League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Jun


Originally posted by saltytr

I also miss something similar as that guy. What I love most about the super knowledgeable guys is that they show how deep the strategy truly goes and how clever and beautiful some teamplays are. They open the masses eyes to how impressive a good team really is for example and can show why a team that makes no mistakes that are very obvious to even the higher levels of watchers just seem to get smashed.

An example would be something like this video:


So I hope you can appreciate that this is a pre produced content piece and this level of depth in a live environment is naturally harder to replicate. However, I do find value in what you're saying. I'll continue to better my understanding of the game in the hopes that fans like you can get the depth you're looking for without leaving the average viewer confused by what I'm saying.


Originally posted by a_very__bad_time

I'd genuinely love to know if you're looking for more depth than the below example

from what I could tell skipping around a bit that seems very much like what (imo) should be the level of analysis on broadcast. Going more in-depth is not realistic and not something very many people would watch lol

It's hard to say what I miss but I definitely think Deficio/Krepo added another layer to the broadcast, same goes for Amazing more recently, I think he had a lot of opposing view points to the rest of the analysts which made it very enjoyable to watch

I think it's absolutely fine to miss Deficio and Krepo. They were amazing on air personalities and offered so much outside of just their analysis. You shouldn't feel bad for missing them, I guess on my end I just hope missing them doesn't bring others down. Thanks for the feedback. It's much appreciated!


Originally posted by a_very__bad_time

just high level game knowledge and being able to go very in depth on everything, mostly referring to deficio/krepo/amazing etc, all of whom had the benefit of being pro players at one point

why did x team do y, why did x happen, what should team 1 have done to win, etc..

fwiw you're by far the best caster/analyst on broadcast

So again, out of curiosity, would the example I've linked below be the level of depth you're looking for? I don't expect you to listen to the whole thing but find a random timestamp and give it a listen. I'd genuinely love to know if you're looking for more depth than the below example, so please don't interpret this as me being condescending or rude.



Originally posted by Thiroxyne

Unpopular opinion : i really miss having a real analyst on the lec like krepo or deficio that could bring a lot of clarity to whats really happening on top lvl games . I mean the lec team is fun and stuff , but sometimes i really wish deficio didnt sign with origen

Hi there, out of curiosity, what do you define as a real analyst? What exactly is missing from current casting that you wish you had back?

Naturally I take some offense to this when my job is to be an analyst and I was trained by the guy many people love. So I'd really like to know where I'm going wrong.


Originally posted by bz6

Don't you feel they're too gimmicky for Summoners Rift? I understand that you want people to get 'the bang for their buck' but I feel it just doesn't fit on SR.

Not sure yet, and at end of day what players feel trumps what I personally feel. ARAM will hopefully be a useful test of sentiment there too, alongside getting an initial read on combat clarity impact.


Originally posted by a_very__bad_time

the broadcast is sorely missing a top tier analyst

getting Veteran would be amazing, guy knows EU very well

Out of genuine curiosity, what do you define as a top tier analyst? What is it in your eyes that differentiates them for other analysts?


Originally posted by Vesorias

Pretty sure Darius is the kingpin, according to the poster

The city of Demacia Vice definitely has enough room for more than one mob boss. ;)


Originally posted by varmtte

Hi! Dont mind me asking, but is there a specific reason why Xerath hasnt received a skin for so long, even tho his playrate has been good for a long time? Is it an artistic or other kind of challenge? I would be really glad to know, thank you for spending your time with my question.

Whenever we make a skin we’re faced with a lot of difficult choices. Not only what thematic world we want to visit but also what champion to make it for.

There are some champions that have much smaller audiences than others. This means that some skins don’t do as good or a job of “paying the bills” as others.

This all being said, we don’t always choose to min-max for revenue, which is why you skins being made for lower play rate champs like Papercraft Anivia or Darkstar Shaco.

One active effort we do have though, is we’re trying to augment our skins and content pipeline through a variety of means. This is both having more people work on League content but also looking at our tools and processes and trying to find more effective ways of working. The end result, we hope, is that we can create more skins for lower play rate champs per year.


Originally posted by Vintoxicated

Isn't it just ARAM and not SR?

Just ARAM for now. Interested in SR too at some point, but would require we solve for visual noise. Might involve things like them sitting on terrain Swain Raven style or just vanishing entirely when people are in combat.


Originally posted by SummonerKai

Really think so? I'm 28. Lol

Definitely. I know a few Rioters who did complete 180s in terms of career substantially later in life.


Originally posted by GtGraphics

Can you elaborate on what is the difference between the 3 categories? I wasn't able to find that anywhere.

Cat1 = lower seating section close to stage, Cat2 = middle tier behind Cat1 and Cat3 is higher up and far away from stage. You should be able to see a seating map when purchasing tickets.


This is the kind of quality content I open this sub for at 1AM.


Originally posted by Psykeepar

Awesome!!! If I start spamming a champ now will it count towards that Shop?

Your Shop is usually generated a patch or two behind the release date, so starting now probably won't have much impact unfortunately.


Originally posted by SeaChangi

If these ones sell well, I think there should be a spinoff skinline with other champions that might not fit the "vice" thematic (not hunks), but work really well with the retro/neon aesthetic. I'm dying for more skins like this, but none of my mains would actually fit in the "vice" theme :(

We have a similar hope. Will have to wait and see if players globally really enjoy the thematic, if so then we’d be more than happy to expand the world of Demacia Vice.


Originally posted by MemoryStay

Ahri would be nice lol.

Not an uncommon request. Definitely being considered for future visits to the Pool Party theme. :)


Originally posted by nairolka

Y'all need to get in ckntact with Kavinsky for some music for this skin line! Go all out with the Outrun.

Huge Kavinsky fan. Was actually just listening to this mix that has him featured around 30:00-31:00 mins in: https://youtu.be/85bkCmaOh4o


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

I'm assuming with Aracde being the summer event that means we won't be getting Pool Party this year?

No Pool Party on the immediate horizon.