League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Oct

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Would it be a Morde/Urgot/Swain/Nunu level one?

For sure


Originally posted by DeusVitae69


*eyes glinting* "Is there FREE stuff?"

you tell us

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

What are the strongest option candidates besides Mundo Shyvana Nocturne?

Rammus, Olaf, Quinn, Cho'Gath, Shaco, Skarner

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by brian9709

Speaking as an Akali OTP I wouldn't say she's is in a good spot. Her kit is way too strong in general and that's why she doesn't go away from competitive even after all the changes. One question, shouldn't an assassin champion have a strong early game and a not so good late game? Why after the update Akali early game is still one awful mess and she's a beast late game?

I don't think its required that every Assassin has the same points in the game where they are strong. Kat has been in a good place as a late-game scaling Assassin for awhile now.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Nedyr97

I don't fully agree with you. It depends on individual champions. Some champions fair much better than others, Udyr for example is horrendous visually and gameplay wise. However, you have champions like Riven, Lee Sin, Yasuo, Zed, Fizz, Ahri etc. that have such dynamic kits that even if you released them today, they'd fit right in with the newly designed kits we see.

For sure. I'm not saying every Champ will need a VGU, I'm just saying that Champs sometimes get added to the list over the years

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Kabukey

What exactly is it that makes you "optimistic"? Not trying to hate, I'm just curious. After all his play-rate has again dropped to his old play-rate from before the rework (according to u.gg atleast) and in the Asol-subreddit it's mainly posts asking for a revert.

I'm optimistic right now because his depth is higher then it has been in along time as seen in the link below. This means that's while his playrate is similar, people that are playing him are playing him more often, which could mean some are finding him more satisfying to play. This may drop back to historical numbers though, which we will monitor.



Originally posted by anialater45

What could go wrong?

Yeah we could end up making some champ with like, constant invulnerability, huge damage, and utility.


We should hire you

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Soxviper

Would you say Zoe's hook is stealing summoner spells or catapulting one shots from wacky angles?

Zoe's hook is her super long range burst. The summoners spells are more of a unique input that make her feel very different to play then other Champions, which is also important, but isn't really a super unique output

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GrandMasterOfCool

u/Reav3 how high is Quinn on the priority list? As a an assassin lover like yourself, could you imagine a ranger/companion assassin combo working out in league?

She on the list but not super high. I think she could be really cool when her time comes, might throw her on the next "Choose a VGU" poll to gauge community interest, though I haven't finalized who will be on the next one yet

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by MaliciousMetal

Thanks for the response!

Yeah, League's greatest strength is definitely it providing a constantly changing experience, which keeps it fresh and fun throughout the years.

And while Mordekaiser definitely changed more compared to "modernized" kit approaches like Akali and Warwick, he still retains a lot of his core gameplay hooks while amping it up to eleven.

Speaking of Morde, I just wanted to say thank you again for coming in and giving us great feedback on the VGU. As seen in the imgur link below Morde was one of our most successful VGUs of all time and I believe that part of that came success from your visit with the team.


Hi Reddit!

We’re game engineers working on League of Legends, and we’d love to chat with you about how the game works. If you have questions about how League works under the hood, send them our way. For example, we could talk about the Dimension tech of Mordekaiser’s ult, differences between TFT’s game loop and Summoner’s Rift’s, your favorite weird bug, or what it’s like to be a game engineer.

There are a few sensitive subjects we won’t talk about (anti-cheat, for example), but we’ll do our best to answer as many of your questions as we can! We'll start answering questions around 10:30.


RiotLtRandolph - Champions Team

Penrif - LoL Tech Lead

NoopMoney - Champions Team

RiotEntquine - Champions Team

RiotNullarbor - TFT Team

RiotTony - Core Tech Team (Aus time zone)

Spawndog - Gameplay Tech Lead

Riot_DarthBatman - Core Tech Team

ShaqFuuuuu - Champions Team

External link →

No, thank YOU mysterious internet stranger.


Originally posted by batspidersuperman

I think a lot of people hold Jhin in high regard as one of the best designed champions in terms of thematic design, voice lines/acting, and gameplay. What was the brainstorming/design process for him like, and what do you think was the key to making a champ that incredibly well designed?

I think Jhin comes off as exceptional because of how well his "non-gameplay" side came through. The VFX/SFX/Anims/VO fit him soooo well and make you feel like you're in the head of the virtuoso murder man.

Jhin came from a basic concept of "The perfect sniper." The idea was that he was a guy who was such a good shot that he would think up creative ways to shoot things to keep himself entertained. We also knew we wanted him to be mysterious/off-putting/weird. Pretty sure almost all concepts of him from day 1 had him in some kind of mask, bandanna, or robotic covering. He eventually started to transform into "the crazy art guy" when we locked his 4th shot mechanic. We knew we wanted to make a sniper, and we knew his 4th shot would be his strongest, but what competent sniper saves the best shot for last? Narrative came up with the idea that he was OCD about the number 4 and was wanted to make every kill artistically perfect (Which mean waiting for the 4th shot). We then a...

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Originally posted by HolypenguinHere

We're not all sad about this

i'm sad


Originally posted by ShaquiquiBronson

What is your favorite part of the champion design process?

When you find "the mechanic" and the whole champion falls into place and everyone starts getting hyped to play it. This was stuff like Ekko R, Jhin passive, and Jinx passive for me.

I remember a Jinx playtest where Squad5 had just helped me get in her current passive after like 5 failed other passives. She killed a Xerath, went so fast that she lost control of her character, ran into a tower and died. It was perfect!

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Soxviper

Even after all her nerfs?

Yes, I love playing her to much to stop

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Waterstealer

here's a vague one, will the next toplaner be more of a bruiser, tank, or skirmisher?

Ask me again tomorrow

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Quacking92

Non-traditonal Marksmen.

So we got more than one coming?



Originally posted by Neville_Lynwood

What are the highest and lowest win rates in the history of League? I have a feeling you should have that data somewhere.

And why were those numbers the case? I'm expecting something along 70% and 30%, so what went wrong with those champs and why did they end so notably under or overtuned?

I think release Syndra might have been under 30% (it's either her or Yuumi with the lowest release winrate). Syndra was due to a combination of being undertuned, hard to play, and buggy in ways that prevented her from combo'ing her spells. Yuumi on the other hand was likely due to being entirely dependent on her allies needing to know what she was trying to do.

There was a patch where Karthus literally could not be killed due to a bug. Even while being invincible his winrate only hit 80-85% or so.


Originally posted by Reav3

Gameplay hooks can come from a variety of spaces. Like RiotScruffy mentioned one way is from designer brainstorm meetings they hold pretty often. Sometimes they can come from product strategy, like Pyke's hook came from the opportunity space I created to make a support Assassin. Others can be derived from a thematic/visual pitch. Kai'Sas hook, for example, came from the idea that BravoRay came up with when he was doing concept exploration for the champion. He came into one DNA meeting with this awesome drawing of this "Void Diver" her called it and said that it was Kassadins daughter. The concept looked so bad ass, that the whole pod got excited about it which led to RiotJag coming up with the Ultimate which was basically her "diving into the void"

It really depends on the designer. August, for example, prefers to start with cool concept art, then derive a gameplay hook that he feels matches the character art. He's always like "Draw me a awesome character and I'll make you...

I really just want artists to tell me what to do TBH.