League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

31 May


Originally posted by Kushnood

I mean, you’ve got mad photoshop skills tho

30 May


Originally posted by IgotUBro

Did riot take a share of the money or got everything donated?

100% of revenue


Originally posted by Angwar

do you know when the skin will roughly reappear as gem stone skin?

Not 100% sure but know it’s on the roadmap. Let me ping and see


Originally posted by Cashmiir

Lol I made this myself after talking to /u/Kushnood to make sure it was okay. It is not in game, unfortunately. But it's on my work PC.

I mean, you’ve got mad photoshop skills tho


Originally posted by yomynameisty

So is this halo just in the splash or also in game?

Lol I made this myself after talking to /u/Kushnood to make sure it was okay. It is not in game, unfortunately. But it's on my work PC.


I’m at this conference now and people are asking, “Wow, how do your players get so engaged?”

My answer: “Oh, they’re not too shy about hiding their opinion...”

Really proud of this community of challenjours


Originally posted by ElmonMordi

If you slow it down, it looks like he was typing "Hail of Blades" on the keyboard.

I don't know why i took the time to figure that out or what I expect you to do with this information, but now you know.

I was definitely typing "hail of blades is the superior rune on reksai"

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheMiddlePoint

All of the champs mentioned need updated, why only choose 2...? and then you out two people on each? get 6 more people and get these old champs fixed

We will get to them all eventually


Originally posted by DestroyerofSoul

No problem! Always glad to report.

Thanks for letting me know I really appreciate that KingCobra

Of course! Also, we just pushed out a micropatch. It should be fixed now!

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by NikolayVStavrogin

Hi Reav3, I'm really glad that you decided to do both. I really love VGU's and Mordekaiser looks epic in PBE.

I was wondering what happened to old reveal pages? Is it gone altogether or it will be back for the next champions and VGU's in the future?

Not sure, that's really up to our publishing team, Champions team doesn't handle that stuff

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by psiho66

Wait so does that mean both will be released at the same time (small timefraim from one another) or insted of 1 champ getting a rework (from this poll) both will get reworked with the same cycle of new champ - rework - new champ ect. with 4 new champs and 3 reworks a year ?

Happy to see fiddle get it, considering I voted for him, but he is also quite bad for todays standards.

They wont be at the same time, whichever one we find a solid direction for first will ship first, with the other following sometime after. Both teams have begun exploration now though

    /u/AzuBK on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by LowEloTrashcrying

I dont like this at all. So if Garen has a 55% win rate in bronze with a high pick rate but 40% win rate in plat+ he needs a nerf?

Disclaimer: I'm not currently on balance, but I am privy to a lot of the discussions surrounding this framework.

If Garen is simultaneously overpowered in Bronze and underpowered in Plat+, that serves as a strong indicator that he needs changes beyond balance, which would be prioritized against other champions in similar situations. So yes, he would get a nerf and be slotted for work to resolve the dramatic imbalance by MMR, as indicated in the following passage from the article:

Translating that understanding into action, our champion balance priorities are to immediately address champions that are overpowered, then address champions that are underpowered across the board, and when those are accounted for, working on making champions balanced across several audiences (for example, in cases where they might only be balanced for one or two audiences).

The initial nerf would also likely be a change that impacts low MMR more than high...

Read more
    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Shyrex

so... Shyvana was second?

Nope, it was still Voli,Fiddle,Shyv, but Fiddle barely beat Shyv in raw votes


Originally posted by [deleted]

But What About...

Skin release buffs and nerfs? It's pretty significant, no? :)

You're going to love the jhin buffs i'm putting in.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by mazrim_lol

I don't think a single reworked champion has kept any point and click cc

Always has to be a gimmick like irelia or taric , not that these arnt fun abilities but they could have gone on new champions not deleting old ones

Ryze did

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by kuroninjaofshadows

I hate bothering you guys with responses, but I have to know this. I have been waiting for nocturne to get a rework since I started playing in season 3, before I understood the game, before I knew what rework meant in this context. Is he still being considered to be reworked in the next couple years?

Yeah all 5 on the list are still being considered for VGUs in the future


Stoked to see this framework being communicated publicly. It's been really exciting to see Repertoire and team developing this project internally, and I've always been a proponent of us sharing more of our data and data decision-making with players to foster discussion and transparency.

Also HUGE SHOUTOUT to Riot Benobo (his name is ben, literally the bonobo of the balance team) for all of his dank data. Whenever you see me discussing data publicly, half the time it's from his internal reports.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Yvaelle

So Shyvana won the popular vote, but you rigged the polls after the election, I see how it is Reav3! /s

But still sad for dragon-girl.

No, Voli still won the popular vote since he was #2 is china, it was just much closer between Shyv, Voli and Fiddle if you just took the raw votes