League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Aug


Originally posted by rip-boshke

One prestige please

prestige chromas for summoner icons, absolute genius


Originally posted by rip-boshke

Cries even more because I like icons but they are not that important who cares omg

oh f*ck we better think of something better

maybe two summoner icons πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”


Originally posted by rip-boshke


i don’t wanna spoil the 10 year event but let’s just say i hope u like summoner icons


Originally posted by JanEric1

i can now earn tokens through tft again. but i have not gotten any tokens for the tft games i played yesterday. missing around 100 tokens i think

Now that it's fixed we will be looking at games missed. It takes a little time for us to restore things and then go back and review.


Originally posted by Jammo1818

Just finished a TFT game since the client went back up, still not receiving tokens. Can you guarantee progress is still being tracked? Was planning on grinding tft for them tonight, thanks :)

Edit - they just turned up! I guesd they just got stuck in traffic!



Originally posted by Storiaron

Actually, Nunu chews it and then vomits half of it into Willump's mouth so he doesnt need to waste too much energy on eating. while fighting.

this is canon

28 Aug


Originally posted by TheScyphozoa

I did nothing!

Nah thanks for keeping us honest!


Originally posted by Shulkify

The only reason I would agree with disabling is the achievement Pop-up. Can't wait for that pop-up randomly getting into my teamfight, screwing up at least on of my clicks, obscurring my view from potential enemies, or anything like this. As long as you can disable that i am ok with that. Otherwise it would feel like fighting advertisment in a MOBA.

Couple things on this:

- Milestones are mostly transparent, and health bars appear on top of them. You can also click through them as if they aren't there.

- Milestones will wait to appear until you're out of champion combat. If you're fighting someone, they won't show until you're out of combat (similar timings as Ocean Drake's buff, for example).

- You can mute milestones with the following settings: Show All (including enemies), Show Self + Team, Show None


Originally posted by 22cheez

It also displays the eternal to everyone on your team which is incredibly annoying

If you want to, you can mute that.


Hi all - this is a bug and we'll be addressing it very shortly. Some eagle-eyed players also noted that Graves's cigar was missing, and that simply cannot stand. We're working on it right now.


Originally posted by TheScyphozoa

Yeah, WizardCrab said he'd remind someone. Glad they got around to it.

When I emailed them they were already on it. :)


Originally posted by isolatedplace

What about missions? Are you going to extend the deadline for them since they’re not being tracked?

They are being tracked but we will figure out what to do once it is fixed.


Hey Anna - researcher here at Riot, love seeing things like this :)

Making sure that the language is in line with the language used in the game and community makes a world of difference in my experience. Especially in gaming it is super obvious when someone who has never played games wrote a survey about them, and it can have some serious negative impact on the quality of the results. Good luck on this an I am excited to see the follow up post (hopefully)


Originally posted by EtoshOE

Any ETA on when TFT ranked will be up?

Sorry, I don't have an ETA


We are working on fixing this issues. The tokens are being tracked so you should get them once it's resolved.


Originally posted by ZedWuJanna

I remember there were some threads a few patches ago mentioning that the designer behind Malphite changes wasn't even high elo. No source for the claims though. If I'm mistaken, feel free to correct me. I'm loving the changes though and the current Malphite is his best iteration so far.

Ah I looked the designer up and it's not who I thought it was (Jatt!). Jatt just played him a lot during the testing phase in our playtests. Glad you like him!


Thanks for the post, OP. I suspect that some of the replies are not QUITE in the spirit of the thread, though. πŸ˜‰


Originally posted by ZedWuJanna

Recent Malphite changes, they finally made this champion fun to play and the aa cancel on W is amazing. Kinda funny that some silver/bronze rioter who didn't even play malph was behind these changes.

Edit: He's actually gold IV and hasn't played too many rankeds this season. And also based on u.gg he's been mostly spamming new Malphite recently on normals, but hasn't played the old one that much. His profile. Not sure where the downvote came from nor do I care, but I'm just providing some proof for nonbelievers.

Where'd you get that information from? 😊


Originally posted by Vixxeni

Major fan of the new collection visual update! Looks super crisp and clean, good work guys :)
