Riot could hire someone to read all of their lore in form of audiobooks. Would sell sooo well, but well Riot isn't really known for making most out of its material unfortunately

Thinking emoji...I will poke a few people about this~


Originally posted by BloodTrinity

Is the full crit path really dragging down his stats? I was seeing triforce -> PD -> IE as one of his highest winrate builds.

Haven't looked at item performance data yet. I was referring more to people failing but his win rate still being high overall, rather than the particular build path. In retrospect could have phrased that slightly better.