Garen: Is also looking too strong and a candidate for nerfs next patch. As expected with Garen he’s less out of line in high MMR, though still on the strong side even there. Not sure yet how good attack speed as a build path is for him post E changes. Our goal was that it should be an option, rather than mandatory or always a mistake. Another goal was to shift power to his early game, the belief being that that's both part of Garen's historic identity we wanted to bring back and generally an appropriate pattern for juggernauts. Does look like that's working so far. In terms of overall power as with Shaco we'd like to ensure that he doesn't end up weaker than before the changes at a minimum.
Meanwhile all Garens on my team builds full crit/as and feed their ass 0/8 in lane, happened 3 times yesterday and now im banning him not because he is overpowered but because what a shit champion to have on your team Jesus..
Yep, and he's overperforming on average despite some people doing that and dragging his stats down a bit.