League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Jun


Originally posted by dustyjuicebox

Have you guys considered a banner system for the upgraded units? Almost similar to how our ranked armor works but as some kind of hovering icon/base for the champion.

We've looked at a bunch of things. I do not know exactly what you mean by banner system.


Originally posted by PelorTheBurningHate

That's honestly a pretty terrible reason when units having a different look when upgrading is such a large part of what makes this type of game fun. Going right back to it's origin as a pokemon dota mod. I hope some serious reconsideration is put into that especially since you only need to use 2 skins + base per unit not all of them.

I don't think you're wrong when you say it's a part of the game that is fun. I do not believe that it has to be a certain way. It's something we are looking into, we aren't locked into 1 thing forever, we will iterate, look at feedback and go from there.


Originally posted by PickleFriedCheese

Thanks for the reply! Not sure if you can share, but any plans to make the pieces look different rather than just larger? It takes some of the power feeling away imo

So right now, we have gold tint to them, the health bar is different and they grow bigger. Now, saying that if it is STILL an issue, there is always options for us to pivot and change how we show them. But that's what we have right now, let me know tomorrow when you see some active new gameplay how they feel.


Originally posted by PickleFriedCheese

If anyone from the team is reading this, great job and great start. However please please please make it so upgrading a character uses a skin. This is my biggest feedback atm.

Hey there! The reason we didn't do the skin thing was so down the road, we could add a trait of Star guardians or Frozen and use the ice skins. It gives us like 1000 pieces to work with instead of just 140 pieces to work with.


Originally posted by scarra

Apparently the default settings were put low in game and literally nobody noticed until the very kripp game

really unlucky somehow that slipped everyone's sight

i cri


Originally posted by ozmega

it seems fun but i noticed a lot of times unit just standing there doing nothing, hopefully it got fixed for release.

also idk if it is just me but it needs to be a bit zoomed out, btw will u guys do skins for champion upgrades like the OG autochess? that was a really cool thing there and i kinda expected it to be here too.

We'll be using skins for something else in the future, I don't know how much we've actually said on that though so I'm unsure how much I can share.


Originally posted by fredy31

Like for example Blitz that starts the round at 100% mana ?

Not quite, blitz is actually special because the Robot trait makes him start at full. There are other characters that start with more than 0 but less than full.


Originally posted by IIHURRlCANEII

Just two basic things will make it look better.

1. Shadows for Champions.

  1. Permanently enabled hex grid.

Just those two things will make it look much better, imo.

EDIT: Interesting that in some other videos the champs do have shadows. Huh.

Yep. If you've got the settings on low shadows and other stuff gets disabled. Same as regular LoL.

Talking about hex grid as a toggle potentially.


One of the absolute cleanest set of plays I’ve seen in recent years. Had to play it at 0.25x speed to even process what was happening. Cannot wait to attempt this and fail miserably.

Players like these inspire me. Through their dedication, time, and effort into a single champion, they discover new nuances and bring freshness to a kit that many thought was already well understood.

Thank you ShenShan UP.


Originally posted by HolypenguinHere

I'll eat a handdrawn picture of a sock if a single one of the following Champions aren't available on release: Akali, Ahri, Annie, Ezreal, Lux, Yasuo, Jhin, Zed, Lulu, Teemo, Riven, Thresh, Zoe, Braum and I'll throw in Rammus in there.

I'll eat two handdrawn pictures of a sock if any of the following are available on release: Yorick, Skarner, Ornn, Galio, or Malphite.

Annie, Ezreal, Lux, Jhin, Teemo, Riven, Thresh, Zoe, and Rammus aren't available.

You got us on the other point, though :P


Originally posted by HoldMyLP

Each unit starts with zero mana, by autoing enemy or receiving dmg, they gain mana, once it hits 100%, they "ult". Like Ahri ult in this game is her Q, Darius also have his Q as ult, its different ability for each unit.

Some champions do start combat with more than 0 mana. Those units tend to cast once fairly quickly, and its more difficult to get them to cast a second time.


He actually did laugh on EVERY cast of an enemy ultimate at one point. Enough people complained that I ended up changing it to only happen the first cast.

I think we can all agree that was a mistake.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Still working on a range of things. What feels particularly janky to you in these videos?


Originally posted by PhoOhThree

When is TFT going to be on PBE?

Trying for tomorrow, depends on how bug testing/fixing today goes though.


Originally posted by Marchedbee2042

my guess is that its not gonna be on PBE but it will be there on live server launch

Not quite. Ranked will come along slightly later once we're sure everything's stable. Could be 9.14, depends on how things go though.


Scarra doesn't even play the Gnar SMH.


Originally posted by Mamacrowhelps

Is the goal to eventually add all the champions in TFT or for balance reasons or another reason would you all prefer to keep the roster slightly smaller?

To expand on what the other people said, if you add too many characters at once, it dilutes the draft pool and makes it too hard to get multiples and make upgraded units.

Personally speaking, I hope that every champion will get their time in the sun eventually! We'll have to see how things turn out with the first 50 before we make any firm decisions, though


Originally posted by Yomasevz

Pass along this message if you can: Add Zac or hire me so i can add Zac.

I'm a Zac main, I got your back.


Originally posted by Hekbeckser

I think there are a lot more people checking the statistics for SR and the players take better note of what changes are made to the "main" game.

Showing the ARAM specific changes could negativly impact the choices of those players who very rarely play ARAM and have only little understanding of the ARAM specific strategies and playstyles. However people who play ARAM a little more but don't keep the ARAM changes in mind can benefit from that.

Getting more direct now: Assuming every champion had a 50% win rate due to some changes to damage dealt or similar. Let's say a Sona main would decide to stick to the champ in ARAM and then get into game. This player would be confused because the champion deals significantly less damage and takes significantly more damage than usual. Therefore I believe it would still be important.

Having it the other way around would be quite a help for people who don't regularly read the patch notes or returning players. I think it cou...

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My suspicion is that providing ARAM-specific balance information would slightly push people away from champions that have been nerfed, and towards champions that have been buffed. After all, the game is telling you "This champion is better than usual," which seems like it might be able to change some people's minds. That's likely a good thing for ARAM (more diversity, fewer poke mages & supertanks), but I'm not actually certain how strong that effect would be.