League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 Aug


Originally posted by popop143

Just want to ask. Have you ever had an urge to do the crab rave? Asking for a friend.

🦀🦀 I’ve rarely not 🦀🦀

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Do you guys expect to balance Yuumi around coordination, since she seems to heavily skew towards being really good when you and your adc are duod

Yes, the number one concern the balance team had throughout all of her development was that we would need to crush her for pro until people got much better at playing WITH her (click the damn lantern)

09 Aug

Originally posted by Jack_Dalt

To be fair, for your last point the timeline was actually

"Yuumi is garbage"

riot does this:

"yuumi is broken"

many patches undoing those absurd buffs ensue

This was intentional, you know. We knew we were almost certainly going to need to pull out all those buffs and more since we predicted her release balance state to be long term overpowered (est 55% winrate), though we definitely underestimated how bad players would be at her in the first few games. At the end of the day it's important that the game be balanced for now rather than for 3 months down the line, and those "absurd buffs" got her from 32% winrate to 38% winrate when they were micropatched in


Originally posted by gogogreeen

they could've played Brokenblade too right?

No actually!

Like LCS, Academy is locked to seven players in the post-season and Brokenblade was not one of the declared players on TSMA's roster.


Originally posted by whythehecknot12345

Dude I just have to say, as a fellow game designer of a live ops game, I respect the hell out of the directness and openness of your communication with the community, amongst a ton of other positive qualities you have. I model myself after you in the way I carry myself with the community of our game, thanks for being so awesome!

That’s really kind of you. Thanks, and be well, friend


Originally posted by Naman_Mehrotra

You know, looking back on it. I'm sure many people would say absolute waste of money. I don't really feel like that. I spent money basically collecting every skin. Sure, its digital and I don't actually own anything but I like the feeling of owning every skin.

As for the affordability, yes. I was lucky enough to have gone to college and graduate with no debt thanks to my parents. When I got my job after, I spent a large part of my signing bonus on completing my collection. I don't look at that amount of money and feel like I could have totally changed my life with it. My current position leaves me with quite a bit of disposable income every month of which I usually throw some into RP.

Great to hear, and glad you’re enjoying it :)


Originally posted by AnimeDestroyedMyLife

LOL in my defense it is a day 1 account has Human Ryze and all that jazz

And pretty much all special deals were purchased like signature packs, special chroma they add up over time.

I'm also the kind of loser that goes to South Korea for Worlds and try to watch as many SKT matches as I can at LoL Park on my weekends...so I put a lot into this game even when offline >.>

Doesn’t sound like a loser at all to me. That’s awesome, man. Honestly I’m honored I get to work on something that somebody like you would care this much about. So thank you.


Originally posted by ClawViper7

They booted Brandini prematurely - otherwise they could have fielded their Spring roster. While Grig does not have a high skill ceiling, he does have a much higher skill floor than Akaadian and did smurf on Academy in Spring.

To be clear, Brandini was an eligible player for TSMA in playoffs, so they absolutely COULD have played him if they wanted.

Obviously I have no idea what the situation is, but they did choose to play Grig with Brandini 100% being a player they could've legally fielded in playoffs.


Originally posted by AnimeDestroyedMyLife

Hextech was a disgusting amount too tbh I have like 15k orange essence left over and 90 shards so luckily I can just reroll prestige/gemstones now. Also they've introduced several bundles etc like the signature bundles that I bought into.

O also I own all icons wards chromas and emotes that could be why too

Was there ever like just one period in time where you bought like $5,000 worth of chests or was this slowly over time?

I’m just curious how this stuff happens because I legit thought it wasn’t possible to spend $10k in our game


Originally posted by Naman_Mehrotra

I have every skin and chrome and have gifted a ton as well. I also own all ward skins. The only thing I never buy is icons.

Screw it, I’ll ask. Do you feel like it’s worth it?

And, the even tougher one, could you really afford it?


Originally posted by MMacaque1

In Optic’s game vs c9, they got completely dumpstered (crown was like 0-7) but Dhokla was popping off on Akali, so Kobe kept calling him Big Dhokes after he made a play... I think

Yep. And then when I joined him on the tiebreaker cast I was ready to pop off with him.

Big Dhokes is here to stay.


Originally posted by ImRhinne

you say that like this post wasn't going to get a lot of attraction anyway though

it being #3 on r/all is that next level tho


Originally posted by infest--

FYI tarzaned just linked it on discord to mass downvote this post he always does it when something negative is said about him


edit: he also seems to think that this was upvote botted and someone is paying to smear him with bots:


edit 2:Tarzaned went on the offical /r/leagueoflegends discord and told them to remove this thread "full of lies and upvote botting"


incoming Streisand effect

ya hate to see it

08 Aug


Originally posted by [deleted]

Options would be an amazing song as well.

"I gotta make it or make it Man, these are the options, these are the options"

Agreed. Honestly anyway we can work more NF into our work we should! He's amazing.


Originally posted by Plumdaddy93

Always great to hear NF, such a talented artist. The video was awesome as well, really loved TL appearing out of the smoke!

Now we just need a "no excuses" finals hype trailer