League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

27 Aug


Originally posted by -Basileus

I mean RGM was the 5th most popular mode after Ranked, Normals, Flex, and ARAM. It's a lot of work for something that they probably aren't making a lot off of. TFT is probably the 2nd or 3rd most popular queue now. Of course they will use resources on that instead.

I’m a big believer in no-bullsh*t communications, especially when we’re making a hard choice about prioritizing one thing over another (like in this case). That’s why we wrote this blog post which says exactly what you pointed out, u/-Basileus.

But, if I’m being self-critical, I think there’s one thing we at Riot haven’t figured out how to communicate yet. It’s this: when we do something for just ONE part of our audience, how do we explain that to the REST of our audience in a way that resonates? The no bullsh*...

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Originally posted by JustBronzeThingsLoL

check your twitter for the update

Can't seem to see anything there ='(


Originally posted by xlyph

What do you mean? Those stat are packaged in externals now. But in all seriousness I’ve seen the “new” client and it’s nothing to write home about. Long story short there’s no login screen animation, you know have to go through an additional screen by clicking a large play button just to be presented with the same UI as the current client, but hey! You don’t have to sign in and out every time now and patching is suppose to be more seamless.

Serious question: If all Common Eternals that used stats like Kills, Damage Dealt, etc (basically anything you see in this old profile view) was accessible via Blue Essence and the custom, per-champion Unique Eternals were the RP ones, how would you feel about Eternals?

(Flame shield on, eagerly awaiting constructive criticism)


Originally posted by B3bby

That's not a clash issue, I play on NA from EU a lot, my normal ping is 104, sometimes it spikes to 160ish, it always happens for the same reason. My net traffic for reasons unknown to me routes the traffic differently. Normally it goes Amsterdam -> East Coast US-> Chicago (Riot Servers), but on a few days a year it goes Amsterdam -> East Coast US -> Los Angeles Area -> Chicago. Basically going across the continent for no reason. Source a lot of frustrated trace-routes the first times it happened. This weekend it sadly coincided with Clash :(

Just gonna tag /u/MoreChrono in case this is somehow helpful for reasons unknown to me.

Super helpful stuff. Thanks for the info. I will pass it along to some more informed folks.


Trophies are totally a thing still! Just not for this beta period.


Nothing concrete yet in terms of an announcement, but there should be more information coming up about how it's going, so look for that.

26 Aug


Originally posted by DoubIeIift

My teammate was silver 2 jungler and was tier 2. My diamond 4 teammate was also tier 2. How in the world does silver 2 = diamond 4? And my plat 1-2 teammate was tier 1 ... how is a plat player higher ranked than a diamond player? If tiers are using mmr then it's really messed up at the moment.

You got a summoner name so we can take a look?


Originally posted by Tsundere_Yandere

If you don't mind me asking..how did the clash this weekend go?

So far it looks like it went really well. Seems like the games went smoothly and people got to play when they wanted to. We have to do some deeper dives on specifics and look into an issue with ping that may or may not be because of Clash, but in general it was a success! (Note this is just my take, not like an official take)


Originally posted by Previous_Advertising

Hopefully it works on EUW!

Fingers crossed! I am cautiously optimistic.


Really glad you enjoyed Clash. I had a blast too!


We are definitely looking at this. Part of the reasons we do betas like this is that we need lots of data to figure out exactly how to break tiers up. Thanks for the feedback!


Glad it worked out for you! My day one was pretty close and we went 1-1. Day two was a little rough because I am bronze I and was playing with some high gold so we were overmatched. Still pulled out 1 win though.


Originally posted by Arikushii

It was the complete opposite for me, my team was 3 silver IVs, one gold II, and one plat III. we played two games, but both games we went up against high gold's and plats

This seems like it was working properly. It's not an average, the team MMR skews towards the highest player.


Originally posted by Defenus

Nice to hear! More improvements on pro view sounds cool. The watch missions progression personally is just a pain, they are nice incentive to get audience engaged for an event like world's or the LCS split, but when I'm paying for something like a team pass. I honestly just want to use the emotes/icon everything immediately and not wait till end of split through some grind..

Anyway thanks for taking note.

Yeah same. :)


Originally posted by ashlucky13

i got pro view for lec and lcs and i really like the fact that pro view seemed to get a priority in the time it takes for the vods to become available. However, what i didn't like about it though is the number of times they f**ked up the upload, i'll watch game 1 no worries and then go to watch game 2 and shit im watching game 1 again.

We had a super janky bug where VODs were not uploading correctly that was nefarious to track down. I think this has been fixed as of a few weeks ago. Let me know if you are still seeing it!


Originally posted by shrubs311

My only issue with proview is that it lags up to 15 seconds behind the main streams. If I'm watching with friends who don't have proview than I have to watch the normal stream. I wish they made the synchronized link work for everyone.

Yeah, this is definitely frustrating - we are working hard on improvements right now that will help get the various streams into closer sync to avoid spoilers if watching with friends both in/out of Pro View


Originally posted by MatrioxTCG

My issue is I dont watch League on my PC in order to actually get credit for watching my team... I watch the games on my phone or on my Xbox depending on where I am so I was unable to have them tracked for the pass.

Howdy /u/MatrioxTCG you can watch VODs/live on watch.lolesports.com in order to earn rewards if you want to. Xbox unfortunately I can't help you with right now :(


Originally posted by MrFilthyNeckbeard

I got so sick of the timeline spoiling the match I stopped using proview

Hallo /u/MrFilthyNeckbeard the spoiler setting was fixed about 4 weeks ago. THIS WAS SO SAD I'M SORRY. We will now remember your setting


Originally posted by sta6

Do you happen to know whether if you can buy pro view for the worlds Championship in 1-2 months?

Yep :) More info coming soon.


Originally posted by Aishateeler

Was total bullshit that watching a game in proview made it not count towards the lcs pass. A bug they never fixed.

This should have been fixed in week 2. Are you still experiencing issues with Rewards on Pro View past that point?