League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

29 May


Originally posted by Pappy_whack

How is it that this dude makes like no mistakes with all of these? Seriously, they have improved like 15+ champions so far I swear, and all of them have been perfection.

that's awesome to hear - but it's a group of very talented Rioters not just 1 (which I agree would be really hard to do alone!!). Each of them are passionate about making these improvements.


Originally posted by IAmGrza

I am in fact the guy working on fantasy - there will be an update this week

Does Travis not have access to the Commisioner's theme song? This feels like an oversight.


Originally posted by LunaWolve

How did you become a Q/A anaylst at riot? What was your path to get there?

A while back I was living in Boston working on my doctorate degree in structural engineering. I had been living there for a few months and didn't have many friends because a lot of the graduate students I was working with were a lot older than me. Wound up going to a World's viewing party at a local bar to try and make some friends.

There, I met some Rioters that were in town recruiting interns and visiting the local universities. I befriended RiotAugust there and we kept in touch. He came back to visit a couple of times and eventually he encouraged me to apply to the Playtest team.

I decided to go for it, despite being in the middle of grad school, and actually got rejected after my second phone interview. It was a bit disheartening, but I loved what I was doing so I was mostly alright with it.

At some point, I finished my Master's degree and got a nice job offer back in my home state so I stopped pursuing the doctorate and moved back home with my Master...

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Since spectator has a bunch of its own visibility rules, the death realm is a big visibility system puzzle, and engineering bandwidth was tight, we decided not to do a spectator-facing version of "seeing into" the death realm. So spectator will always show Summoner's Rift. The spectator will see a ghostly version of whoever's in the death realm. This is not the same as the wisps that players in Summoner's Rift see. The spectator ghosts will animate, cast spells, and you can see the effects from those spells. Whereas the wisps that players in SR see just move around (so you can position appropriately).


Originally posted by axis-

This is really cool that riot lets you use their resources to better hone your skills. As a QA analyst were you familiar with scripting prior, or are you learning as you go? What do you see yourself doing with the info you learn from this project?

I already had some experience scripting from my past career/grad school (structural engineer!) and so I mostly understand the concepts just have to relearn how to apply them. A lot of what I've learned is self taught, but I have had a lot of mentoring/help from the designers here. :)

There's a number of things I'm trying to get out of this project, but most relevant to what I do: By improving my understanding of how we make champions and whatnot, I believe I'll be able to better triage/investigate bugs, potentially be able to fix some of them myself, better understand the riskiness of something we're making (how likely it will cause something to break for example), etc.


Originally posted by Savant_PSU

Thanks for the response. Don’t take the title too harshly, I may have made it a bit more clickbaity than needed.

  • Glad to hear about the knockback increase. Interesting to see how things have changed, I always remembered how Orianna’s ult would pull champs a flat distance from their original location, sometimes throwing enemies in the center to further from the ball than they were originally. Anything that makes it clearly feel like a knockback rather than a knockup is fine by me. Do you know if that increase to 500 units will ship to PBE so we can test it out?

Edit: Apparently the increase mentioned above is already on PBE, but isn’t large enough the be noticeable. Still major problems with this.

  • I’m a little disappointed about losing blob generation while fighting a single champ or while hitting non-champs, since that was one of the major gripes after the rework was not being useful enough outside of teamfights...
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I’ll try to get a video of the animation bug. I was able to reproduce it on the practice tool by spamming flash during the ult, but maybe it’s only reproducible if you flash multiple times during the

  • Knockback should be in there already, I added it sometime last week I think? And I made a mistake, its 400 units, which is still an increase in 100 units from what was on PBE initially, and still larger than the AoE size of the ult itself by 100.
  • Putting it in the description makes a bunch of sense, since it's like that for the E too. I'll probably do that, but it wont make it until 9.12.
  • If you do find the repro for the anim, let me know!

Thanks for writing back!


Heyo, I'm Riot Maxw3ll, the designer responsible for the Zac Revert. Figured I should go through this point by point to hopefully clear some stuff up.

Knockback Distance:

  • The old Zac ult had a flat knockback distance that counted from their position. The way we tend to do knockbacks nowadays is to count it from character center, ie, Zac's position. This means that whether you're next to Zac or on the edge, you'll get knocked to the same point 500 units away. This helps with understanding where your target will be when they land. I have increased the knockback distance from what it started as on PBE, so you should notice some difference and you should always get knocked back at least some distance.

Number of Blobs:

  • This one I did change to match the E paradigm, as essentially what it does now is drop 1 blob per champion hit. This rewards a Zac who gets a huge ult off, as well as encourages players to move around in a fight and ...
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Originally posted by DyslexicBrad

Thanks for chiming in August, glad to hear you hear the community's feelings

"Chiming" in.

I see what you did there


I share the worry that her power curve is currently too sharp. Have been working on a changelist that fiddles with things to give her more options in lane at the expense of late-game power. Will put it on PBE to collect feedback once I'm confident it's in the right direction. There's a difference between being weak in lane while still having things to do and being so weak that there's nothing to do except farm Klepto procs.

No guarantee that anything changes (I'm not shipping anything that isn't a clear improvement to the champion), but your concerns are heard and being thought about.

28 May


United we stand. United we fall.


Originally posted by yoryolite

Slay the spire is the game I choose!

Love that game.


Originally posted by StopPickingRyze

It's weird that this doesn't show up on Twitch page itself.

You should be able to see it in two places.

here: https://twitch.amazon.com/prime/loot/leagueoflegends

here: https://www.twitch.tv/prime


Originally posted by _Badgers

my favourite part about accounts like yours is when they blind pick their tried and tested turbofeed irelia instead of playing a champion they can win games with like maybe at some point you just have to accept that being good at irelia is not your destiny



Originally posted by Skeletoonz

I got Battle Academy Ezreal, which I already own, so I just refunded the Ez and used the skin shard. Free 1820rp :D

Damn that's some value.


Originally posted by Riot_Riscx

Do you see this /u/WizardCrab

I see this!


Originally posted by RiotXenogenic

Good, if you ask me. }:)

j/k I love cats and I love Yuumi


Originally posted by Koringvias

That's fair, but oh shit that is going to kill Yuumi's quite consistently.

Good, if you ask me. }:)