League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

26 Aug


Yo /u/Defenus !! Thanks so much for writing this detailed breakdown of your experiences with team pass / pro view. This is great feedback.

A few thoughts as someone who has worked on / around both of these products.

  • Team Pass - we feel this frustration. We are really bummed with some of the issues we ran into with Team Pass, and we have to do better. Everything you wrote is correct, and we need to improve if we are going to make it worth your money again next year. FWIW we made massive changes to the visualization of your progress on on the watch.lolesports.com/rewards page to help some of these issues, but it is only one small step in the right direction. More to come.

  • Pro View - Pro View has overall met most of our expectations. It's a very new product that wasn't even ...

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Originally posted by -Puffin-

Just wanted to do a shoutout, I see you answering questions regarding clash all over reddit and as a user, it’s very helpful. Thanks man!

Thanks! Glad it's helpful! :D


So I checked a few places and it seems like the banners are spawning correctly. If you still aren't seeing yours, drop a ticket to player support and they should be able to sort it out.


Gonna check into this


Originally posted by acbalint93

Clash could maybe use an mmr system like TFT.

Just to clear out how i imagine this: R1 winners go to winners bracket, and winners bracket would also have a 3rd place decider for the losers of the R2 winners bracket.

R1 Losers would go for consolation bracket, but the teams losing in R2 would still play for 7th. This helps with getting more accurate mmr, and also out of the 8 team 7 would have at least 1 win and kind of feel good about themselfs. (at least better than losing all game)

So now you have an accurate result from 1st to 8th place.

(Also props to you responding to almost every clash post, however small they are.)

Yeah this would help us for accuracy for sure, but only if everyone plays every game. We are trying to balance it out. I think when we saw a lot of players not playing in consolation we decided it wasn't something they wanted. Seems like that desire has changed a bit so we will revisit it.


Won't be in NA next week. After we assess the beta we will have more information around when you can expect it to be back. When it's out, Clash will be a couple times a month


Originally posted by Ranigad

Sorry to latch onto this reply but what if we need to replace someone between games on the same day? Can we kick and add someone else?

Not on the same day


Originally posted by xarahn

How about project ashe? The W arrows travel less distance than other skins but the hitbox is the same. Try it yourself you'll see.

Most likely the VFX are dying a bit early. Something I could probably fix.


Originally posted by AdorableCartoonist

In the post he hooks a guy over a wall so i figured thats the glitch you meant.

Ya, I looked into fixing that as well, but it would be a very risky change that would fundamentally alter how Naut's hook functions :(

Doesn't mean we can't/won't fix it someday, but just not something I can fix over my lunch hour haha (Like the other bug).


Originally posted by AdorableCartoonist

I literally watched a stream a few days ago where someone was hooked through tower. So I have to disagree.

Sorry, I was referring to Nautalus indicator vs actual length

25 Aug


Originally posted by [deleted]

TL is the far better team regardless of win or loss. C9 will get smashed at worlds. Their roster just isnt that good. Plus Sneaky is useless.



Yeah we have this on our list of things to solve. It's definitely a problem right now.


Originally posted by Koersfanaat

Jensen was f**king heavy holy shit, not even Doublelift could carry him

tbf Doublelift looked like a TFT Varus until that quadra near the end


Are they the highest rated on the team?


After NA is finished we will assess and see what's next. Stay tuned!


You can just remove them from the team and add a new player. The two days are separate so you don't need subs. You can change as many people as you want.