League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Oct


So this is why I never won with him in playtests


Hello fantastic fellow friends. Some info on what happened, what's happening, and what's gonna happen.

What happened? We made a mistake that prevented you from getting credit. We fixed this issue and you should be able to get credit by watching VODs and live matches now. You may not be able to get credit for rewatching a VOD you watched earlier while missions were not working. Read on to the what's gonna happen section for how we're going to fix this.

What's happenin'? Not much, hbu? How about that [champion] pick in [team] vs [team]?

What's gonna happen? We are working to grant mission credit to those who watched at least 10 minutes of Worlds while logged in, no matter when you watched, so you don't need to puzzle together what you may have already watched or not to get credit. We'll do it for you. This should happen within the next couple days and I'll update this thread once it's complete.


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Originally posted by TerraRising

Nice to hear.

However, this has been an ongoing thing since the final weeks of the Summer Split for me, where LEC and LCK live games and vods just wouldn't work for my NA account.

There may be specific issues with your configuration, especially if you are using tools like uBlock / blocking all JS etc.

Can you reproduce those same issues if you are watching on a "clean" browser?


Originally posted by SuperMrBlob

Thanks for investigating. Any chance you could provide some insight on why this bug keeps cropping up? Just curious :^)

Unfortunately there is no set "source" for issues on rewards :(

It's a pretty complicated service with dependencies across both the game (for missions) and on watch.lolesports.com itself. While we have made substantial updates to the quality of Rewards, whenever major changes happen to either the game or watch it has the potential for breaking Rewards too.

Hooray for code!


Hi friends,

We had some unexpected issues with the Rewards service this morning. We are actively investigating, and I will post an update shortly.

Quick ninja edit - the issue has been identified. All of the games which were watched earlier today have still been recorded, you should get credit over the next 48 hours for that watchtime.


Originally posted by Rayzerlol

After getting home from work its working!

Cool , glad to hear it


Originally posted by RisingFair

So not the same name but without space... A different name...

Its literally the same, most people dont know the difference betwen the 2 a’s because its not used in their language or the english language so when we see the different types they look the same, making the name literally the same sh*t


Originally posted by Rayzerlol

Checkout 404's!

Is it still 404'ing ? , I'm got a 404 then tried again and it worked


Originally posted by [deleted]

Right, TIL.

I edited my comment to clarify.

I'm taking it you're involved with the LEC production team. Just wanted to thank you for making the LEC such an amazing experience! Loving the consistency of designs - really great content. You guys have kinda ruined other Leagues for me.

Do Design Studio regularly update the graphics? Because I feel like over the course of the season I've seen new graphics/transitions and some such.

I'm one of the Producers at the LEC. Small disclaimer as I try to summarise below, I work more closely on the broadcast side of this relationship, and am not overly familiar with the fine details of the collaboration that we do, as it is part of our brand team!

Our graphics team in-house updates and designs our graphics to work in our graphics renderer that we use on our show, VizRT. Some graphics (like Live Gold Difference or Champion Select) require further collaboration with our stats, IT, and game teams, too.

Frequently Design Studio will give us new items or elements to utilise, and we also split up work for certain videos. (We produce a lot of our video content in house, and on some pieces we have Design Studio collaboration, like our start of season hype vids!) If our internal teams are a bit busy; having trouble coming up with a design that fits the LEC designs; or are trying to make something that isn't within our own expertise, we work closely with the coo...

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Originally posted by [deleted]

EDIT: My comment is misleading at best and false at worst, check Riot response below.

The LEC production team doesn't design the LEC layout. Design Studio, who also designed layouts for the UEFA Champions League or the PL do. Riot likely doesn't have a contract with them for international events, only for the LEC.

Hey, just popping in to clarify this point on Design Studio. While we work with Design studio for developing our brand at the LEC (colours, typeface, transitions, visual motifs) we create our own graphics and designs around this in-house and are able to modify/utilise as we see fit.

While Design Studio has given us a branding style and some cool tools to play with (transitions, shapes, typefaces), all of the broadcast graphics you see on air were designed and programmed by our teams!

We don't utilise the LEC branding on Worlds, as the event itself has its own branding team which is region agnostic. It's a bit weird to picture, but there is one centralised team that is making the event, and then all of the broadcast regions are producing their coverage of the show with separate teams by adding their own casters/analysts on top of it, including the English Language broadcast!


Originally posted by Patrius

ヽʕ •ᴥ•ʔノ Raise your koalas ヽʕ •ᴥ•ʔノ

ヽʕ •ᴥ•ʔノ I got timed out for raising my Koalas in the chat what the hell is this? ヽʕ •ᴥ•ʔノ


Originally posted by RengS_98

You probably did. i actually dont know. didnt their accounts got D1 mmr from the start? could be no idea

Just checked the guy has same name but without space and is G1 so rip


Originally posted by RengS_98

Who is Roy Mustang?

I swear i played vs him in my low plat gamr


Originally posted by marqoose

Sleepy eyed dudes have this weird charm.

one of my eyes is droopier than the other one. my wife finds me very charming




Originally posted by Jmart09

In the name of the Clutch, the Horse and the Holy Cloud. NAmen



I would not have had the presence of mind to bait the one Ashe auto before zhonays. Really wp