... But only Q is in the reflection!
This guy gets it
... But only Q is in the reflection!
This guy gets it
I'm hoping Amaz and hafu got invited too.
They did!
Let's do a LOL MMO next please, thanks haha. The Runeterra map would be insane to play through.
Dude.. I know..
What do you mean by more limited?
Our pools of champs are slightly smaller
The reason why it's like that is because you're looking at his reflection in a mirror.
I always saw your posts, and when I picked up Mordekaiser as my project, I thought of you and looked forward to the day we could finally answer "when."
...then I forgot to follow-up when we announced, but I'm glad your time has finally come. I hope you enjoy it :)
gone, but not forgotten :'(
I've seen some people saying "it's just a meme" and OP mentioned "group think" and I could see how memes or the mores of the western communities give the perception of "katana man bad", but I think that players fundamentally engage with League (and other games) differently across the globe.
Another high n survey that we recently ran didn't focus on champions, but rather on core gameplay perceptions that I would have expected would be more universal than champion preferences. We asked a sort of "Goldilocks" question about damage in League of Legends: is damage too low, just right, or too high (the actual question was more specific; also on a 5-point scale).
Taking a look at the results, we saw pretty substantial differences in the perc...
Read moreProbably an important thing to reiterate -- the 6th rank of abilities aren't available until lvl 16.
When looking through data, Udyr reaches lvl 16 in ~ 33% of his games, lvl 17 in ~19% of this games, and lvl 18 in ~10% of his games. So looking at the changes through that lense: in 66% of games Udyr will have a 10% AD ratio nerf at all ranks on Tiger, and a 10-25 damage buff on R, with no other changes to his kit.
In 33% of games, he will be able to add one additional rank into one of his abilities abilities, and in 10% of games Udyr will be able to have 3 abilities at rank 6.
Hoping to remove the uselessness Udyr feels when he's got 5 points in 3 abilities at lvl 15 and feels like he's wasting skill points into a stance he should never use. Probably a lot less WR% power in those last 3 points since they are spent so rarely, and often spent after the game is already decided.
Could I ask what is EndlessPillows will be up for next after Morde?
Probably a new champ, but he is going to take a small vacation after Morde ships
Ould I ask if you found a project for Newmilky yet
yes she is working a new Champion with Jag and Jellybug
That’s the only reason we are launching the mode. Needed an excuse to release Pengu and other Little Legends to the game.
Its actually a tamagotchi digital pet game in disguise??? With autobattler on the side >:D
We're planning to have hotkeys.
Best News I Heard all Day! >:D
space dragon good
Fortnite bad