Just fyi you can't play clash on a new account. Not sure if that was your goal or not, but just trying to help.
ahh no just want to play in general once I am over in NA
Just fyi you can't play clash on a new account. Not sure if that was your goal or not, but just trying to help.
ahh no just want to play in general once I am over in NA
Man, I'm sorry to hear that, I really feel this... my old friend group just kinda ghosted me on everything. Like we were in a discord server together, and I would sometimes send a message to it but no one would respond, then I see them all queuing up together in games and stuff without inviting me and I knew it was kinda over. I still have them friended and see them playing w/o me all the time.
I saw you were in EUW so I can't play with you, but if you ever find yourself making an NA account feel free to hit me up. :) Always down for more friends to play with.
Shoot me an FR - we can get a 5 man and challenge your old friends to a game. Winner gets admin in the discord server :p but for real, thats a big feels bad, but if they are acting like that you are probably better off without them. If you wanna get some games HMU
You're not a piece of shit, mate.
You don't know how much it means to players that you're doing this for them.
Straight up, without players I don't get to go to a job I love every day. Players do that for me every day so if I can play a game with someone and help brighten their day, I am in.
im kind of a piece of shit but at least I can try and be nice sometimes
Are you me?
Are you too a support main who likes to play pyke?
Hey man! As a soon to be-dad i dont play as much as before but add me if you want. I play very casual now days so id love to play some normals or clash with you
Username (euw): Mästerbotten
See you on the rift!
Congrats on the child. Remember to start an RP fund for them now so they have lots of skins when they start playing.
Congrats buddy! I almost exclusively play ranked and I'm another "plays-lots-of-games" player and it's hard to climb. Have def felt the pains of double digit loss streaks...
Just remember we all on our own waves. Some faster, some slower, some bigger, some shorter. All that matters is that you ride your wave 🤙
You're a great guy, doing this for these guys. Wish I played in EU so I could join in all the fun. Thanks for being a wholesome rioter :)
I am in NA - just going to EU soon so if you are in NA add me :) and im kind of a piece of sh*t but at least I can try and be nice sometimes
Can I add you too?
Sure. Riot ThuggInUggs
It probably doesn’t help, but a similar thing happened to me. I got into League in 2009 when a friend convinced me to install it. I had never played a moba before, and I was terrible. We played for a few weeks, but eventually when we got to level 30 he immediately outranked me and he wasn’t interested in playing normals.
It was a huge bummer. It’s weird because I’d rather play a match with him and lose than play alone and win, but I realize that’s not the approach most people take. Hopefully you can find new friends to play with!
Hey Phreak, quick question. You think Sylas will get some post-Worlds buffs if his pick/ban after these nerfs is low? I'm a lowly Gold shitter and I miss being able to play him. (I know you don't have direct impact on balance, just wondering about your thoughts.)
I think Riot will generally be committed to finding ways to get Sylas's win rate and pro playrate both to acceptable levels. This is probably going to be quite difficult: He does have about 5 auto-attack resets after all.
But things like removing him from one role (flex picks are pro-specific) and opening up counter-picks are often effective.
No guarantees it gets perfect, but they've made headway on champions like Ryze and Azir.
But supports get S+ sometimes.. rarely... But they usually have lowest damage. So it's different equation for every champ?
Its compared to other people playing that champ i think
Also, strangely, my reddit is showing: "Comment deleted by user" but is still showing the post. Is that normal?
I show your comment as deleted :/ Zyra f*cked you btw... took all your damages
ah can normal players skip wasting 70 hrs leveling too?
What do you mean? I literally just made a new account and will be leveling it... by hand
I am no statistician, but isn't drawing conclusions from a single set of data a flawed concept? Isn't that the whole reason meta-analysis exists?
It seems what has been done is a risk assessment. The community has no idea what the threshold would have been for NB to stay permanent (most people on reddit just remember waiting a minute before getting a game and thought the game mode was thriving).
I am not saying your conclusion is wrong or what Riot are doing is wrong (can't blame them for not wanting another Twisted Treeline on their hands) but definitively dropping the game mode after bringing only bringing it out twice still hurts.
What we showed is a piece of the data we have and explore. It tells the simplified story and I agree with you that a lot more went into the decision :)
This is really well written. Also really nice to get traction and high quality content on major sports players like ESPN. Feels good to be able to send them to a place like ESPN that they already know about when I try and explain to people who don't game why I am traveling for worlds.
I would've loved that but I play on euw. :(
DM me your summoner name and I'll add you when I make my EUW account. I fly out next week and will be there for about 2 weeks, then back in EU again for 2 weeks during worlds semis and finals
Yeah I mean CS is fine for ARAM - its hard to get too much, especially with your team not helping :p
I had some similar games and getting damage seems to help a ton in getting the higher grades.
If you are on NA add me. I play every night :)
I am an idiot. You have to be in EU to be playing in clash. I will be there for work next week though and making a new account so shoot me a message if you want to play.
I am guessing (don't know) that a few things are at play here: As noted, your CS is not that high (even for an ARAM). Also, because you didn't die, you never got items. I assume that your damage is actually fairly low (relative to your scorline). If you are chasing those S+ you should probably execute when you hit item break points so you can buy items and deal more damage.
NA: Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan & Dylan