League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Aug


I see Trevor already jumped into the thread, but I figured I should throw in some of my thoughts as well.

I specifically went for a very different tone in the G2/XL and FNC/RGE games. I went for more dry, sarcastic humor, a lot of times at Trevor's expense. I personally enjoyed the cast even though I presented myself as very negative.

You're not the only one who thought it was a bit too much, though. I'm definitely going to watch the vods and see what I can do better in the future because my personal sense of humor does line up with a lot of what I said in these casts. Those games I obviously pushed it to the extreme, but I would like to incorporate some of those elements into my style in the future.


I posted in another thread - But wanted to say that Ender and I had planned to be a little negative / flamey towards the crazy plays and one another. We for sure will review the game and see what jokes landed and failed, and also I think me not ribbing Ender back made the contrast way more jarring.

This was a super tough game to cast, and I'm so thankful to get a bunch of feedback! GG to FNC and RGE and for a fun game, despite some of the slower pace and not breaking the G2 records haha.


Originally posted by Bigroom1


It's cool that you took the time to respond, especially in defense of your colleague.

I don't know if I've said it in the thread, but I did enjoy the cast in general. As I said above, there's kind a limit and at times the banter felt over the top. There was never any doubts you're friends- I never got to the point where I was like "shit do they hate each other?" Fair enough if it was planned, in which case it's probably a me problem.

I feel a bit ungrateful to be honest. Picking holes in what has honestly been the greatest year of LEC production to date.

Edit: Bit of reflection, If you were planning on this kind of style, in future I recommend making jokes back at Ender's expense. It feels bad having him just piling onto you, but if you're giving it back I don't think it would rub me up the same way.

Thanks so much for the feedback!! <3 I'll one hundred percent that keep that in mind for the future.


This was one of the craziest games I've ever cast, one of the most challenging, but one of the most entertaining. I'm so glad Ender was there to help me set up the quickstats points and let loose with some fun! I hope you guys enjoyed it, because at the end of the day This Is What Peak League of Legends Looks Like.


Originally posted by non_NSFW_acc

Vedius called it a bronze game LUL

Wait, when did I say that O.o You know I wasn't casting right? xd


The last two games of the day where definitely something and Ender and I made a call to try something different. The G2 match up had enough pace and tempo to allow us to stay focused on gameplay stats jokes but the FNC game slowed down a lot and we needed to find a different angle to consider. Before the game we actually said we wanted a little more playful banter, and maybe the slower pace and lower stakes combined to make it sound more confrontational than intended. Ender and I are super good friends, we rib each other a lot and there is no malice or ill will. We made a call together and I think we have to review to see what we would change for next time.

It was a super unique situation and a super weird game and that made it really hard to cover. We both had a lot of fun for both games and while it may not be everyone's tastes, we had a blast.


Originally posted by abdeliziz

Currently yes but I was asking about what they plan to do with it. They said "Work like old panth" so I'm guessing any blink and/or dash won't help then.

Like old panth, and most similar spells, there IS a range at which it will fail to stun, it's just long enough that it doesn't come up very often (800 in the case of old and now update Pantheon) - Leblanc double dash + snapback would do it, for example.


Originally posted by Lord-Bob-317

What if they just have you write and sing a rap song

I mean I already have and we almost released it a few years ago.

Maybe one day I'll perform it somewhere.


Originally posted by Masalar

TB surviving falling because of his horseshoe as Jesse mined out the block beneath both of them was amazing.

DJ jazzy worm jeff, tb singing Santa Baby, honestly some of the best content.

16 Aug


Every Monday at 6pm CEST on my twitch :)


Originally posted by 97012

Terraria is probably my favorite game. I have wayyy too many hours in it, and I've barely played any modded which adds a ton.

If anyone in this thread hasn't played it I highly recommend it. It's worth it off sale, but it also pretty commonly goes on sale for around 5 USD.

Mannnn this game brings back memory's, I used to play this and watch Totalbiscuit and Jessie Cox play it as well. Good times.


Originally posted by CaideWasTaken

Honestly, great game but I want to take a second to appreciate the cast this game. Vedius did a great f**king job explaining the gamestate. Felt like he was predicting the future. One of my favourite casts this split; if not the favourite.

Thanks a lot! Appreciate the kind words


Originally posted by carti_adlib

that would be a f**king tragedy. the first rap song for worlds is by nf, might as well get logic and hopsin to complete the trifecta of corn

I feel personally attacked.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Options like this often get overlooked in many game

no they dont, they just try to spin it positively that they went 10 years without basic options. f**king shitters with bullshit pr talk

Ah, let me be more specific. That quote wasn't meant to be "look what we're doing special", it was "look, we did the thing that a lot of good games do and we really should be doing, but a lot of folks gloss over."
Options like this often get overlooked by a lot of players of games. A wonderful number of games have these options. Pretty much every FPS game opens with a (sometimes cleverly disguised) gamma slider, for example.

When writing up the patch note, I'll make sure to word it more intently to that. Alla something like, "These are options that are easy to overlook but they are present in a lot or even most major games elsewhere and for those of us who need them they are critical." Or even taking out the overlook statement altogether.

Thanks for calling that wording out. :D


Originally posted by GA_Deathstalker

For me it would include a game mode for example (either new or returning, like Odyssey, Star Guardian, Overcharge...). It is simply that those events feel more worthy if you see the extra effort put in and have something new to do. I understand that those gamemodes aren't able to be there all the time, but it takes out the everyday-ness from the game. So I would say something like Project Overcharge, Star Guardian Invasion or the Bilgewater event would be like real great events for me. Something that changes up what you do. I also liked the Pool Party Mundo event. Right now There is not much that changes when we had events this season. Ok there was URF one time, but that was it. So I would love to see you guys break the mold.

Ok, cool. Thanks for sharing that context :)

Yes, we feel the same way. I can't announce anything yet but we agree 100% with what you said there and how you feel about it.


Originally posted by Highvern

I'd want to cuddle a Cactopus more!
