League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Aug


Originally posted by LTKokoro

Ender, you totally should get on a plane headed to South Korea, break into LoL park during gauntlet and go for a tri cast. Seriously, trust me

You know... thats not a bad idea!


Originally posted by The_Cactopus

pls vote wisely summoners, the future is in ur hands


Originally posted by HermanManly

I would unironically take 100 BE over a summoner icon

that's the spirit


Originally posted by The_Cactopus

if there’s one thing we know about GAMERS it’s that only the Chinese ones have PHONES

so don’t worry bb whenever we ship these summoner icons for 10 year we’re gonna make it so you can only redeem them using a PERSONAL COMPUTER AKA GOD’s PLATFORM


Originally posted by Tsuyuyuyuyuyu

More MediVedi screentime?

I agree


Originally posted by Dedziodk

To /u/RiotDrakos How did you end up as PBP Shoutcaster and how long did it take you to be where you are standing now? Was it a difficult road?

Also, how is it possible you didn't cast MSI finals? You got the best voice and the way you hype is just perfect. YOU BETTER CAST WORLDS FINALS, not some NA plebs.

To /u/Ovedius Was it tough to "get in Deficio's shoes"? How hard did you have to improve or maybe it was easy to be probably the best colour caster?

To /u/RiotQuickshot Why do you consider stepping down as caster? In my opinion you are doing great job as PBP caster and honestly, you and Sjokz are the face of LEC.

Lots of love to entire LEC crew, you are doing a fantastic job!

Haha. Well, a lot of people told me not to try and fill Deficio's shoes, just be the best Vedius I can be. I'd like to say I worked towards that, but at the same time I've taken on a lot of what Deficio used to do and try and incorporate it into my own style. I don't know if I will ever replace Deficio, I think I'm still a personality that is controversial in the sense of my cringey humour outside of casting puts people off me, but I would like to think that he is not missed as much as he used to be due to the levelling up of my own understanding of the game along with the hard work and support from my other colour casters.


Originally posted by vincy97

Who will cast the lec finals?


Originally posted by Xolam

why did you remove one potential worlds-qualifier game from gauntlet, it really sucks if you look at my flairs :(

We did not! We changed which teams appear in the gauntlet.

There are still 3 series in RQ for Worlds.

This year the change that happened is that teams 2-5 in ranking for Championship points compete for the spots instead of 3-6.

You can watch a handy explainer video here!


Originally posted by MC-Jules

Will the casters be at the venue for groups, or will that also be done from the studio?

The plan is to cast play-ins from the LEC studio, groups from the arena, QF and SF from the Berlin studio and Finals from the venue.


Originally posted by RoyalCan9

to Quickshot / Vedius / Medic:

what was your MOST Favorite AND least Favorite moment in EU LCS / LEC History?

and to eutriaged:

What Technical Issue was the Most difficult for you to handle?

As a fan (Worst): Watching Fnatic at 2015 MSI lose to SKT in that BO5 because Reignover bugged on Sejuani and didn't go over the wall, costing them their lead, and they chose to play on rather than remake.

As a fan (Best): Watching CLG.EU finally defeated Team WE after what was the longest series in history due to all the technical issues.

As a caster (worst): having to help Quickshot with Quickstats last split. 1 time was too many times.

As a caster (best): Getting to cast G2 vs SKT at MSI 2019. I believe that was one of the most intense and best series I've ever cast and the emotions I felt throughout the series fluctuated so much. It was a love hate kind of cast, but I remember it fondly.


Originally posted by PhillipIInd

jesus f**k I read "outside" of EU and had my pitchfork ready

I tweaked the wording to make sure it's easier to read / understand.


Originally posted by OnlyAnEssenceThief

I'm honestly scared that the 10th anniversary announcement IS LoL Mobile (because the West will hate it) so having Cactopus meme about it makes things better, even slightly so.

I trust you guys, don't disappoint us this October. Make 10 years really feel special.

if there’s one thing we know about GAMERS it’s that only the Chinese ones have PHONES

so don’t worry bb whenever we ship these summoner icons for 10 year we’re gonna make it so you can only redeem them using a PERSONAL COMPUTER AKA GOD’s PLATFORM


Originally posted by tyranid1337

I came here for Cactopus memes, not to be confronted with my own insignificance!



