League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 Aug


Originally posted by Nevran

I know you guys must know all the people who do them but please, say to the promotion team (teaser of incoming big match, teaser of the new lec season, player spotlight) that they do a f**king amazing job and to never stop daring to do some bold editing or cool thematic if they feel they can make it.

You guys do a wonderful job and I know I am gonna follow the second year of lec with joy!

Hey thanks! We have some amazing editors and producers in the LEC and we put a lot of work into each tease.

I have a few of our editors hear with me and they really appreciate it the feedback!


Originally posted by Unownist

Medic, Drakos,

Out of the bottom tier teams, which one do you enjoy casting the most and why?

Personally I really enjoyed casting Origen this season. For a bottom tier team they sure had a lot of standout moments. =)


Originally posted by Dalkilol

Who has the best outfit game?

No one else has more than 10 bomber jackets in their closet. Just saying...


Originally posted by Garbarkozaurus

How will having Worlds take place in Europe infulence the broadcast?

Yes, we will finally get to settle the debate between which EU fans are the greatest: Spanish or French.


Originally posted by mizuzumi

@everyone What is your height?

About half an Ender


Originally posted by KekeBl

Hi! I'm thoroughly enjoying LEC and all the content coming from it, but I have a question about something that used to amuse a lot of viewers. Is using infamous phrases like "destiny", "legacy", "new kings old kings" something that the broadcast team agrees to do beforehand or is it casters individually saying things like this in the heat of the moment?

And who is the best Yasuo on the broadcast team?

I am the best Yasuo hands down, no contest.

The dynasty kings legacy stuff usually comes down to how we as a broadcast team decide to describe and summarize the achievements of our top teams. Which I think is quite powerful and sounds super cool as long as it's not overdone. G2 had a dynasty 2016-2017, total domination, I never regret calling it that. But the repetition of it to the point where it becomes a meme is definitely not intentional. XD


Originally posted by Gumibear208

haha no it's an obvious troll





Originally posted by Poluact

It's just Cactopus calming the storm with memes like he used to do in dark times of Dynamic Queue.

The memes didn’t work nearly as good as just bringing back solo queue tho lol


Originally posted by 500_miles_on_repeat

You go to riot.com and you can find all open positions in riot, I believe that there are currently open positions in Berlin office and some of them are for the LEC.

+1 bro. Good job.

But I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles To fall down on the LEC floor.


Originally posted by Elengot

I wanted this to be a small discussion, I didn't think this would happen. It was my first post that's why I tried to answer comments and talk to people but everything went wrong. People started to call each other entitled, to complain, to whine. Oooh, now I want to get rid of all this karma so that people don't think that I tried to farm karma by making complain post

Riot employee here. Reddit can scary sometimes. I hope you have a good day though!


Originally posted by romas01

No question, just wanted to say I love you.

I love you too <3


Originally posted by sjokz

There aren't enough words to describe Trevor and how fun and awesome he is in real life. He is supportive, hilarious, and an allround wonderful human- :D He really is the dad of the casting team. His dancemoves are awful though. Don't ask.



Originally posted by colorbalances

What is a strength that is specific to the LEC broadcast team that no other region’s broadcast team offers? What makes you different/standout?

I can't speak to directly comparing other broadcasts because I don't know the intricacies of how other teams operate, build their shows, decide on content direction.

What I can say is that the 2019 season of LEC has been the single best of our entire career. Comparing 2019 EU to previous years, our team matured, developed a new level of trust, understanding and willingness to try bold ideas and this feeling was shared across our entire office. What makes us stand out, is our ability to be brave and take deliberate actions with our content to try differentiate our broadcast from the rest of the world. I'm very proud of how our team has evolved vs our former selves!


Originally posted by Bergerzen

Favorite food?

Pizza, all other answers are wrong.


Originally posted by RiotQuickshot

Interpretative dance instructor.


Originally posted by Mathmagician94

I'll just throw questions at everyone because why not:

/u/eutriaged How would you describe your job in a sentence with less than 10 words and whats the most fun about it?

/u/Barshnip What's the most interesting stat that you want the casters to talk about, but they actually haven't?

/u/havocrumpet my guess would be, that you create/organize hype videos for lec and all these things, that are played during the broadcast, if yes: who is your favorite pro to work with? If no ... what do you actually do?

/u/RiotQuickshot Do you miss Deficio, or have you gotten over him?

/u/RiotDrakos How do you come up with all those rap-lines for the rap-battles we have seen so far?

/u/Mediccasts Is there anyone at riot, that benches more than you? also ... did you try arm wrestling hyllis...

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I... I'm fine. I don't sniff miss him at all. I'm a happily married man...


Originally posted by krackenker

Oh yes he is, but unless im wrong he is noticeably less than in spring/last year. I knew he got a baby (huge congratulations) and that he took some time off for that, but even regarding that I feel that he is out less on stage. I was wondering if his new title meant that he now does more off-broadcast work now compared to last split/last summer.

Got a puppy :P I'm not dadshot YET, but I will be soon. Once /u/keldith lets me.


Originally posted by bmcmbm

How is the broadcast team's relationship with the pro players? In some interviews it seems like you all are so close and and in some others it seems like you never met outside of the studio

I think that's because both stories are true. It varies from caster to caster and player to player, remember that not every player is as comfortable on camera which can also lead to the appearance that there is no synergy or comraderie. This is a really wide topic to unpack.


Originally posted by toadalyawesome

If you could pick 5 people from the LEC team to make an all-star team, who would it be?


Originally posted by JayHranica

Who's idea was it to bring in external talent (Machine, Excoundrel etc.) to host? I personally loved the energy and different opinions they bought to the show and would love to see this kind of thing continue to happen in the future

While it's not entirely on me, I was a driving force behind getting guests on the LEC to be a thing. I answered this question a few times throughout the thread. Check these links out.

Answer ...

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