Just to be clear, I don't put either Fnatic or Splyce above Vit, I just don't think the solo lanes of Vit warrant them being a tier above either Splyce or Fnatic. Personally I'd drop all 3 teams somewhere between A and B tier, as all of them have very glaring issues they need to fix. Vitality need to clean up their macro game, Fnatic need to start playing around solo lanes more (when they started their run in the 2nd part of the spring, they started great, but with each game they were shifting towards bot lane more and more, and at one point you'd see Nemesis roaming bot like 3 times pre 10), and Splyce need to be more confident in themselves, and stop relying so much on 90-10 plays, because those are becoming mythical creatures in the current meta, especially since they are GREAT early game team (Xerxe is a monster), something that not a lot of people pay attention to, because of how slow Splyce tend to play their games.
This is fair, I agree with this :)