Originally posted by Werwolfkueken

I'm refering to EUphoria S4 E6 (Unofficial Mid-split awards), where the three color casters /u/thateuropeanfangirl, /u/Ovedius and /u/Endercasts discussed how they felt they were perceived by the viewers/reddit.

You mentioned how people keep hating you for one thing, even if you haven't done it in a very long time (e.g. legacy) or only remembering you for specific things that don't have anything to do with your actual casting (Enders clothes, Flexius,...). You also told a story how people like Deficio or Papa are liked so much now, that no matter what they do, people perceive it as great, even if they themselves find it rather cringeworthy afterwards.

My question is: If you could choose how the crowd perceives you, what exactly they notice about you, what would it be? Obviously it should be casting-related, but you have to take into consideration that the people as laymen just...

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This is a difficult question. I think I'd really like it if people noticed the difference in my game knowledge from even last split to now. The other colour casters and I have spent a huge amount of time building relationships with pros, analysts and coaches to better understand the game the way the pros do and I'd like to think it's showing, but I'm not sure. While I don't think I'm the smartest guy on the planet regarding league, I think I'd just like it a lot if people appreciated the effort that I put into improving it and could notice the differences.

At the end of the day though, if a viewer listens to me and learns something new from a cast, I feel like I've done my job. I think a lot of the time I get bogged down in the "I need people to agree with my analysis" and forget that there are WAY more players that just want to learn more about the world of pro players and what it takes to be one. So if I could do that for a lot of people, that would be awesome.


Originally posted by Tsuyuyuyuyuyu

More MediVedi screentime?

How about Frosko joins them and they cast the final? THATS HAPPENING!


Originally posted by fiddlerontheroof1925

Got any puppy pics???

You can follow my doggo here.


Originally posted by GarryTheCarry

Who is in charge for Worlds broadcast, LEC team or LCS team?

Worlds is in Europe and I would be sad to see NA controlled broadcast with just a few EU casters involved like last year

As with every international broadcast, it's a mix of EU and NA. We share responsibilities, staff and teams and we always travel to the broadcast location. Whether it's EU going to NA or vice versa. I answered earlier in the thread, but Worlds will be hosted from EU this year, and the NA crew coming to work the event will be based with the EU team in our studio.


Originally posted by Mathmagician94

I'll just throw questions at everyone because why not:

/u/eutriaged How would you describe your job in a sentence with less than 10 words and whats the most fun about it?

/u/Barshnip What's the most interesting stat that you want the casters to talk about, but they actually haven't?

/u/havocrumpet my guess would be, that you create/organize hype videos for lec and all these things, that are played during the broadcast, if yes: who is your favorite pro to work with? If no ... what do you actually do?

/u/RiotQuickshot Do you miss Deficio, or have you gotten over him?

/u/RiotDrakos How do you come up with all those rap-lines for the rap-battles we have seen so far?

/u/Mediccasts Is there anyone at riot, that benches more than you? also ... did you try arm wrestling hyllis...

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I think flex picks make the meta way better because it gives you so much more freedom in draft. The games become less predictable and there are more variables that have to be factored in. To me, this ultimately makes watching the game more interesting because it's not as cut and dry as old metas have been.

The worst one btw was "scale until baron spawns". I don't remember what season it was but that was definitely the worst.


Originally posted by BoostedTyrian

To Vedius: After seeing Flexius, how big is the extended family of Vedius? Can we expect to see more from them in the future?

To Drakos: Have there been any proposed bets deemed too risqué to pull off or get you in trouble?

Keep up the good work, the broadcast is awesome.

It has no end and no beginning. The Vedius family tree is both everything and nothing. It will forever exist and not exist.

So yeah we'll probably see them more in the future :) This split I made the choice to cut back on them so that the various family members weren't overbearing and started to annoy people. Moving into 2020, I hope we can introduce new family members while utilising the old ones when it makes sense.


Originally posted by gkrown

It's all fun and games until your ceo is on Twitter bashing content creators

Only mistake he made was deleting the tweet. Was good banter