League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Oct


Originally posted by Tydrack7

Garen: Is also looking too strong and a candidate for nerfs next patch. As expected with Garen he’s less out of line in high MMR, though still on the strong side even there. Not sure yet how good attack speed as a build path is for him post E changes. Our goal was that it should be an option, rather than mandatory or always a mistake. Another goal was to shift power to his early game, the belief being that that's both part of Garen's historic identity we wanted to bring back and generally an appropriate pattern for juggernauts. Does look like that's working so far. In terms of overall power as with Shaco we'd like to ensure that he doesn't end up weaker than before the changes at a minimum.

Meanwhile all Garens on my team builds full crit/as and feed their ass 0/8 in lane, happened 3 times yesterday and now im banning him not because he is overpowered but because what a shit champion to have on your team Jesus..

Yep, and he's overperforming on average despite some people doing that and dragging his stats down a bit.


Originally posted by [deleted]

He literally explained why he included that part. If you are a player with very few champions but have reached gold, it only makes sense you'd be concerned about getting a skin for a champ you don't own.

Victorious skin has been for a champion important to the meta every single year.

Morgana, Orianna, Maokai, Graves etc are or were very popular champs when they received them. Maokai was pick/ban status in top lane when he got his.

Regardless of how popular the champ getting a victorious skin is or isn't each year there are a lot of new players, or players with secondary accounts, wondering if they need to go buy the champ beforehand to be eligible for the skin. It's well known you don't to veteran players, but they're not the only part of the LoL audience.


Originally posted by Jinxzy

I'm lacking a word for terrified and interested at the same time...

Any Germans around? Surely you lads got something.



Is there a mission for just locking in your pickems ? I can see a mission saying earn 34 points.


Originally posted by Mundane_contents




Originally posted by Jatt

Obviously a joke, lol. G2 is stacked tho.


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Originally posted by lucaskhelm

Can you let me in on what Voli is gunna look like? :D?? Just tell me Malphite/Chogath size aint got nothing on the God of Thunder?? Just a yes or no... I won't tell anyone I swear.

We will be showing current progress on Voli art in the roadmap :)

10 Oct


90% There will be a pentakill 50% Faker gets that pentakill 10% Doublelift gets that pentakill against SKT


Fiddle will be reworked into patch 4.20 Warwick.


Originally posted by deshende

Mine too! Happy birthday in advance.

Hey, same goes for you! DM me on 10/15 to remind me with your summoner name and region and I'll give you some sweet, sweet RP.

Edit: See my above edit. Please feel free to add me in game anyone.


Originally posted by -xXxMangoxXx-

Oh hey I forgot my birthday and league birthday is on the same day.

Happy early birthday! DM me on 10/15 as a reminder and I'll throw you some birthday RP, bud!

Edit: Y'all are great and wonderful and I wish I could give you all RP, but unfortunately I cannot. Please know that I am reading every one of these requests. I might not be able to give it to you, but anyone can feel free to add me for a game, a chat, or a rant about nerfing your favorite champ. NA Riot Cashmiir


Plan is for a devblog from one of the SR team on preseason goals for tomorrow.

Just to keep expectations in check - tomorrow we'll be talking goals, not the actual changes themselves. Those should be next week.


Originally posted by The_Cactopus

this meme is a huge L10 spoiler but it won't make sense until after you watch the 10th Anniversary Riot Pls




Originally posted by Askari_tv



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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Curious when you do art teasers for the Roadmap, are they custom made by the team or do you just pull a piece of concept art you think is vague yet cool enough

They are all custom made by the artists on the team

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Originally posted by LargeSnorlax

Probably the first top 20 list I've ever seen where not a single NA player even registers on the top 20.

Realistic, or biased?

Honestly probably a little biased. As I mentioned in the video CoreJJ, Doublelift, and Svenskeren would be the players that would make the list if NA was on it. Unfortunately, the last 3 times I've had Doublelift on my top 20, he hasn't performed at Worlds like a top 20 player. I also think from an individual talent perspective, this Worlds is perhaps the most stacked ever. So even if 2019 Doublelift is better than 2018 Doublelift, he may be ranked lower when compared to all other players at Worlds..

Here's to hoping i'm wrong about the NA portion of my list this year, NA smashing Worlds would make this year and 2020 a lot more fun for me lol

Also, sorry for the Vedius graphic. The video has incorrect team tri-codes for his first 10 picks. Working on getting that fixed so that the lists can be more accurately shared.

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Originally posted by RemainTheSame

Can you reveal what classes are the next 2 champs after adc? I hope is a new Tank, pls make my day Reav3

The Roadmap will reveal the classes :P gotta wait like everyone else