League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

31 May


Originally posted by bz6

It doesn’t really matter at this point. It’s too stripped down to even be considered unique. No progressing through different tier brackets and that feeling of needing the win to progress through tiers and earn your spot is gone as well. Might as well play flex 😂😂

So the progression through an 8 team bracket doesn't feel competitive/rewarding enough? Would larger brackets make it feel better or is it strictly the sense of winning one day and progressing to the next that is missing for you? This is only are current approach but we are always opening to hearing about what might be missing.


Originally posted by lukicacro

Does anyone have the notes for that cho'gath theme? I play a clarinet a bit and I would really like to try to play it

I can reach out to see if it's okay to share them, but I don't see why not! Give me a few hours to get a response. :D

Edit: Hey! We don't have it released yet but it might come out the next time we do a sheet music dump. Until then we have this: https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2018/07/dev-forging-melodies/


Originally posted by IgotUBro

At this point wouldnt it be better to program a new client that is only for clash and dedicated servers for the mode only?

Dedicated servers doesn't really fix the problem either. This is why we have decided to alter the design in a way that allows for a more consistent starting of games. Even with dedicated servers, if we try and start too many games at once, it just doesn't work. With this new approach the amount of game starts is much smoother over a longer period and the hope is that makes it much more reliable.

Originally posted by Astera12345

I mean it depends. Sure 140 AP is a lot but getting Yuumi to reach around 700 AP is almost impossible unless she takes every kill..

I've gotten 1300 AP on her : ^ )

That wasn't even with a veigar

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Originally posted by IMainStashusAssassin

CertainlyT's champ was picked up by Stashu?? Now THAT is confirmation the assassin is going to be majorly interesting.

No the Assassin was worked on by Stashu 100% The Champ CertainlyT was working on is much further down the road and Stashu kind of picked it up and will finish it, but CT got most of the core pattern locked down before he went to help out on another team on LoL.


Originally posted by dahyunxsana

are there actually people who thinks clash will happen? LOL

I am a firm believer.


Originally posted by Th3GingerHitman

Once locked in, your team will get placed into a bracket as soon as one is available, and the games will begin.

Ranked 5's back confirmed? lol

Confirmed, windowed, tiered, one-day Ranked 5's is back. We did it.


Originally posted by ShinyPachirisu

How completely f**ked is the back end of the new client? Like they said they built it to make new additions to the client easier. What the f**k is going on? A "simple" bracket based tournament shouldn't take a multi-billion dollar company over 3 years to develop.

Edit: it's not the client, pitchforks down

It has less to do with the client and much more to do with that many many systems that are connected to make Clash the experience we want it to be. Unfortunately there isn't one silver bullet to fix the whole thing (we looked really hard for a silver bullet) so we had to make lots and lots and lots of little changes.


Originally posted by MisterFreek

I’m sure they’ve thought of this, but why don’t they do graduated start times for each tier?

We had the same idea so the different tiers will start at slightly different times. :D


Originally posted by CaptainBananaEu

Lmao at the dude that posted his complaint like an hour before they released the update


A man sits at his desk. He sees a Reddit post with 300 upvotes

REDDIT: gib clash blog

The man’s eyes bulge out of his head. He begins smashing objects off his desk, then rapidly writes a 1,000 word Nexus post.

RIOTER: ez ggs


Originally posted by Angwar

do you know when the skin will roughly reappear as gem stone skin?

Currently slated to appear in In gem shop starting in patch 9.14.


Originally posted by Vegathron

thats a bit rough considering even malzahar ult once QSSd atleast deals damage. this will literally delete mordes ult on a similar c/d and give him some stats for like 0.5 of a second. not sure if i like or not

Morde gets to keep the stats for the regular ult duration even if it's been QSS'd


Originally posted by Aotoi

It was confirmed by a rioter in the mirde discord that qss/oranges etc can removed morde ulti at any point. EDIT: Cleanse doesn't work! My bad.

To clarify, cleanse does not remove Morde ult, only QSS does


Originally posted by Theviktator

kushnood(Riven) Riot - Alive

kushnood(Riven) Riot - Alive

kushnood(Riven) Riot - Alive

kushnood(Riven) Riot - Alive

Were you in my last game?


Originally posted by ohanse

Genuinely curious - what does "gaming the honor system" look like?

I have smoothbrain and can't think beyond the example of someone not being "genuine" in their positive conduct. And I'm like "I'd rather have someone fake being nice in my game versus a really sincerely delivered toxic flaming. Like I can really tell that for this 30 minutes, they truly hated me XD."

Well, that probably means we did a good job! As we were testing early iterations of the system we would actually ask the players how they would imagine gaming the system. One sign that we were in a good spot is when most of our answers are what you said.

However, when you first start looking at the problem you might do some really obvious stuff like directly reward people for giving honor, give players flat BE for each honor they get, or give really exclusive and desirable content at high levels. Because people respond to incentive, right? If you go too far you would start seeing things like begging for honor, boosting, honor trading, players threatening to report you if you don't honor them, etc. There's a lot of stuff that is counter-intuitive that we do to reduce the potential for people to game the system. Like we don't tell you who gave you each honor, even though on the surface you would think that would help promote closer bonds between players.

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Originally posted by Akaliholic

Is this currently the release date?

assassin>pantheon>adc(Aphelios, hehe)>voli or fiddle>certainlyT's champ

CertainlyT is currently helping on another team and Stashu has taken over that project.


Originally posted by NocaNoha

I am really sad that the login screen of this skin was up for like.. maybe half a day?
It is truly a piece of epic music

Could easily imagine a cinematic with this running in the background but those 6.1 million are even better

Fun fact: Bryan, the player who designed the skin, is the one playing clarinet on this piece.


Originally posted by ohanse

There's a case study in Dan Ariely's "Predictably Irrational" that I think applies here.

There was a day care that started imposing fines on parents being late to pick up their kids. What ended up happening is that once the daycare put a price tag on this behavior, parents were making choices on whether or not they thought the fee was worth the convenience. So they started picking up the kids later and giving the daycare money for the "privilege." The implementation backfired on them.

The comparison is that Riot's gone ahead and put a pricetag on "honorable conduct." It's 200 BE and a couple of key fragments per honor level. If that's the only benefit, why strive for Honor 5? May as well just keep your toxicity levels above permaban or chat restrict territory and not worry about it. You're only missing out on a grand total of 1000 BE and, what, 3 chests in total?

I'm a big fan for Dan Ariely's work! This case study is why we don't do some obvious stuff like give you BE/keyfrags at the end of game screen for every honor you get, which is more analogous to the study. The way we give honor rewards is meant to lower the risk of this outcome, for example: we recognize your sportsmanlike play on login with key frags and orbs so that currency rewards aren't as directly tied to the game you played. We were conservative with the rewards we gave out (and how we gave them) so that they don't subvert the intrinsic motivation to play well in a team. Our decisions were based on best practices derived from behavioral economics studies.

These posts kinda validate that we've avoided one of the big risks of the system: the rewards are too significant and players change their behavior to try to get them (which then leads to really negative effects from people trying to game the system). The purpose of honor is to highlight that playing well with your ...

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Originally posted by QMighty97

Will there still be Champion Roadmaps during Voli and fiddle's development or are we just gonna get the update blogs for them since the roadmaps won't be announcing anything but teasers for new champs?

There will be but it will probably be awhile until the next roadmap since Fiddle and Voli are already announced and will be covered in the devblogs. Next Roadmap probably wont be until after the non traditional Marksmen