League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Jun


Originally posted by pcdv8r

Hi, Peter Dun Splyce coach here. Some quick things about Berlin studio:

First welcome to LEC, going first time is always memorable.

1) If you want the VERY best seats come early. There's no seat reservations unless you are invited by a teams (then you sit underneath the seating stands in front of the stage). However, there are multiple massive screens which show the game and you can see those from anywhere in the studio. You don't have to be there for all the games. However, the studio is normally packed even for the less popular teams so if you come later you won't get a choice for your seat (although even the bad seats are still fine).

2) Winning teams will do a fan meet after the game where you can queue up and take pictures. Most teams (not 100% sure about FNC) will let you take 1-2 pics with someone even if they lose provided you msg them on social media before the game, especially if it's your first time out there. Also the casters are all great and fr...

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This is awesome. Thanks for the great write up!


Originally posted by Vozu_

Hijacking the comment for visibility, but did anyone ping you about the mistake you did regarding lv1 Yuumi? You commented on how unfortunate it was for her to take W level one, while in fact the champion starts with one point in W by default and (before the game went full-screen) you could already see the Q used for poke in midlane.

Yeah my cocasters pointed it out immediately. Sometimes brain farts happen, this was a loud smelly brain fart.


Originally posted by _shiv

Just some constructive criticism that I'm sure will be down voted: Please stop trying to call plays before they happen. You called "how can you mess this up" before the Tp even completed, which if it wasn't there in the nick of time with that taric ult prepped, would've resulted in a sloppy but successful dive. I know you're trying add excitement during the play-by-play but please just follow what is happening instead of editorializing and let analysts tell us why it was so good/bad on replay.

Thanks for the feedback, but it's a matter of perspective. 4 people initiated a dive, didn't hit CC and got outplayed by a fantastic set of moves from Profit. That's what I chose to call, and even before the TP they would have traded 1 for 1 in a 4v1 dive, to me, that's messing up.


Originally posted by JustBronzeThingsLoL

Now, there is 8 of these missions in total, so lets do the math 8*3=24, however, every team only plays 18 games per season. Now there are playoff matches sure, but if the team you picked doesnt make playoffs you cant finish all 8 missions :)

This is inaccurate. If you actually look at the missions, missions 6, 7 and 8 read

Watch 3 LEC/LCS games from this split on watch.lolesports.com & Play 5 games

That's ANY game, not your team's.

Hey Unresolute and other friends!

Although it was pointed out that the last 3 missions are completed by watching the league (not your team) your pass is associated with, it's still an opportunity for us to improve clarity when you buy it and use it. We released an article that provides more details about Team Pass, but we're learning that some information should be readily available and not tucked away in an article.

To the other comments, the same principle applies. We're hyper-focused on listening and understanding what you like and dislike about the pass to help deliver something better in the future. And when we release that better thing in the future, we'll do the exact same thing: listen and make it better until we're able to consistently deliver something that allows you to have a live-streamed dinner date with your favorite player, sit behind your favorite team on stage while throwing memes and money at them during a match, and slapping your face right in th...

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Hey Unresolute and other friends!

Although it was pointed out that the last 3 missions are completed by watching the league (not your team) your pass is associated with, it's still an opportunity for us to improve clarity when you buy it and use it. We released an article that provides more details about Team Pass, but we're learning that some information should be readily available and not tucked away in an article.

To the other comments, the same principle applies. We're hyper-focused on listening and understanding what you like and dislike about the pass to help deliver something better in the future. And when we release that better thing in the future, we'll do the exact same thing: listen and make it better until we're able to consistently deliver something that allows you to have a live-streamed dinner date with your favorite player, sit behind your favorite team on stage while throwing memes and money at them during a match, and slapping your face right in th...

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Originally posted by 647boom

Of course it’s your bad, don’t you realize? Every Rioter that ever speaks about anything in the game must be 100% certain about every single possible mechanic or interaction that could ever happen, and if you ever make an honest mistake you’ll be exposed to actually know NOTHING about the game.

You are a fool of a Took, Endless, for not realizing this sooner.

I'm glad you know what's up.

14 Jun


Originally posted by spongetheberserk

That was some macro heavy game. I really like it. Also well done from vedius who described really well whats happening on the map and why which team has map control and so on. I enjoyed that game! Ggwp both teams

Thank you, I appreciate it!


Originally posted by TheFatalWound

Q gives me hunting horn vibes (Monster Hunter)

I had played a ton of MH: World prior to taking on this project and was definitely inspired by the way using their big hammer felt, and the things you could do with it. Ditto for other 3rd person action games with heavy weapons that smash things - I was looking for a way to incorporate more of that into LoL, but in the end, it didn't pan out.

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/Reav3 could I ask how come most of Morde's original team was sorta replaced and if it impeded development

It didn't impede development in any way, it was a pretty smooth process. Most of the kit direction was pretty locked when Endless hopped on so it was a easy transition. For Narrative Faux had his narrative personality and high level story already locked as well, so it was just a matter of writing the VO and color text based on that. For Art the high level concept was also already locked down by BravoRay so KindleJack mostly had to just work out all the details


Originally posted by ArachnidVenom

TFT is directly inspired from Dota Auto Chess which was released on January 2019. While the Odyssey animated trailer came out on October 2018, before DAC even came out. So I think it's unlikely that it was teased in the trailer.

We have people coming back from the future at Riot though. Just FYI.


I sincerely hope I will come to the road show. I attended Greek Legends back when the server launched and it's one of my favourite events I've ever attended. <3 Very excited to head back!


Originally posted by Ashtarr

Medic and Vedius improved so much. I used to hate them but I really like listening to them now.

Man I agree, their English has improved so much since they started casting. It's really impressive.


Originally posted by IgotUBro

Cool that the finals also go to EUNE besides usually just rotating through Germany-France-Spain-England

I am wondering a bit why there is the impression that we always go to the same countries or never had shows in Eastern Europe.

Below all cities where we hosted EU LCS & LEC roadshows (not international events like MSI / Worlds & All-Stars):

  • 2014 - London
  • 2015 - Madrid & Stockholm
  • 2016 - Rotterdam & Krakow
  • 2017 - Hamburg & Paris
  • 2018 - Copenhagen & Madrid
  • 2019 - Rotterdam & Athens

In countries: 1x DK, FR, GER, GRE, PL, SWE, UK & 2x NLD, ESP


Originally posted by -Falrein

Oh I had so many questions, but I thought there would be no AMA so I kind of forgot them all...? Well anyway let's see! Mordekaiser and the archetypes he represents aren't my jam, but he's a nicely written character! Although I have some questions...

1/ Mordekaiser looks like this unbeatable character that can't be killed because he's an armor and is probably immuned to damage on the physical plane. But I've always wondered, what happens if one was able to directly attack his soul...?

2/ A question that may have been answered, but many people think that Mordekaiser planned LeBlanc's betrayal in particular. Could you clarify if he planned a betrayal from her in particular, or if he had just planned to be brought down at some point, and didn't expect LeBlanc to betray him? I think that would help a lot!

3/ And finally, the silly question that I love to ask during AMAs, what do you think Mordekaiser would think of Syndra, if he had any opinion?

That'll ...

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I'm not a writer so this isn't the real rules or canon, but in my fantastical imagination, Mordekaiser's spirit is immortal and cannot be hurt, or killed. Ever.