League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

20 Aug


Originally posted by TeeFellaLava

Okay thanks for the answers. I had additional question about Elo. If all my team is silver, could we end up playing high Elo like plat, diamond, etc? Or will they be roughly out Elo?

Roughly your elo. Maybe a little higher or lower depending on how many teams enter but our goal is to keep the elos fairly close


Yep you just need to be honor level 2 and ranked in solo/duo or flex

  1. Yes
  2. Yes, and scouting data is provided in the client so make sure everyone has some back up picks!
  3. Players roles are not shown
  4. It's not double elimination but you are guaranteed at least 2 games so if you lose in the first round you get a consolation match for slightly better rewards. Lose in the second+ round it's over.
  5. You can play both days
  6. Unfortunately no.

If only I could fix not having friends to be on my list this fast :(


Originally posted by Dark-Dragon


Death's averted/damage prevented with R;

highest crit with E;

distance traversed with Q;

number of jungle camps stolen;

number of champions fates sealed (marked and killed within 30 seconds);

highest total damage from wolf during a single W cast;

champion kills from wolfs W while outside of lamb's range;

number of successful tower dives survived due to R;

number of times you killed the enemy jungler in a 1v1 (no assist) while they were marked

(fun) number of times wolf circled lamb;

And I could probably think of many more. Arguably some of them would require a bit of effort to be tracked accurately, but I'd say none of them would be crazy hard to achieve.

Loving these suggestions - feel free to keep them coming. The ones that are "hard" are often the funnest :)

19 Aug


Originally posted by Omnilatent

He seems to be the "leader" of all casters in LEC as well. There was one behind the scenes video of riot a year back or so and he was always the one pushing for more in meetings

Quick derail (I'd prefer if this thread stayed focused on Soaz's story!)


Thanks so much, last year around MSI I was promoted to EU On-air Talent Manager and it came with extra responsibilities in the office and some wiggle room to change things (Wardrobe + Guests for example).

It's been challenging, there is a lot to do behind the scenes and it wouldn't be possible without the support of the entire broadcast team. The casters I work with are talented and driven and broadcast team behind us are so invested in the show, its those reasons the LEC has had such a fantastic year.

Literally everyone in Berlin from broadcast to publishing to social and every other department are all pushing the boundaries. We set a high bar this year, it's gonna be tough to repeat it, but rest assured we will. No single person is responsible for all the amazing things you see and we're grateful for your support all year long.


I had a lot of fun making the content with Beko and the players. It was actually really hard for me, because I'm awful in the kitchen and had to try run an interview as well, we wanted to keep things personal and try stay away from current league standings and team stuff, because the goal was to get a different perspective on players.

Thanks so much for the kind words in this thread and for watching the first batch of videos, there are 4 more coming soon and I hope you watch them all as well!

PS This was my first interview, and the toughest, I was learning the set, trying to hit the goals and attempting to assist soaz. Sorry to Paul cause I was a little all over the place in our interview lol :P


Hell yeah


Originally posted by KaramazovAlex

Thanks for sharing Pastry! Shame we never got to hear that call.

From memory I think he said:

"Whatever you're gonna say it better be f*cking good mate because it's going to be remembered forever."

That did not necessarily ease the nerves in such a big moment, but he was right of course.

I think I'll have to find a way to talk about that series, it was great. Least the WE call ended up fine too haha.


Originally posted by KaramazovAlex

Impact and Sneaky mirror each other in a few ways, both are pretty much ideal weak side players with occasional periods of more traditional carrying, and they've been playing for so long now. Crazy that C9 had both of them for a few years. That WE series is still such a killer: really wish C9 had gotten to semis a year earlier than they did.

That series honestly is such a wild story both on and off camera.

I'll always remember Papa mentally prepping me to have something REALLY good ready for the final call in game five and then I never needed the Cloud 9 call because they didn't win =(


Originally posted by Danthon

What an epic display of skill!

FTFY "Supreme Display of Talent"


Originally posted by Deutschkebap

if you are leaving sona open and anticipating that pick, why ban an adc?

Presumably they believe that Xayah is too powerful to give away (ban trends throughout the series seem to indicate both teams like the champion) and that giving the otherwise mega lane-dominant duo of TL a more passive set of champions would be good for them.

Tristana is actually great in this draft IMO, but hinges on whether or not you believe Karma is worth the priority you're giving her. To me, I don't have issues with what Clutch drafted, I think they navigated the situation very well. It's more whether or not you should even be in this situation or not that's the question.

I feel like if you're going to test your mettle against Sona, you're better off saccing game one rather than game five to test your hypothesis, but if you follow their thinking it's not bad drafting IMO.

It's easy to say now that it's "bad" if you're being results-oriented, but again if you follow the thinking it at least makes sense, even if ultimately it was not the correct ...

Read more

18 Aug


Jinx is 100% most best adc in game and also any moba ever no bias it is just the fact.


Originally posted by G2Esports

You'd better watch out u/RiotQuickshot

My knife technique is awful and I have no flair in the kitchen. I can't cook to save my life, so this series was extra hard.

17 Aug


Originally posted by Neville_Lynwood

What? This casting was f**king amazing. Ender's dead pan serious critique commentary was great with Quickshots random shit.

Different tastes and different preferences, thanks for the support! Not everyone likes the choices of direction for tone and storytelling and that's fine, it's the nature of the work.


Originally posted by Skykeep

Yeah, I felt the same, Ender's slightly mean spirited jokes doesn't work if there is no good chemistry

For interest sake, did you watch G2 Vs XL and if you did, what did you think? How was it different to this game?


Originally posted by CaptainCaptainBain

I wish the casters (mainly Ender) wouldn't give up on the game just because there are no stakes or because the players are having fun. His attitude was just annoying and not adding (rather retracting) any fun to the experience. If the game is crazy, you can relax and let loose, talk about other topics (see LCK casters), or just stay in the game. His constantly flaming and whatever attitude left a bad taste in my mouth.

EDIT: People are really flaming him and asking for him to walk out and leave/retire. I mean, he had a bad game, he has his flaws like any other casters but he's learning, and he's improving. As an example, he did way better on his tri-cast on VIT vs SK right after this game. I think we should all chill out a beat and lower our pitchforks and just provide acceptable criticism.

It's a super tough situation and as a caster, whatever angle you decide to take, it won't be to everyone's taste for a game like that. Ender and I decided together before the game began to be banterful, and even said at some point really early we were gonna have a slightly flamey cast, while we had some fun, the nuances were a little lost on the audience. We absolutely will review the game and see what we can learn, but truthfully, I still think trying to do something different was the right call for the game.

Side note - Ender and I have a really playful relationship off air. We rib each other a lot and tried to let some of that come out on air haha, it was funny to me, but that doesn't mean it's funny to everyone watching lol.

Thanks for the feedback here and below!! Definitely heard it loud and clear.


Originally posted by FrostBlade_on_Reddit

Production with the early ending sequence LuL

We all wanted that game to end haha.


Originally posted by shornz

Just cause you're here....

You're doing a phenomenal job—at like everything. Great analysis, really funny in your bits. Huge fan. Keep it up.

Appreciate that! Thanks for the kind words