His whole new
albumdiscography is f**king fireEdit: Phreak is correct
His whole discography*
His whole new
albumdiscography is f**king fireEdit: Phreak is correct
His whole discography*
Ok we get it you guys vape
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Highjacking this thread to say I love your casting Pastry.
Interesting to receive a compliment from such a user name but I'm very glad my over game vocalizations please you and I hope that continues.
Oh yeah for sure, I was just jesting in all honesty. It's just funny to me there are so many star players in a thing called academy. I mean imagine saying 2 years ago that Ssumday would be on a B-squad of a team.
But ofcourse you are right, it's full of new talent as well.
We agree on the internet.
Let's GO Calyptics
High five
Yasuo's popularity is never going to go down unless you pretty much remove him from the game.
Riot has confirmed that Yasuo is by far the most popular champion in the game in terms of sales and it's not even remotely close. He's head and shoulders above everything.
So the odds of Riot removing their highest earning champion is pretty non-existent.
Get used to him.
Lee Sin is actually pretty close to Yasuo in terms of pick popularity, but he's the only one that is anywhere Yasuo.
With all due respect but
Ssumday, Grig, Aakadian, Anda, Lourlo, Matt, Wadid, Keith, Huhi/Olleh,Darshan and freaking Dardoch
Seems like a retirement home to me or atleast, to quote mary poppins, a place where the lost things go.
It can be both was mostly all I was pointing out.
people just like playing yasuo because he's fun
you don't even play champions simply because they're the easiest to win with, almost no one does
see yasuo post on reddit
people complaining about his high presence
"Yasuo isn't even strong he's just so frustrating I hate him"
"Yasuo is super fun, he's high presence cause people want to play him"
Ah sh*t, here we go again
He is very popular not just for his kit, but his design is literally the "lone wanderer anime protagonist" which is also like really popular
katana man fun
Why is he so popular? I've literally never played him and have no desire too...What is the appeal mostly? Is it the extremely low cooldowns?
he is fun
Read moreSo did these incidents happen or not? I'm assuming you're not speaking on behalf of Riot in this capacity and I want to communicate that the level of transparency you're willing to provide here is appreciated. In no way am I attacking you personally or any other Rioter. I completely agree with you that the facts of the investigation matter. I also acknowledge that the findings of these kinds of investigations are not public knowledge nor should we expect them to be.
The only reason I ask is that if the stance is that none of the alleged incidences occurred then I think that would be pretty newsworthy. If these things didn't happen, then why were the previous 12 months described by Angela Roseboro as "A year of Tangible Progress"? I'm not going to belabor the point with a ton of examples.
At the end of the day, the optics aren't optimal and in an era of #metoo, the level of accountability that leadership is held to should be much higher than rank and file em...
There's a principle of employee privacy. The details of these matters aren't disclosed internally. There might even be solid legal reasons for that.
So, basically. I don't know. I'm an employee and I know what happens in my scope. But I do know that the law-firm has been rigorous.
I think Angela's post discussed a lot of tangible progress... and I'd be happy to discuss any more of that if you want to know more. I'm able to speak to all of that.
I think you and I see really closely eye-to-eye when it comes to leadership accountability... ;)
Hmmm... I think the thing we found was most important was emphasizing their utility as community support, and centering our values around that over value to the business in other ways (outreach, networking, whatever, though we still do those things). I think the events we have organized are generally better quality because our first question is to how this furthers our goals around advocacy and support rather than visibility/roi.
It's not always the case, but I try not to associate myself with high visibility, low impact work. Which is fine... it's self-organized so people can do disparate things under the same umbrellas.
Interesting, thanks for sharing. I think that we're empowering the groups to prioritize their impact and value.
Read moreThey staged a walk-out, and we supported it. About 100-150 people went out of 2,000. Many people went to support the cause for passion.
What is this supposed to mean? Why are you trying to minimize the support the walkout got? People came forward to express fear of participating and being labeled "anti Riot". The people who did participate did so knowing there are risks involved (you'd have to be incredibly cynical to say there aren't) so you can assume a number of people didn't. Do you really think the walkout's premises were less popular because only 10% of the employees went? Do you really think that the people who went to express support somehow don't count because they don't really feel that way?
Staging an act against your employer, no matter how well meant, is a move that requires BALLS, commitment, a manageable workload — I don't know what you were expecting, but it was never realistic that a huge proportion of t...
Sorry. I can see how I wrote it poorly. I clarified this in the other thread. My point is that the walkout was about a protest about mandatory arbitration, and my point is that 5-10% of people felt passionate about that topic.
If the walk-out was about expressing support for D&I at Riot, I'm sure you'd have pretty much everyone there.
“They want to feel like it’s over, that accusations about sexism are unfair. Most Rioters not directly affected want to and are starting to believe it.”
This is a quote from recent Kotaku article, I recommend you to read it.
This definitely sounds like it's about employees like you in Riot. Someone who wants to just move on, without actually fixing it all the way.
I hope I'm wrong.
I read the article. I think it's actually like the marriage analogy.
Here's my challenge to you: please actually read what Angela wrote and tell me genuinely whether you don't think we're taking it seriously. Please let me know.
Thanks for sticking up for NA talent bro. Who's going to teach the new breed how to play? The coach can't do it all, which is why vets like Darshan and Xpecial are big for talent growth. I just want teams to avoid being too dependent on vets to carry them in game. 100TA got super reliant on the Ssumday show, and they looked aimless when Ssumday fell behind in the game vs GGSA.
Agreed, I think finding the balance of new talent and experienced leadership is really important but something that's difficult to determine especially given that the system hasn't been around for very long.
I'm confident the team's will figure it out sooner rather than later, but it's fun watching the development of the league all the same.
Is it weird I read it in your voice?
Nope that's pretty par for the course at this point.
One of my goals is to rescript her entirely. It's tricky obviously because her logic is (at least from what I've seen) some of the most lengthy and intense scripting on any champion. Obviously you can see where that could cause bugs, but they usually lie in the combination of things that we actually do want, so I need to go back and start from scratch likely.
The one good thing is that I should be better at it by now.
I would definitely look at him not always being treated as melee when dashing to camps. I’ll see if I can repro tonight and get back to you. I know it only happens in certain cases.
I suppose it’s when I do the repress. I’ll commonly q to repress and then as I’m dashing I’ll click on the camp (with vision) and that behavior will occur. I’ll try to repro this tonight as well
Thanks, even that description is super helpful.
Because leadership and experience is important to have around new players as well
I thought the coaches are supposed to fill that gap...
I'm some part yes, but a lot of team's currently use analysts or more junior coaches to coach their Academy teams (so they're also in training in some way) and they can't contribute to comms IN GAME which is often a lot of the value that more experienced players bring.
And I just realised I forgot the Big Dhokes! He was on academy for a split or two before main roster right?
In baseball there are a lot of fiddly rules to ensure you can't use your "farm teams" as holding grounds for vets such as "options" (limited numbers of send downs after X years of major league experience... If you try when a player is out of options they go on waivers and teams can try to sign them for a limited time until they "clear waivers"). However in the off season you can offer an aging veteran a minor league contact to let them work out and stay sharp in your organization.
I definitely think the LCS needs some rules in place to ensure academy remains mostly budding talent though. Looking to MLB as an example is great since they have a strong players Union ensuring protection for veterans and youthful talents alike.
IIRC there is a limit on number of allowed veteran players (although what constitutes this exactly escapes me currently), so there's that at least.