After NA is finished we will assess and see what's next. Stay tuned!
After NA is finished we will assess and see what's next. Stay tuned!
You can just remove them from the team and add a new player. The two days are separate so you don't need subs. You can change as many people as you want.
Also, I didn’t see anywhere but what’s the plan in a theoretical perfect world, where clash doesn’t crash and performs perfectly. Will it become a permanent game mode or will it be accessible every week for a few days?
Ideally Clash is available a couple times a month for a couple of days each time.
How’s clash looking so far in terms of performance on NA?
Yesterday was really good! There seemed to be an issue with high ping for a few players but we aren't sure that it is related to Clash. For the most part everyone got through it pretty smoothly. Today should reveal even more information so fingers crossed!
Is EUW next up for clash testing? Also, are you guys going to release a feedback article about the results of this clash test?
Probably won't do a feedback article about this specific test, maybe something after we complete more regions. As far as EUW is concerned we have to wait and see how NA finishes up before we can make decisions about the next regions.
No matter what, when I go into clash I should be playing as many games as everyone else. It felt bad that a team with the same record as us got to play another game and we didn't. And I don't know if that did get them more prizes but if it did that is off too.
Definitely didn't get them more prizes. It's hard for us to guarantee the same number of games for everyone but we can definitely look at the 3rd place match. Historically we saw a lot of player not wanting to play more after losing which is why it isn't in today, but that doesn't mean we can't revisit. Thanks for the viewpoint!
Sorry I am still confused, if me and my team lost today, can we play tomorrow as the same team or do we need to make a new team
You can play as the same team. Once team creation comes back up your original team will be there.
when are you guys solving the ping issue?
There are people looking into it. That's all I know.
My team wasn't able to play today and my team got deleted, and I don't see an option to create a new one.
Team creation will be back soon we have to take it down for a bit
Will there be Clash forEUNE?
Too early to say. Gotta see how the rest of NA goes.
Will i have to worry about smurphs and 30,000 ping again
We try to control for smurfs but idk about your ping issue.
You can totally play tomorrow. You don't even have to have the same team.
I think he means the consolation finals. I agree tho, there should be another game for people who won the first but lost the second. The winners bracket semifinals losers should play each other.
Okay, makes sense. I will mark that down. We lost in the second round as well and I was totally itching to play another game!
That's not how the brackets work. If you lose the first match you are in a consolation bracket, but you do not go back to the main bracket. All of the teams in the finals are 2-0.
You should reach out to Xenogenic on Twitter! He's the lead designer on Eternals and is currently building a (really cool) document on new Unique Eternals for champs.
Does lock in end 1 hour after it opens?
Again depends on your tier. Lock in for every one ends at 8 PST or 10 PST depending on if you play in the early group or the late group.
You don't need substitutes any more. When your whole team locks in you are ready to play. Both days are separate
It's probably you tier. The start times listed in the article are tier 4 start times. The one in the client is your actual tier start time.
When your whole team locks in then we start finding a bracket for your team. As soon as we find a bracket the games start so it might not be that long so make sure your team is ready when they lock in.